After listening to Ye Feng's question, Li Weisi immediately pondered for a long time. He didn't speak any more, and he closed his eyes slightly. It was obvious that he had regained his old posture that a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water. He was ready to say nothing.

Ye Feng see Li Weisi so, eyebrow can't help a wrinkle, thousand color bee at this time but ask Ye Feng way, "he is still hiding things?"

Ye Feng also pondered at this time. After staring at Li Weisi for a moment, he said coldly, "Li Weisi, after we met, I don't want to do too much about some things, but if you are like this, there are many ways I can make you speak. Do you want to try the same?"

Li Weisi then slightly opened his eyes, staring at Ye Feng for a moment, immediately laughed out, and at the same time, his mouth is oozing blood.

Ye Feng immediately realized that Li Weisi might have killed himself by biting his tongue. He immediately went up and pressed Li Weisi's head with one hand and grabbed Li Weisi's mouth with the other.

Ye Feng pinches Li Weisi's mouth hand, immediately starts to put another hand into his mouth, wants to knock Li Weisi's mouth.

However, Levis still closed his mouth tightly. His eyes were staring at Ye Feng. His throat seemed to be swallowing something. I'm afraid it was his tongue that he bit off.

Diana and qianse bee both looked at Levis, especially Diana. They were puzzled when they looked at Levis.

To tell you the truth, Levis is the murderer of her father. It is reasonable to say that she would like Levis to die most, but if she really wants to kill him by herself, she really can't do it.

And at this time to see Levis this way to die, can't help but heart is also a Lin, and feel particularly shocked, after all, she has never seen someone is so suicidal.

Ye Feng pinches Li Weisi's chin hard at this time, and then twists his hands. Suddenly, Li Weisi's chin is dislocated, and he can't use his strength at all.

Ye Feng just broke off Li Weisi's mouth and put out his hand to buckle his tongue. When his hand touched Li Weisi's tongue, he was sure that the goods had really broken his tongue.

Ye Feng didn't expect that Li Weisi was so cruel and dared to commit suicide. He didn't think much about it. He continued to dig his fingers down, which made Li Weisi's throat nauseous.

Ye Feng immediately turns Li Weisi over and makes him lie on the bed and continue to pick his throat. After a bout of nausea, Li Weisi immediately vomits something out.

Ye Feng immediately took out Li Weisi's tongue, and a pool of blood in Li Weisi's mouth continued to flow out. Ye Feng then said to qianse bee, "let's find an external medicine to stop bleeding!"

The thousand color bee hears a speech to be stunned, he is looking at Li Weisi's miserable state, listen to Ye Feng so say, immediately complexion move, immediately nod to leave to look for the servant of villa.

Diana also looked at Levi's tongue in a dazed way, and her mouth opened. When she saw that Ye Feng was on the bedside table, Levi's tongue made her feel sick.

Charlie was also shocked at this time. He didn't expect that Levis would be like this. At this time, he yelled to Levis, "are you crazy?"

At this time, Levis turned over and looked at Ye Feng with a smile on his face. Although he is not dead, he has no tongue, and his chin is dislocated. He can't speak at all.

Ye Feng took the tissue to wipe the blood in his hand and looked at Li Weisi. At this time, he said coldly, "you don't want to say that you don't have to hurt yourself, do you?"

Levi's face is still almost crazy smile, silent looking at Ye Feng, look at the eyes have been completely desperate, a little desire to survive seems to have no.

Ye Feng see so, know Li Weisi this is a heart to die, there is no longer any hope to live.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng walked over and sat on the side of Li Weisi, then lifted his hand to fix Li Weisi's chin, lit a cigarette and stuffed it into Li Weisi's mouth.

Li Weisi bit his cigarette and took two deep breaths. Then he heard Ye Feng say, "it seems that you are determined to die!"

Reeves continued to smoke cigarettes, just looking at Ye Feng, a pair of eyes gradually become empty.

At this time, Ye Feng also lit a cigarette. After a puff, he said to Li Weisi, "give me a cigarette time. I'll send you on the road after I finish smoking this cigarette!"

Li Wei Si listens to Ye Feng to say so, immediately looks at Ye Feng, in the eyes unexpectedly fills a trace of gratitude.

But Diana looked at Ye Feng and said, "aren't you asking qianse bee to find medicine to save him? Why do you have to send him on the road? "

Ye Feng then said to Diana, "don't you see that he doesn't want to live at all? Besides, he has lost his tongue, and he can't speak any more. We can't ask him anything... "

Diana said immediately, "he still has hands. He can write..."

But Ye Feng immediately said to Diana, "a person has been determined to die. What do you think he will write?"

When Diana heard this, she was stunned. She looked at Ye Feng and Li Weisi for a moment. Finally, she sighed and went to one side to sit on the sofa.At this time, Levis was smoking a cigarette. The cigarette holder was full of blood, but he knew that it was the last cigarette in his life, so he smoked very much, and even completely forgot the pain in his mouth.

At this time, Ye Feng saw that Li Weisi had finished smoking a cigarette. He quickly reached for the cigarette butt and threw it away, and one of his cigarettes was almost finished.

After waiting for Ye Feng to finish smoking, he snuffed out his cigarette, then stood up and looked at Li Weisi and said, "is there anything else to explain?"

Levis shook his head slightly, then closed his eyes and stopped moving.

Ye Feng took a deep breath, then went to pick up the sheet, and said, "I'll take you on the road!"

Levis nodded again, but the white sheets on his face were rolling up and down. These were the last breath he could breathe.

At this time, Ye Feng covered his mouth and nose with one hand, held his neck with the other hand, and said, "I'll see you next life, Li Wei!" With that, he twisted his neck.

But listen to Li Weisi's neck click, Ye Feng has released his hand, and Li Weisi on the bed has been motionless, the white sheet on his face has no movement.

Diana couldn't help but stand up at this time. Charlie was also staring at Levis, who was motionless on the bed, with a twinge of fear in his heart.

And Ye Feng opened the sheet at this time, but saw that Li Weisi had closed his eyes, and the blood in his mouth was still flowing out.

Ye Feng wiped his mouth clean with the bed sheet. At this time, the thousand color bee came running with the medicine and said to Ye Feng, "the medicine is coming..."

Said to see Ye Feng did not reply, just standing at the bedside looking at Li Weisi, and Li Weisi has been motionless in bed.

The thousand color bee's face couldn't help but move, and walked toward the bed in a dazed way, and murmured, "am I late?"

Diana then said to the thousand color bee, "no, Satan sent him on the road!"

As soon as qianse bee heard this, she was stunned. However, when she saw that Levis was leaving, she seemed to think that she knew something. She immediately put down her medicine, nodded and said nothing more.

Ye Feng then looked back at Diana and said, "now the murderer who killed your father has already formed a formation. There should be no problem..."

But Diana said to Ye Feng, "but you just said that. What else did he hide?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I think what he concealed has nothing to do with you and your father's death. If I guess correctly, it should be the part that has something to do with me!"

Diana could not help but move when she heard the words. She looked at Ye Feng and said, "is it about you? And you killed him? "

Ye Feng is a new point on the flue, "a person who does not want to live, is to ask what to come!"

Diana heard the words for a while, and looked at Levis on the bed in a dazed way. She thought for a while, yes, now that the murderer who killed her father has got the array, what else do you think?

Thinking of this, Diana immediately looked at Charlie and said, "no, the murderer who killed my father hasn't got the array yet..."

As soon as Charlie heard this, his heart suddenly moved, and he immediately said to Diana, "Hendry is just a professional killer. He collects money and does business, and Levis is the mastermind!"

Although Diana also understands this truth, it's just like Hendry is a knife to kill people. It's Levis who really holds the knife. Now that Levis is dead, it should be the end of the matter.

But after all, Hendry is a person, not a knife, so Diana is still a little uncomfortable.

Ye Feng shrugged at this time and said, "anyway, this matter has come to an end. You'd better deal with your father's affairs first."

When Diana heard this, she came back to herself and said in her heart, "yes, my father is dead. It's time for me to let him live in peace.".

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