Everything seems to be so calm to solve, calm some beyond everyone's expectation, Diana was also ruthless to revenge for her father.

But seeing that Levis actually died this way, and died in Ye Feng's hands, her heart suddenly surged with a sense of loss.

As if before because of his father's death, and in the heart of that breath, seems to be completely relaxed in this moment.

Feeling that Diana's face was not right, qianse bee immediately went to help Diana and said, "is that ok?"

Diana shook her head, then went to the sofa and sat down, when suddenly there was a ring in the room.

Everyone looked at their mobile phones, and finally found that it was flamencourt's mobile phone at the head of the bed ringing.

Ye Feng took a look, then handed it to Diana and said, "it should be your father's men!"

Diana took the cell phone and hesitated to look at it. She felt sad that her father was gone and someone was still contacting him.

Thinking of Diana, after taking a deep breath, she immediately connected the phone, but she didn't say anything, so a man's voice came from the phone and said, "flamencourt, cruise is dead!"

Diana said faintly, "this matter has been known!"

As soon as the other party heard Diana's voice, they also asked suspiciously, "are you Diana

When Diana answered, she said, "where's flamencourt? Let him answer the phone. There's something wrong with the group... "

Diana managed to hold back her tears and took a deep breath before she said, "father, she I've already passed away... "

On hearing this, the other party was stunned, "what?" She didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, she said, "when did it happen?"

Diana immediately said, "it happened more than an hour ago..."

After pondering for a while, the other side also took a deep breath and said, "it's been more than an hour, why haven't you said it now Forget it, Diana. Listen to me Forget it. You wait at the villa. I'll be there in a minute. I'll tell you face to face... "

After saying this, the other party hung up directly. Diana looked at her mobile phone in a daze, then shrugged her shoulders and said, "what did he say to me..."

Ye Feng can't help asking, "who is it, do you know?"

Diana nodded and said, "it's also from my father's group. It's Musk ~"

Charlie frowned and said, "Musk? What's this old guy doing here at this time? Obviously, it was when flamencourt died that he was the first one to come and try to control the field

Ye Feng's heart is also moving when he hears the speech. It seems that the internal fight drama of the group left by flamencourt is really going to be staged from this moment.

Charlie immediately said to Diana, "Diana, as long as you don't pursue Hendry, I'll always be on your side!"

Diana couldn't help looking up at Charlie. After a long hesitation, she didn't speak.

Ye Feng said at this time, "now musk knows, and then gradually the whole group will know the news. It's impossible to prevent it!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to Diana, "instead of letting musk alone to control the situation, you'd better call one by one to send out the news of your father's death and let everyone come!"

Diana immediately said, "it's too confusing for me to come here alone. Let them all come here. No more confusion?"

Thousand color bee fully understood Ye Feng's meaning, and immediately said to Diana, "Satan is right. A musk is coming. If he has a little bit of ingenuity, he will not send out the news. Only after he has controlled you, will he consider spreading the news. So you call other people over and let them know that although chaos may be chaotic, it is in reality At least one party won't watch the other party hold you hostage. "

Ye Feng didn't wait for the thousand color bee to finish, but also nodded to Diana, "and before I was hiding a force around here, I think it should be around, you don't have to worry about that!"

As soon as qianse bee heard this, he immediately said, "those people in the barracks?"

Ye Feng then nodded and said, "last time I asked them to help me save flamencourt. After that, the matter has been solved. They haven't dispersed yet. I think they are still nearby!"

The thousand color bee immediately nodded and said, "I'm going to look for it now..."

Ye Feng nodded to the thousand color bee and said, "OK, you let them all come here, surround the villa, and send someone to handle the door!"

Diana could not help frowning and said, "that would let them know that we have a heavy guard here?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "just let them know that you are ready, so they can't act rashly..."Diana thought for a while and then said, "no, let the soldiers hide nearby. I don't want to have a showdown with them, just let them show their nature..."

Ye Feng frowned and stared at Diana, but saw that Diana's eyes began to turn cold, and her voice was even colder. "When my father was still there, they didn't dare to do anything. I also wanted to see how they bullied me when my father was gone!"

Diana then took a deep breath and said, "I just want them to show their true colors. I don't have to be the same as before. My uncle is long and my uncle is short At the critical moment, we are using the army. If we can't, we will catch all of them. "

Ye Feng's heart was awed at Diana's words, and Qian se Feng couldn't help looking at Diana. After a while, he looked at Ye Feng, as if he was asking for his meaning.

Ye Feng takes a deep breath and nods to qianse bee, which means to let her do what Diana wants.

Thousand color bee hesitated to look at Ye Feng, see Ye Feng nodded to himself again, this just nodded to Ye Feng, then left in a hurry.

Charlie then walked up to Diana and said again, "Diana, if you don't forgive Hendry, you'll kill me and I'll pay for his life..."

Diana took a look at Charlie and said coldly, "Hendry is the direct murderer of my father anyway. Do you really expect me to forgive him?"

Charlie immediately said to Diana, "as long as you can forgive him, let me do anything!"

Diana looked at Charlie thoughtfully for a while. After a while, she nodded and said, "OK, I can promise you, but you said it yourself. Anything I want you to do?"

Charlie immediately nodded his head and put his hand on his chest. He raised his hand and swore, "I swear to God..."

Diana nodded contentedly and said, "well, since you said that, I'll forgive Hendry, but remember what you said today. If you break your promise, I'll not only kill Hendry, but also you! But I won't let you die together. I will scatter your ashes in the sea and the ashes of Hendry in the crater So that you will never be together.... "

When Charlie heard this, he couldn't help looking at Diana. After a long time, he nodded and gritted his teeth. "Well, I'll never break my promise. Come on, what do you want me to do?"

Diana said faintly, "I don't have specific things for you to do. I only want your lifelong loyalty. If you are loyal to me, you will do the right thing at the critical moment!"

After hearing this, Charlie nodded and said, "well, I'll be loyal to miss Diana all my life..."

Diana nodded with satisfaction and said, "I hope you remember what you're saying now!"

Charlie nodded, did not say anything, and Ye Feng stood on the side to witness everything, his heart can not help but a Lin, Diana's words, almost will Charlie has been pinched to death.

However, Ye Feng also knows that Charlie is not afraid of Diana, but worried that he is standing on Diana's side. If he does it himself, Hendry will surely die, so he can only compromise.

And Diana should also fully understand the reason why Charlie is afraid of him, relying on what she won't say, so she has no fear.

Finally, Ye Feng sighs and doesn't touch Diana. After all, she will leave in three days. She is the only one who will protect Diana.

Only when Diana has a firm position in the group's transaction, can Diana really rest easy.

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