At this time, Ye Feng asked Charlie to deal with Levis' body, and then asked Charlie to move flamencourt's body to bed, wipe the blood and brain off his face, and put on a proper dress for him.

Seeing flamencordo lying on the bed, Diana can't help reddening her eyes. Soon the thousand color bee came back and said to Ye Feng, "the soldiers are in place. They are all around the villa. With a single order, they can encircle the villa in three minutes."

Ye Feng nodded, then looked at Diana and said, "I don't know what do you think?"

Diana just nodded slightly and said nothing. After about a quarter of an hour, she heard a sound of footstep outside the door. Then she saw several people at the door.

Among them, the first is a middle-aged man in his fifties, who is very eye-catching at a glance. Behind him, there are several big men in black who guard the door.

Diana took a look at the people outside the door, and her heart moved. But she also knew that it was the way cruise had to deal with her father, flamencourt, to put herself under house arrest.

Charlie then said, "what do you mean, musk?"

Musk frowned. "What do you mean? I don't even know what you mean? "

Charlie said at once, "what do these big men outside your door do?"

Musk immediately said, "cruise is said to have been shot and flamencourt died. Now Diana is the only one left. Of course, I have to bring some people to protect her. In case of Diana's another mistake, how can we stand flamencourt's spirit?"

Charlie immediately cold hum a way, "I think you bring more than so many people?"

But musk nodded his head and said, "yes, I've brought more than 20 people, and I've already taken the villa They've all been protected. Make sure they're safe! "

Charlie smell speech but sneer way, "you this is to protect Diana of, still hold Diana of?"

Musk frowned and stared at Charlie. "Of course I'm here to protect Diana, and Haven't you been expelled from the group? Where are you going to cut in here... "

Diana then said to musk, "Uncle musk really has a heart..."

Musk immediately took Diana's hand, patted it comfortingly and said, "Diana, don't worry. With me here, no one can touch your hair!"

With that, musk immediately went to the bed to see flamencourt. He saw a bullet hole in flamencourt's eyebrow, and his face moved slightly.

After staring at flamencourt for a long time, musk immediately clenched his fist and said angrily, "who did this?"

Then musk immediately said to Diana, "Diana, don't worry, no matter who did it, he is the public enemy of our whole group..."

Charlie then said to musk, "when did you start representing the whole group? Besides, since it's the whole group, why don't you see other people coming, just you... "

Musk looked at Charlie with a slightly changed face and said, "I'm worried about Diana's safety, so I came here in a hurry. I haven't informed anyone in a hurry..."

Diana then said, "I've informed the other uncles..."

Musk looked at Diana and said, "did you inform the others?"

Diana just looked at musk and said, "my father died. I told you an hour later about such a big thing. You'd have a problem. If I didn't tell other uncles, they would have a problem as well as you!"

Musk nodded when he heard the words, but his heart moved and his eyes turned. But he was glad that he was the first one to come here. It was unrealistic for Diana not to tell anyone.

Now I have the opportunity to control this side, and everything will be easy to do.

Thinking of this, musk immediately said to Diana, "Diana, don't worry. I'll take care of the affairs after flamencourt's death. I'll make sure it's very beautiful. After all, flamencourt was a man of honor in Michoacan before he died, and he can't be humble after he died!"

But Diana nodded and said, "OK..." He said, but then he changed his way, "I'm a little girl. I don't know anything. Everything depends on Uncle musk and other uncles Let's talk about it then! "

Musk frowned when he heard the speech, and immediately said, "if there are too many people, there will be too many ideas and too many hands. It's not easy to do things at that time. It's better to leave it to me to take full responsibility. As you know, my distant brother's family is engaged in the funeral industry. I'm sure I won't let you down..."

Charlie immediately said to musk, "Miss Diana has already said that you should discuss it with other uncles..."

Musk immediately glared at Charlie and said, "I'm talking to Diana. When is it your turn for an outsider to interrupt?"

Charlie shrugged, lit a cigarette, looked at it and said nothing.Diana then stood up, moved her body for a while, and said, "when other uncles arrive, you can discuss it. After all, I don't count, you don't count! We still need to brainstorm. "

Musk frowned and took a deep breath. Knowing that he could not refute anything, he had to shrug his shoulders and said, "well, let's wait for them to come together."

As he spoke, musk sat down on the sofa on one side and lit a cigarette. At this time, he noticed that Ye Feng was staring at himself. He couldn't help looking at Ye Feng more.

When flamencourt was held here by Cruise before, he didn't come because he received information that other people visiting flamencourt here were held by Cruise, so he didn't see Ye Feng.

After about half an hour, a man in black came to the door and said to musk, "boss, many cars are coming in..."

Musk frowned and immediately got up and said, "who?"

The man in Black said immediately, "it's York and them..."

Musk immediately snorted, "this old guy is not slow..." Then he immediately said to the door, "let me have a look with you..."

Diana got up and said, "is it uncle York? I'll go with you to meet him

While she was talking, Diana had already come to the door. The two men who didn't want to go outside immediately reached out to stop Diana and didn't let her go out.

Diana frowned, then turned to musk and said, "Uncle musk, what do you mean?"

Seeing this, Charlie rushed over and pushed away the two men in black who were standing in the door. He angrily scolded musk, "do you want to house arrest the first lady?"

Musk shrugged his shoulders and said, "when they come here, I tell them that no one is allowed to go in and out at will To protect the safety of the first lady at all times They may be wrong... "

But he didn't scold the two men in black, but he said to Diana, "but I also think Diana, you'd better stay here. After all, who killed cruise and your father? It's still uncertain. If your father's body is not cold, and you have any accident, how can I afford it?"

Diana frowned slightly and said, "it's uncle York. What's the problem?"

Musk immediately said, "York and your father have been arguing about his retirement. Who knows if he has a grudge against your father for this? It's necessary to guard against others... "

Charlie immediately denounced musk and said, "I think you are the one who should be prevented most..."

Diana nodded and said, "well, you can pick up uncle York for me."

Musk frowned slightly at Diana's obedience, then nodded and said, "OK, I'll be right with you."

With that, musk walked out of the room and winked at the men who were guarding the door. The men immediately reached over and closed the door.

As soon as the door closed, Charlie sneered, "this musk, you want to play Cruise's game!"

Diana then sat down on the sofa and asked Charlie to give her the first cigarette. After lighting it, she said coldly, "unfortunately, I'm not my father, and I still have you!"

Then Diana looked at Ye Feng, who was silent all the time, and asked, "you're helping me, aren't you?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and took a noncommittal look at Diana, then said faintly, "in fact, you already have a plan in your heart. You don't need anyone's help at all!"

But Diana said, "people gather firewood and the flame is high. A hero needs three more helpers. I'm confident with you by my side!"

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