Ye Feng didn't say anything. He didn't want to give Diana any promise. After all, he just stayed here for three days and left. Now he gave Diana hope. If he couldn't do it, it would make Diana even more disappointed.

Another important reason is that Ye Feng doesn't want to deal with the internal problems of other people's groups, and he has a lot of things to do. There's no need to hold him back for these things.

As a matter of fact, Ye Feng has been stuck here for a long time, so this time he set a three-day time. He didn't want to stay any longer. As soon as the time arrived, he left immediately.

After a while, musk came back, but she didn't see anyone else behind him. Diana frowned and said, "where's uncle York?"

Musk shrugged his shoulders and said, "Oh, I told him to go back first. I'll just watch over here now..."

Diana frowned when she heard that Charlie was about to speak, but Diana looked back.

Musk immediately explained to Diana, "this is an extraordinary period. You need absolute safety. Flamencourt is gone. If you have another problem, our group will be finished. Diana, I'm also thinking about you!"

Just then, without waiting for Diana to respond, a voice came from the window and said, "Diana, are you in the villa? Are you safe? "

As soon as Diana heard this, she could not help frowning. She was about to walk to the window. She had already recognized that it was York who was shouting out of the window.

But before Diana passed by, musk immediately went to the window, closed the window, drew the curtain, then turned to Diana and said, "it's an extraordinary moment. Cruise was shot and killed from the window, so be careful!"

Charlie originally wanted to say something, but what he wanted to say before was stopped by Diana group, so he just held back and didn't say anything.

Diana's face just moved and she didn't say much.

At this time, musk took a look at Ye Feng and qianse Feng and said, "you two should not be in the group, nor are you servants on this side of the villa?"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow slightly move, haven't spoken, musk immediately toward Ye Feng and thousand color bee way, "here don't allow others to wait, you also hurry to go!"

The thousand color bee hears speech and immediately steps forward a path, "what miscellaneous people, I see you are miscellaneous people!"

Musk frowned slightly, looked at the thousand color bee and asked Diana, "Diana, are these two your friends? Let them go home as soon as possible. Now the situation is... "

Diana immediately said to musk, "they are my friends. They will stay here to help me deal with my father's affairs. They won't leave until my father is buried!"

But musk frowned and said, "what do they do with flamencourt? Didn't I say that I'll deal with this... "

Diana looked at musk and said, "I said, they stay here to deal with my father's death. Don't you understand what I'm saying?"

Musk couldn't help looking at Diana in amazement. He had never seen Diana speak to herself in such a tone. Moreover, her eyes were full of firmness and fortitude, which were completely different from those before.

Musk wanted to frighten Diana, but he didn't know why. He felt a little guilty when Diana looked at him like this, and finally he nodded, "let them stay!"

With that, musk didn't say anything more. He walked towards the door. When he passed by Ye Feng and qianse Feng, he glanced at them subconsciously, and then he passed.

As soon as she walked out of the door and turned around, musk clenched her fist. Diana dared to look at herself and talk to herself in this way.

Musk's eyes became colder and colder, and he said in his heart, Diana, when she has the overall situation, will be the first to take her.

Charlie said to Diana in the room, "why don't you let me pick him up? This old thing, more and more obvious, actually drove York away! He obviously wants to control here! "

But Diana said to Charlie, "if you want to deal with him now, he hasn't made any mistakes. What are you using to deal with him? The more like he is now, the more people he will offend. At that time, those people may not be our friends, but they must be Musk's enemies! "

As soon as Charlie heard this, he was stunned. He looked at Diana for a long time, but he didn't think about it. It seemed that in his eyes, Diana was no longer the original Diana.

Ye Feng can't help but sigh with relief at this time. Thousand color bee says to Charlie, "Diana is right. Musk is only here now. His Fox's tail is hidden in his pants and only shows a few hairs. It's only when he really leaks out his tail that Diana can make a move, not to mention we still have the backing here..."

Although qianse bee didn't say anything about the bottom, we all know that it must be Ye Feng and the soldiers hiding outside the villa.Diana took a deep breath and then said, "now it's just a York. The others haven't come yet. They'll all come soon. I don't know how musk can stop them. He really thinks he wants to cover the sky with a hand when he brings 20 or so people? It's a daydream

Charlie can't help nodding when he heard what Diana said. Diana is right. No matter how arrogant musk is, he won't be the enemy of the whole group, will he?

Thinking of this, Charlie could not help nodding to Diana and said, "look at the follow-up masters coming. How can musk deal with it! I also want to see how he drove these old men away one by one

Diana can't help humming, "one or two can do this. I'm afraid it's not so easy to meet someone more horizontal than him!"

Ye Feng reminds Diana at this time, "I see these black clothes people brought by musk seem to be practitioners. They must have been prepared for a long time!"

But Charlie said immediately, "the big guys of all the factions in the group, who have few hands to train their family, the good play is still to come!"

Ye Feng smell speech didn't speak, Charlie this time went to the window to have a look, found that York is no longer downstairs.

Charlie turned to Diana and said, "York should go!"

Then he said, "but with what I know about York, he won't give up. He will try to come again."

Diana nodded and said, "I understand that even if he didn't come to save me, but only for his own interests, he would never give up. I'm waiting for him to come back, but don't let me down!"

Just as he was saying that, Charlie immediately called to Diana, "Miss, there are several more cars coming at the door..."

Diana then walked over and stood at the window to have a look. Then she saw some people coming down from the car and talking to musk at the door.

Obviously, Musk's younger brother didn't let go. He had some conflicts with the people who got on and off the car.

Just then, another person came down from the car. Diana frowned and said, "who is this person? Why haven't I seen it? "

Charlie looked at it and explained to Diana, "it's Joseph!"

Diana browed and said, "Joseph from the next state?"

Charlie immediately nodded and said, "yes, he's also your father's man, but he's always running next door. He's the general manager over there!"

Diana couldn't help saying, "I didn't call him just now. Why did he come?"

Charlie said, "the fastest way to drive from the next state is three hours. Three hours ago, flamencourt was all right. Surely he didn't know about flamencourt?"

Just as they were saying this, they saw that musk had already walked towards the gate from the other side of the villa. After greeting Joseph, they shook hands and then led him in.

And Joseph's cars followed and came in slowly.

Diana frowned and said, "looks like musk and Joseph are very familiar?"

Charlie immediately said, "in the past, this Joseph was under Musk's management. He went to the next state to develop, which musk strongly recommended..."

When Diana heard this, her heart suddenly moved. She looked out of the window and watched musk and Joseph walk into the villa. Then she murmured, "so, this Joseph is Musk's man?"

Charlie nodded and said, "it should be said that other people didn't let musk in, but let Joseph in. Joseph must have been on the same front with musk!"

Diana frowned and said, "don't you think it's three hours from the next state? He's on the same front with musk so soon? "

Charlie was stunned and said, "I don't know!"

Ye Feng reminded Diana, "it took more than three hours to come from the next state, but who said Joseph must have come from the next state? What if he was already in Michoacan? "

As soon as Diana and Charlie heard this, their hearts moved and they couldn't help looking at each other. Ye Feng was right. Maybe Joseph didn't come from the next state at all, but was already in Michoacan?

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