Diana then asked, "what's Joseph doing in Michoacan from the next state? I didn't hear my father mention it in advance! "

Charlie is also a foggy waterway. "I don't know about this. Is Joseph and musk plotting something?"

Diana said coldly, "no wonder Musk's fearless manner has already contacted Joseph!"

Then Diana shrugged her shoulders and said, "whatever they're up to, I've been mentally prepared for a long time."

Charlie nodded at Diana's words and said, "if you're ready, that's good!"

Diana then looked at Ye Feng who had not spoken. At this time, she asked Ye Feng, "do you have any suggestions at this time?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know much about the internal affairs of your group, and so do personnel, so I can't give any advice!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng lit a cigarette, then looked at Diana and said, "you've dealt with it very well. I believe you should be able to deal with it well without any advice from me!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Diana can't help but frown, then smile toward Ye Feng way, "do you have so much confidence in me now?"

Ye Feng saw that Diana had only shown a smile since her father flamencourt died. She couldn't help nodding her head and said, "people should never underestimate their potential. I'm optimistic about you!"

Diana didn't know whether she really didn't know whether she had potential or whether she wanted to seek a little affirmation from Ye Feng to make her heart more stable.

But Ye Feng from Diana's look, it seems that the second is the majority, but these for these Ye Feng also feel indifferent.

Diana then lit a cigarette. Ye Feng didn't expect that Diana was so addicted to smoking. Moreover, he looked like an old smoker, but he had never seen Diana smoke before.

Diana was thinking about something while she was smoking. At this time, she saw Ye Feng staring at her. She roughly guessed that it was because of her smoking problem. She immediately shrugged to Ye Feng and said, "when I'm under pressure, I'll be one by one."

Ye Feng nodded, smoked a cigarette, said nothing, at this time can't help but think of his previous smoking addiction is not so big, this time back, often one after another, is also because of his recent pressure?

Ye Feng thought is just a heart move, and did not think much, after all, even if he is under pressure, it is nothing.

At this moment, Charlie immediately said, "there's someone at the door again..."

Diana didn't go over this time, but just sat there and asked faintly, "who is it again?"

Charlie stood at the window, watching and reporting to Diana, "it's the big guys from other factions in the group who have come here several times at a time. I don't know if they just met or made an appointment to come together!"

Diana said to Charlie, "how could these faction leaders in the group meet each other with their own ghosts?"

As soon as Charlie heard this, he immediately said, "it's just that he happened to meet you. Musk will suffer. Let's see how he deals with these big guys!"

When Diana finished smoking a cigarette, she immediately put it out. Then she went to the window and looked downstairs. But she saw that the door was full of luxury cars. Several big men had already got off the car, and there were many little brothers standing beside her.

Diana saw this scene, her face slightly moved and said, "it seems that these old guys don't have a fuel-efficient lamp. They can't know that musk is all hands here, can they?"

Charlie said immediately, "judging from the time they came, it's impossible to take someone with you to save you after receiving a call from York, so their purpose should be the same as musk."

Diana said with a sneer, "that's the best. I'm afraid they really came to visit my father. That's really disappointing."

As soon as Charlie heard this, he could not help but look at Diana. When he looked at Diana again, he always had a vague feeling in his heart. Before, even when he stood in front of her father, fomaminggodo, he seldom had this feeling.

In Charlie's mind, if the other party really came to save you, wouldn't it be better? How could she expect others to deal with her?

Ye Feng also felt Diana's fault, then can't help but put out the cigarette, staring at Diana for a moment.

At this time, he also found that Diana had some problems. It can't be said that she had psychological problems, but at least she was a little extreme in thinking about them.

Diana seems to have found the feeling of the game in this struggle, and also can see that Diana's face has a sense of expectation and excitement.

This kind of feeling if it is a man, Ye Feng is not too surprised, but appeared in Diana's body, really let him some accident and unable to adapt.

Diana also noticed that Ye Feng was staring at herself, then shrugged her shoulders and said, "I mean, since problems always exist, it's better to solve them one at a time than solve them one by one, isn't it more thorough?"Said also didn't wait for Ye Feng to say what, immediately again toward Charlie way, "you see clearly, help me see what big guy didn't come?"

Charlie immediately said, "there's another motorcade coming from behind, at least a dozen cars. It must be all that should have come!"

Diana nodded contentedly and said, "it's good that they're all here, so I don't have to bother to find them one by one!"

Just at this time, there was a noise coming from downstairs, and it was getting louder and louder.

Diana just frowned and said, "what's the matter?"

Charlie shrugged his shoulders and said, "what else can happen? Musk's younger brothers won't let them in. Their younger brothers have become a mess with them, and the new motorcade has stopped behind them. Many younger brothers are rushing to the villa gate. It seems that Musk's younger brothers can't do it. They just don't have the advantage in quantity. Don't say no to him later When they come in, they are expected to be cleaned up directly by the brothers of these big men! "

Diana nodded slightly and said, "that would be the best! But I guess since musk dares to do so, he shouldn't be unprepared at all, so the good play hasn't started yet! Wait and see

With that, Diana immediately asked Ye Feng, "what do you say?"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "you can see for yourself, and just test your own vision!"

Diana said with a slight movement of her brow, "since musk asked Joseph to come, it must have prevented this kind of situation. After all, musk should have thought that it would have happened even if he had no brain any more!"

Ye Feng shrugged and didn't speak, and there was no expression on his face.

Diana didn't speak. She got up and went to the window, looking out.

At this time, the group of younger brothers in the motorcade behind the window have already arrived at the door, and the people on the other side of the door have already started to fight. The people from the outside want to rush inside, while those who are blocked at the door try their best to resist the door, and they are in a mess.

Diana stood by the window with an air of watching, as if it had nothing to do with her at all. Diana was just an outsider.

Ye Feng can't help but feel a move. She didn't expect that Diana's state of mind was so good, which was totally unexpected.

Originally, Ye Feng didn't have any opinions on this matter, and didn't want to intervene, but at this time, he couldn't help but go to the window and take a look at the situation outside.

At this time, the two groups of people, no, to be exact, should have formed a group, and the outside people seem to want to come inside, but they are fighting each other, as if no one is willing to accept the other.

Originally, the two gangs inside and outside were in conflict. Gradually, the outside gangs didn't know what they were doing, and they began to conflict. Suddenly, the door was in chaos.

At this time, several big men also stood not far behind the little brother outside the door, as if they were arguing about something. The big men who just came from behind also joined in.

At first, it seemed that they were quarreling with each other, but gradually they began to form two factions. At the scene, there were totally three forces, one of which was Musk's, the other two just came and came earlier.

Seeing this, Charlie could not help sighing, "it's just a mess of loose sand. When flamencourt was here, they seemed to be so friendly and loving each other. Now their nature is completely exposed!"

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