Diana then said coldly, "they were just a plate of loose sand. It was because of my father that this plate of loose sand came together. Now that my father is gone, they will show their true colors!"

Then Diana said to Charlie, "look at them and remember their faces now. These guys are all cannibals. If we say that killing his wife and children can become the head of the group, they will go back to kill people without hesitation!"

Although Ye Feng didn't speak, he knew that Diana was right. These guys outside are actually those who are forgetful of money. The reason why they didn't dare to live in flamencourt only shows that flamencourt's ability is powerful, so they can frighten them.

But flamencourt is not here now. The hoop mantra on the heads of these guys seems that no one can recite sutras, so they are all confident now.

In addition, these guys are all Desperado originally. It's totally profitable to get together. There's no other reason. They all feel that they have made the greatest contribution to the group. With flamencourt gone, he should be in the top position.

It is precisely because everyone thinks so, so now everyone is not satisfied with each other, so there is such a farce in front of us.

However, Ye Feng saw this scene, what he thought was not what these guys wanted to do for their own interests.

It's what Levis said before he died. These guys, even Levis, who looks very gentle, are like this, not to mention these guys outside.

As their boss, flamenco can't be unaware of these things. Since he knows that his subordinates are all a bunch of these things, how can he let Diana take over his job?

In this case, who sits on it is the same as who is baked on the fire shelf. How can Fleming do this when he falsely takes advantage of his daughter's kindness?

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw musk walking out of the villa with a cigar in his mouth. Then he yelled out, "stop it

When Musk's brothers heard this, they all stopped, but the two people outside were still arguing.

Musk immediately yelled again, "stop it all!"

The other two gangs seem to have heard Musk's call, and at this time they also ask their men to stop.

Suddenly all the people around the door were quiet, but musk came to the door with a cigar in his mouth and said, "what do you think you are? Flamencourt has just passed away. You're going to make trouble

Immediately someone sneered at musk and said, "what do you mean by our integrity? What do you mean? Why are we blocked at the door? "

In addition, someone said coldly to musk, "Musk, if I remember correctly, we are all equal. How can you be the same as flamencourt when he was alive? Flamencourt, did you take over? If I remember correctly, I don't think so! "

Immediately someone echoed, "yes, musk, what are you? Open the door quickly, and we'll take it as nothing. Little TM is pretending to be a big man here. Who don't know who we are here?"

And someone else said, "Musk, where's Diana? You asked Diana to come out and talk to us. Is that what she means, or do you mean, or do you put Diana under house arrest? "

Then someone said in a loud voice, "Musk, are you brave? Flamencourt has just died. How can you do such a thing? "

Suddenly a crowd began to quarrel, and all the big men began to rush towards the door.

Musk didn't have any expression on his face. When all the big men arrived at the door, he said in a loud voice, "of course I'm under Diana's command. Flamencourt is gone. Diana should be flamencourt's successor..."

Immediately someone said, "Diana is the only daughter of flamencourt. Flamencourt is gone. His legacy is inherited by Diana. No one has any objection to this But only for the private legacy of flamencourt! The interests of the group belong to the big guys, not in this list! "

Then someone began to echo, "yes, the group is a group. Although flamencourt was in charge before he died, it is a collective interest and has nothing to do with his personal interests."

The other group immediately said, "what are you talking about? The whole group was founded by flamenco. From the club to the group, he didn't do it by himself. We just picked up our wisdom behind. It was flamenco who thought we were brothers. So no matter how big or small we were, no matter how long we were, we all counted our shares, and then we got these advantages. The group is regarded as flamenco's private property. It's not too much! "

Then someone echoed, "yes, the group belongs to flamencourt. We just paid some money and calculated some shares. The major shareholder is flamencourt. Flamencourt is gone, and it's his daughter Diana. Our business is not a listed company. Of course it's flamencourt's private property..."

On hearing this, the two groups of people outside the door suddenly quarreled again. Charlie could not help frowning and said, "I didn't expect those guys to have a few words of conscience at this time!"Ye Feng just sneered and didn't speak, but Diana said coldly, "do you think they are really for me? It's just an excuse to go our separate ways with each other! After all, as long as I believe in them and trust them, they will be a small group representing the interests of the whole group

Charlie took a deep breath, looked at Diana, then sighed and said nothing more.

Diana then looked at Ye Feng and said, "what did you sneer at just now?"

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's similar to what you mean. Now that you can see it, I sneer and it's unnecessary!"

Diana did not speak, but continued to look out of the window, and then murmured, "why don't you see Joseph? Since musk asked him to come here, it's not just for him to be a spectator, is it?"

Charlie was also surprised, "yes, it's so noisy outside. This guy hasn't shown up yet?"

Ye Feng said at this time, "maybe musk took Joseph as his trump card. He won't play this card until the key time!"

When Diana heard this, she could not help but look at Ye Feng. After taking a deep breath, she looked around the gate outside the window and said, "maybe Joseph laid an ambush around here, so musk is not afraid?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "anything is possible. It's not really coming to see the excitement, is it?"

Diana took a deep breath again. She didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, she said, "let's wait for Joseph to appear. If he doesn't appear, there won't be a formal opening of the play."

Charlie said at this time, "Musk's hands are absolutely insufficient. It's not impossible for the big guys outside to rush in three or five minutes with a single order!"

Just as he was saying that, musk, who had not spoken for a long time, immediately waved his hand and motioned to the noisy group to shut up and said, "be quiet, listen to me..."

However, no one listened to musk and continued to quarrel with them. Musk immediately took out a pistol and fired it into the air. All the people were awe inspiring and could not help looking at musk. What's more, they were ready to take out the gun.

When musk saw that everyone was looking at him, he sneered and said, "whether the group will let Diana take over or not, now that flamencourt is still alive, these are the following words What are you all here for? Are you here to force the palace? I'd like to see you off for flamencourt. If you're here to force the palace, hehe, I'm sorry. Let's pass me first! As long as I'm here, no one can hurt flamencourt's daughter half a cent! "

Charlie sniffed and said with a sneer, "what a musk! He said this as if he was protecting Diana with all his heart!"

Diana also sneered, but she just looked downstairs and didn't express any opinions.

The downstairs quarreled again. Everyone saw through the tricks of musk. People here have known each other for decades. Who doesn't know who? How many of them will believe Musk's lies?

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