Diana and others have been upstairs looking at the situation downstairs. In her opinion, whether they support themselves or not, they all have their own wishful thinking, and no one is exceptional.

Charlie then turned to Diana and said, "shall I go down and talk to them?"

But Diana frowned at Charlie and said, "say it? what did you say? What can I say? "

Charlie then said to Diana, "Diana, I know what you mean. You want them to fight and kill each other, but have you ever thought about one thing, that is, if they all kill each other, what is left of the rest of the group? Are you a naked commander

Diana's face moved as soon as she heard this, but she didn't get angry. Instead, she looked at Charlie for a long time and didn't say a word.

It's undeniable that what Charlie said is right. Diana thinks it's reasonable. If all the people below are dead, who else is in the group left by her father?

Although these guys are really hateful, they are concerned with their own affairs after all. And if they all die, it's not so easy to find someone to replace them.

And the most important thing is to control them, not to kill them. It's easy to kill, but hard to buy.

Thinking of this, Diana sighed a little, then looked at Ye Feng, who had never said a word, "what do you think?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "what Charlie said is right. Something has to be done. What's the point of killing them all? Isn't it the main purpose to win them over? "

As soon as Diana heard this, her face suddenly changed, and she quickly asked, "do you mean that you also support Charlie to go down and mediate?"

Ye Feng nodded and shook his head, "is to go down to mediate, but now is not the time!"

Charlie and Diana could not help looking at Ye Feng and asked in one voice, "when was that?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders at this time and said, "when you go to the theatre, you should pay attention to Gao. When will Chao come? Now the main character behind musk has not appeared! What are you doing in such a hurry? "

Charlie was shocked and immediately said, "you said Joseph?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "the performance on the stage, generally have a set of moves, are you a move, I a move, you finish the move, I move again, I finish the move, you are in the move!"

But Diana looked at Ye Feng mistily and said, "what do you mean? What kind of trick? I don't quite understand what you're talking about? "

Charlie can't help but immediately say, "I don't understand either!"

Ye Feng then took a deep breath, he said so clearly, did not expect that they still do not understand!

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help sighing, "that is to say, although their three forces are making a lot of trouble below, gongs and drums, and the sound of percussion, they haven't been serious yet. It's not clear what they are good at. If not, of course, it's not good to see Yes, now you go down and interrupt their rhythm, that is, you don't know their cards. Do you want them to use their cards on their own, or do you want them to keep their cards and finally deal with you? "

When Diana heard this, she was stunned and looked at Ye Feng. After a long time, she came back to herself and nodded her head. "You're right. They haven't made any moves yet. Let's watch them now. Don't worry!"

Charlie also understood the meaning of Ye Feng, then couldn't help nodding to Ye Feng, and then said to Ye Feng, "Satan, what you said is really such a truth! We didn't think it over! "

Diana then said, "it only means that we are not schemers!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but angry and funny way, "I help you, you still say I these are conspiracy?"

Diana shrugged her shoulders and said, "I'm right, not right! Don't take it to heart, either

Ye Feng shrugs helplessly, and says nothing more. Charlie asks Ye Feng, "but if they've been laissez faire, they'll be in trouble if they overdo their performance, so they should have a degree, right? Under what circumstances will we go down? "

Ye Feng then shook his head and said, "this degree, I can't say it. It's totally intuitive. When you feel it, you will know what to do. If you don't have this intuition, it's useless for me to tell you."

As soon as Charlie heard this, his heart moved, then he nodded and said nothing more.

Diana took a look at the downstairs and found that there was a quarrel at the door. Now those little brothers are unlikely to have children. They are all big men quarreling over there, and they still don't agree with each other.

Diana looked at Musk's side, but murmured, "Musk's side is so calm. I haven't seen Joseph yet."

Ye Feng said, "if musk regards Joseph as his trump card by surprise, he is not in a hurry to play cards. Besides, since we can think of letting the people below play cards first, if musk and Joseph are smart enough, he should also think of letting the opposite side play cards first."Diana can't help nodding and said, "I guess so. Let's wait here patiently."

After saying this, no one said anything. Ye Feng looked out of the window at this time, but he thought to himself that musk would not be such a brainless man.

If Joseph just happened to be here, so he didn't have any preparation at all, then all his calculations would be completely in the wrong direction.

Just thinking about it, at this time, the people outside the door under the window did not know which side of the younger brother began to rush the door, and they did not know whether it was the conflict caused by the younger brothers themselves, or they got the authorization of their boss. At that time, they became hot again.

On the other hand, some younger brothers began to rush to the door, and the younger brothers of other big men began to stir up. Gradually, it seemed that they could not bear it.

Several of Musk's younger brothers were there, completely overwhelmed by the people outside the door.

Ye Feng didn't look at the gate. Instead, he looked at musk standing downstairs. It's time to do it.

When he thought of this, he saw that musk immediately fired another pistol with a sneer. Instead of yelling at the gang as before, he just stood there and watched without saying a word.

Ye Feng can't help looking at musk with a frown, but he is still unmoved. The guys outside obviously become more restless because of Musk's gunshot just now.

Seeing this, Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved and saw that the iron gate had already been broken. The people outside surged up like a tide. Several Musk's younger brothers, who were standing in front of the door, couldn't stop them at all. They ran to Musk's side and stood aside.

After a crowd rushed towards musk, musk still stood in the same place and looked at the crowd. Although the boys were arrogant one by one, musk was also a big man after all. If his big man spoke, he would get ahead if he did.

But if his boss doesn't speak and acts without permission, maybe he will be happy in his heart, but he will definitely push them out to be the ghost of death. So although they all killed in front of mesk, no one dares to act rashly.

Not only that, but also the previous kind of noise suddenly subsided a lot. At this time, several other big men came in from the crowd and stood in front of musk.

When people saw that there was no expression on Musk's face, they could not help but angrily said to musk, "Musk, what are you doing?"

Musk frowned at the crowd and said, "you've come with obvious premeditation ~"

then musk took out a cigarette, lit it and continued, "you're trying to bully Diana, a girl, while flamencourt's gone!"

Someone immediately sneered, "what do we mean by bullying Diana? Now we doubt if she is under house arrest by you, and take the opportunity to threaten us in her name?"

Some people immediately said, "don't forget that cruise played this trick before! He had taken flamencourt and threatened us. Many of us came to visit flamencourt at that time and took the opportunity to be held here! "

Others sneer, "Musk, don't tell us you want to be a second cruise."

Some people even sneer at musk and say, "what's the end of cruise? Everyone can see it. Musk, do you want to end like this?"

Musk shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm not cruise, and I won't be cruise. Cruise is blackmailing you with flamencourt. I'm under Diana's command!"

Immediately someone sneered, "do you listen to Diana? We all got a call from Diana and the news of flamencourt's death. That's why we came here! "

And then someone said, "don't tell me, Diana came up with this idea and tricked us all here, trying to catch us all?"

Another person immediately said, "Diana is a doll's family. I think it's Marx who wants to take this opportunity to eradicate the dissidents and take over the top position of the group."

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