Then someone said, "yes, musk, you're not an outsider. You count everything. When Franco was there, you're a mugger. You're not strong. Oh? Now that flamencourt's gone, you're the most active. You're the first one here? "

Musk said with a sneer, "it's no use saying anything. I'm just more stable. I don't like to be in the limelight all the time. When flamencourt was alive, he didn't say anything about me. Now you're talking about it?"

Immediately someone said to musk, "you look like you've been here for quite a long time. We all got Diana's call about the same time, and your place is not the nearest one here. Even if you are the first one to get the call, you can't be so early than us?"

Then someone continued, "what's more to ask? Obviously, he knew about it earlier than us, so he came to be on guard ahead of time. If Diana really asked us to come, would Diana be late? That's only one thing! "

Immediately someone said, "what else can you say? Diana has been put under house arrest by him. He said he would not learn from cruise, so Diana may have been killed!"

Musk frowned and said, "you use your brains. What's good for me if I kill Diana? Can I form Diana's legacy? "

Then someone immediately sneered, "of course you can't inherit it, but what you're doing now is to move your mind?"

And someone said, "if Diana isn't dead or under your house arrest, you ask Diana to come out and talk to us, we don't want to talk to you!"

But musk slurred, "now that you all know what's going on, you still talk nonsense. Flamencourt has just passed away. What's Diana's mood now? Where does she still have mood and spirit to say these with you! If you were considerate of Diana, you would not have such unreasonable demands! "

When people heard what musk said, their faces suddenly changed. Musk still stood at the commanding height of morality. They could not refute a word.

When musk saw this, he laughed and shrugged his shoulders. "Now that you all know what time it is, don't make any more noise. Listen to me and go back. When Diana's funeral of flamencourt is finished, she will meet you sometime."

Immediately someone began to say, "isn't that right? Flamencourt is our head. Can't we take part in his funeral? If so, Diana calls us one by one to tell us what to do? They asked us to come, but they didn't let us join them. "

other people immediately said," yes, Diana asked us to come, and flamencourt is not here now. We want to see flamencourt for the last time! "

Another person said, "I think it's Musk's words. Diana's purpose of calling us is not to ask us to come. Now that we're here, Diana won't let us participate. It doesn't sound like a fact."

All of a sudden, everyone reacted, and immediately began to quarrel with musk. Suddenly, there was a lot of noise on the side of the door. In an instant, the sound completely covered up all the sounds.

The younger brothers were more excited when they saw that their bosses were quarreling. They immediately followed and quarreled with each other. Even excited, they began to show themselves in front of the boss and gradually approached musk.

Musk frowned and immediately stepped back, and his younger brothers immediately stood in front of him.

Musk then gave a sneer, still standing in the same place, his eyes full of scorn, completely unmoved.

Some big guys can't help but frown when they look at mesk. They feel that musk is so calm at this time, which shows that musk must have made all the preparations, otherwise he won't be so calm.

all the people present don't know musk. If something happens, musk will either slip away early or find various reasons not to participate .

This time, musk stood on this side so calmly that he didn't mean to retreat at all. Obviously, he had already prepared.

At this time, someone had already squeezed in from the outside of the crowd and said, "boss, boss There are so many people coming out there

The younger brothers came from several forces. They talked about the situation outside one by one, and they were all confused.

One of them, a big man with a big voice, immediately yelled, "shut up, everyone, talk alone You, you say! "

The younger brother, who was named, immediately said to the boss, "boss, there are a group of people coming from outside, at least a few hundred people!"

When they heard this, their faces were all moving, and the younger brothers behind them were making way one after another.

And the kind of big guys turn around one after another, but they see a large group of people coming towards the gate. As the little brother said, there are at least 200 or 300 people, maybe more.Seeing this, all the big guys were in a state of awe, and all of them said in secret. No wonder musk was so calm and ready.

But everyone is curious. There are not many people in musk. It's not easy to worry about so many people in such a short time.

Musk then sneered, looked at the crowd, and then said, "you guys, don't you understand now?"

Immediately someone yelled at musk, "Musk, you sinister little man, you have already made a plan to eat us?"

Some people pointed to musk and said, "Musk, you are such a mean person. You usually pretend to be afraid of things. It turns out that you are the one who has the most ingenuity..."

Others also began to criticize musk, and immediately began to make a mess.

While Ye Feng and Diana, Charlie and qianse Feng, who are watching the battle upstairs, are all watching without saying a word.

At this time, Charlie said, "is it time for us to come out?"

Before Ye Feng spoke this time, Diana immediately said, "it's not the time. Although everyone has seen the true face of musk, it's not the time to tear his face!"

Then Diana said with a sneer, "besides, just now Satan said, musk showed his cards, but the big guys haven't played yet!"

As soon as Charlie heard this, he could not help but feel a little reasonable, and he didn't say anything again.

And Ye Feng at this time looked at Diana, he is also pleased to nod, it seems that he and she said those words did not say in vain.

Now that Diana can see the situation, she doesn't have to talk any more.

At this time, the hundreds of people outside the downstairs gate immediately surrounded the kids in the yard.

A group of bigwigs looked at each other one by one, and no one spoke any more. Suddenly, the circle was quiet.

Ye Feng can't help but frown. If you want to say that these big guys are all drug dealers, who doesn't have a few lives on him, wouldn't be so counsellor? A musk with a few hundred people took care of a group of big men?

If that's the case, it's really disappointing.

Diana also said with an eyebrow movement, "are these guys paper tigers? They yell and yell at each other as if they are more and more powerful. They are so useless at the critical time?"

Charlie immediately said, "no, these people have hundreds of little brothers, but they may not have expected this situation here, so they are a little confused and regret that they were not prepared!"

At this time, qianse bee said to Charlie, "now you can go to solve the guards outside the door first!"

Charlie can't help looking at the thousand color bee with his eyebrows, and then at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng nodded at this time and said, "it's good. Now the situation below has fallen to one side. It seems that even if they have thousands of abilities, they can't show them for the time being. You'd better get ready first!"

As soon as he heard this, Charlie rushed to the door. As soon as he opened the door, he dragged a man in black into the room and beat him down.

When the reaction from the other side of the door came over, Charlie's foot had already pushed towards his head. Before he could recover, he had already been kicked off by Charlie.

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