After Charlie quickly solved the two problems at the door, the man in black on the other side of the corridor noticed the movement and rushed up. Charlie walked out of the door and stood on the other side of the corridor like a King Kong.

A few people in black just rushed to Charlie's face, and they were knocked down by Charlie. Ye Feng and qianse Feng couldn't help looking at each other. They didn't expect that Charlie's fighting power was so strong?

Diana can't help sighing. She looks at Charlie outside the door and nods to Charlie, indicating that he can go down.

Charlie saw Diana nodding and immediately rushed down the corridor. He didn't want to be stopped by a man as soon as he got there.

The man, with a pistol in his hand, pointed to Charlie and sneered, "Charlie, long time no see!"

Seeing this, Charlie immediately stopped, looked at the man, and then said with a sneer, "Joseph, long time no see!"

It was Joseph who pointed the gun at Charlie. Then he put down his pistol and said, "where are you going?"

Charlie sneered at once. "You came from next door to help musk?"

Joseph shrugged his shoulders and said, "you should know that I was originally Musk's man. Without him and me today, I would have come to repay my kindness!"

Charlie frowned slightly, then sneered, "so you and musk had a premeditated plan. You can't come from the next state so soon. You must have been waiting for a chance in Michoacan!"

Joseph could not help shrugging his shoulders. He didn't affirm or deny it. He just said to Charlie, "those who know current affairs are outstanding. You know I always appreciate you. Before you left the group, I asked musk to protect you. Unfortunately, flamencourt insisted on driving you away. Musk didn't have a chance to speak."

Before Charlie heard the words, Joseph immediately said to Charlie, "now flamencourt is dead, even if he is still there, he drove you away, don't you remember? But musk and I really want to help you. Now that flamenco is dead and the situation is over, the group still needs a new leader... "

Before Joseph finished, Charlie sneered, "don't tell me that the new leader of your group is musk?"

Then, without waiting for Joseph to speak, he continued immediately, "and then flamencourt drove me out of the group in order to protect me! Others don't know this. I know it best! "

Joseph Then sneered at Charlie and said, "you believe everything flamencourt says?"

But Charlie said to Joseph, "don't you believe what musk says?"

Joseph frowned slightly and looked at Charlie for a long time. Then he said, "when I was going to the next state and asked you to come with me, you refused to go. You missed an opportunity to cooperate. This time I invited you to come with me again. Do you mean you still refuse me?"

Charlie shrugged his shoulders and said, "there's no way

Joseph frowned at Charlie again, then stepped forward, pointed at Charlie with the gun in his hand, and said, "is it worth it for flamencourt, the dead man and his daughter?"

Charlie then sneered, "is it worth it? Don't you know? If I ask you, is it worth it for musk? "

Joseph looked at Charlie thoughtfully for a while and said, "if you have a choice, I really don't want you to die in my hands, but there's no way. Musk has all the tricks and everything is under control. I can't let musk fall short for the sake of my friendship with you!"

Charlie laughed, looked at Joseph and said, "that is to say, if I invited you to come here now and deal with musk with me, you would never do that?"

Joseph shrugged, "you know my character! Not to mention that musk was kind to me in those years, even without this, I could not easily betray musk! "

At this point, Joseph said to Charlie, "besides, even if you look at the interests, you have no chance of winning in this situation. It's already the end of the storm. You'd better persuade Diana to think about what to do!"

Charlie can't help but frown and say, "what should I do? What are you going to do? "

Joseph said immediately, "if I were Diana, I would do what musk said. First, I would deal with the affairs behind flamencourt, and then I would inherit all the tremors left by flamencourt. But as we all know, when flamencourt was alive, Diana was never involved in this part. How much did she know about the group? Why don't you just ask her to come out and give it to musk. Musk will promise to protect her forever, and won't let other so-called bigwigs in the group harass her. Diana gets what she deserves, and musk gets what he wants, killing two birds with one stone, isn't it better? "

When he heard Joseph say this, he sneered, "how can muskehead? He also wants to make the first deal of the group. Don't you think about it? Musk, who used to be the least prominent and the least sense of existence among the various factions of the group, now suddenly comes out and wants to make the first deal. Even Diana Ken, the big guys outside will not agree! "Joseph said to Charlie, "you don't have to worry about this, and you don't have to worry about Diana. Those big guys are just for the benefit. They are with flamencourt, and they are with musk. They are just another boss. Their interests will not be lost, and musk will promise them to share his own interests with him How many of them would be so stupid that they could not live with money

Charlie smell speech also immediately smile a way, "yes, who can and money don't pass?"? Why do you think musk would give up his own interests to help others? Can't you just have a habit of trading? I don't think so? "

Then, without waiting for Joseph to speak, he immediately said to Joseph, "I think he's just a delaying tactic. He wants to get what he wants first. As for the promise, who in this world really believes in the existence of God? Can't he be punished by God for breaking his promise?"

Joseph's brow moved, and then he heard Charlie continue to say, "I know that musk must have promised you something, but as far as I know him, it's just empty promises. I'm really worried that you'll be fooled by him!"

When Joseph heard this, he sighed and said, "I think you're being cheated by both flamencourt and Diana. You think I'm being cheated by musk, and I know you don't feel cheated, and so do I, so it's useless to say more!"

Charlie smell speech also can't help nodding way, "yes, say more useless!" Then he glanced at the gun in Joseph's hand and said, "so if I don't listen to you, you're ready to do it, aren't you?"

But Joseph said hastily, "no! As long as you and Diana don't leave here, I promise you and Diana will be OK! "

Charlie said immediately, "what if I'm going down now?"

Joseph smell speech but quickly said, "then there is no way, my task is not to let you and Diana go down, but if you insist on doing so, I can only say sorry!"

Charles frowned at Joseph's words and said in a deep voice, "I have to go downstairs today!"

Joseph shrugged his shoulders and said, "I've already said what I should tell you. If you insist on doing so, I'll have to shoot!"

Charlie sniffed at Joseph for a long time, then took a deep breath and walked towards the stairway.

Joseph also frowned. At this moment, he immediately pulled the trigger, but he heard a "bang" sound, and suddenly the whole corridor fell into a dead opportunity.

Charlie is also a Leng, he did not snatch Joseph will really shoot, but at this time it is completely unable to feel his body in the end which shot.

When he looked at Joseph again, he saw a bullet hole in his forehead. He was staring at himself. Before Charlie could react, Joseph had fallen to the ground.

Charlie's heart is also a Lin, immediately looked around, but saw in the corridor in addition to Musk's several black men, there is no one else, other directions is no one.

First of all, it can't be Musk's men. They didn't shoot themselves. They didn't even shoot themselves. So how did Joseph get shot?

Thinking of Charlie, he immediately squatted down and examined the bullet hole in Joseph's head. Suddenly, his heart was shocked. This bullet hole was his acquaintance, as if he had seen it somewhere.

Charlie thought of the bullet hole in flamencourt's forehead for the first time, and his heart was shocked. He immediately looked at the window on one side, only to see a refracted light flash away in the distance.

Charlie's heart moved again, and immediately he knew what was going on.

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