Ye Feng and they are still in the room. They thought Charlie should have gone downstairs, but they can't see Charlie coming downstairs from the window.

Diana was still wondering, "what's the matter? Why hasn't Charlie been downstairs?"

As soon as she finished, she heard a gunshot outside. Everyone was moved. Qianse bee was the first to rush to the door. At this time, she saw Charlie standing at the entrance of the corridor.

On the floor at the entrance of the corridor lies a man who has been shot in the head and is still bleeding, while several other men in black are wrestling with Charlie.

At the same time, in the courtyard of the villa, everyone heard a gunshot, and everyone moved.

Musk also frowned. At this time, how could there be gunfire in the villa? When other big men heard the sound, they were all stunned. Then they immediately said to musk, "what's the matter?"

Musk didn't know how to answer for a moment. He immediately turned to one of his men behind him and said in a low voice, "go up and have a look. What's the matter?"

When the man walked away, musk waved to the crowd to stop. When they were quiet, musk said, "I've sent people to see what's going on."

At this time, someone said to musk, "Musk, you prepare so many people here in advance, and Diana never shows up. What tricks are you playing? You know best in your heart!"

Some people sneer at musk and say, "Musk, don't think you can do whatever you want with so many people."

Another person said, "Musk, maybe you don't understand. Now the club has been collectivized. When it was a club, it was about who had more people and who was more ruthless. But now it's different. Even if you kill us here today, you can't swallow the club. Now the group is not talking about people, but shares! If you kill us, the shares will not be swallowed by you! "

As soon as they heard this, they began to agree and sneer at musk.

Musk frowned slightly, looked at all the people present, then sneered and said, "it's true that the group is a joint-stock system now, but as long as I hold the largest share, even if all the people's shares add up, you don't have the right to speak!"

Immediately someone sneered at musk, "so you don't pretend? That's what they say? "

Some people sneer and sneer, "yes, musk, although we are all wearing suits and ties now, we all know who we are. We can just say what we have to say. Don't make any mistakes here!"

As soon as musk heard this, he immediately stared at the man for a moment. Then he nodded and said, "well, since everyone has said this, I will not hide. I want to be the leader of the group! If you all support me, in the future we'll drink big bowls and eat big pieces of meat. We'll all be brothers of our own. We'll share all the benefits! "

Then someone asked musk, "what if people don't agree?"

Musk shrugged his shoulders and said, "we are all respectable people and democratic people. I don't like forcing people into trouble."

Just at this time, the man who had just gone to see what happened came out, his face was very frightened, and then he whispered something in Musk's ear.

As soon as musk heard this, his face suddenly changed, his eyes immediately turned around, and then he yelled to all the people on the scene, "protect them. No one is allowed to leave without my order!"

Someone immediately yelled at musk, "Musk, do you want us under house arrest?"

Musk took a look at the man, then snorted coldly, but said nothing more. He immediately entered the villa gate and walked upstairs. After a few steps, he saw Charlie standing at the corridor, wrestling with some of his men.

See Charlie with a few enemy appearance, although did not occupy what advantage, but Charlie is also dead by his several hands to entangle in here.

Musk then took out a pistol, pointed to Charlie and said, "Charlie..."

As soon as Charlie heard that it was Musk's voice, he immediately leaned against the wall and glanced down the stairs to see musk.

Musk came slowly up the corridor and glanced up. There was a man lying on the floor. It was Joseph.

Although someone had reported this to him just now, when he saw Joseph's body in front of him, he still looked at it in a daze and didn't say a word for a long time.

Several people in black who had been fighting with Charlie didn't attack when they saw that their boss was coming. They just blocked Charlie against the wall.

Musk took a deep breath and yelled at Charlie, "you killed Joseph?"

Charlie shrugged and said, "I didn't kill him. He was shot with a sniper gun by people outside the window. He died the same way as flamenco!"

Musk, holding the pistol tightly in his hand, came up step by step. When he could see Joseph's head, he took a breath.

Indeed, as Charlie said, Joseph's bullet hole in his head can be seen at a glance. He must have been killed by a sniper gun in the distance.Musk then looked at Joseph's body in a daze. After a long time, he looked at Charlie and said, "you mean, someone killed Joseph?"

Charlie then stares at musk and says, "don't you think I've killed Joseph and shirked it to someone else?"

Musk pondered again at this time. Although the relationship between him and Charlie was not very good, Charlie was a tough temper. He knew that if Charlie did it, he would admit it.

And musk also knew that Charlie had a good relationship with Joseph before, and that Charlie would not kill Joseph like this.

Thinking of this, musk can't help taking another breath, which shows that there are still snipers outside. It's not clear whether the sniper killed flamencourt or not.

Musketon pondered for a while. He didn't know what the purpose of the sniper was. First, he killed Fleming and lux, and now he killed Joseph. Who would be next?

I thought that I was in the yard just now. If the sniper wanted to kill me, I would have been shot and fell to the ground just now.

Thinking of this, Malik felt that his spine was a little chilly, even a little scared.

For a moment, Musk's mind has been completely confused, and his carefully planned plan is about to come true.

Not in this most important critical moment, by such a hidden sniper to destroy it.

No matter how ruthless and arrogant they used to be, they are now controlled by themselves.

But this sniper, he is in the dark, even if he wants to deal with him.

When Charlie saw musk standing there, he didn't speak, but his eyes were spinning around. He couldn't help saying, "what do you think?"

Musk was so called by Charlie that he regained his mind. He looked at Charlie in a dazed way. Then he immediately came up and pointed a gun at Charlie and said, "shut up and go back to me!"

Charlie sneered and said, "I should remind you that just now Joseph, just like you are now, pointed at me with the muzzle of a gun, and then he was shot. It's almost the same as where you stand."

As soon as musk heard this, his face changed. He immediately stepped back and stepped on the glass in the corridor. After a look, he immediately looked back at the window behind him.

Seeing that a piece of glass had indeed broken on the window, musk immediately put his body against the wall and tried not to let his head show on the other side of the window.

Seeing musk like this, Charlie can't help sneering, "so you're afraid of death, too? I thought that you musk, who dare to do such a big earth shaking thing, have already left life and death out of the question! "

Musk frowned and pointed at Charlie with the muzzle of his gun. He sneered and said, "I tell you, Charlie, you'd better mind your own business. You're not a member of the group. In this way, you can come and help me. I can let you enter the group and take the second position besides me!"

But Charlie frowned at musk and said, "well, Diana also made such a promise. What you gave me was the second best chair. It's hard for me to choose. I thought musk would be more generous than Diana and give me the first one!"

Musk yelled at Charlie impatiently, "Charlie, shut up! I warn you, because Joseph thought he had some friendship with you before, he asked me to persuade you not to touch you! Don't toast, don't drink... "

Charlie looked at musk with a sneer and said, "is that the first day you met me, Charlie? I've always been a friend. I eat toasts and penalties, but I don't eat toasts and penalties from enemies! "

Then he immediately felt fragrant and musk said, "don't get excited. Your head is leaking out. Don't lower your head!"

On hearing this, Musk's heart was shocked. He squatted to avoid the window, but he heard Charlie laughing.

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