Hearing what Ye Feng said, Qianmian fox immediately nodded and said, "yes, I found it by accident. At first, her mother didn't admit it. Later, she couldn't hide it from me, so she had to confess it to me. Besides, I never showed any malice to her, so her mother didn't take much precautions against it. Originally, I didn't have much interest in disguise, until I knew qianse bee would do the same, I began to show interest in transvesting. At first, her mother didn't want to teach me. After I begged again and again, she reluctantly agreed. At first, she didn't give me everything. She was willing to teach me thoroughly only when she knew my talent for transvesting! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help staring at the thousand faced Fox and seeing, "your talent?"

The thousand face fox can't help but stare at Ye Feng and says, "I know you think my technique of changing face is not as good as thousand color bee. That's because I haven't learned it for two years, and thousand color bee has learned it since I was a child! Of course, I can't match her for the time being! In another 357 years, I will make you look up to it with new eyes! "

Ye Feng can't help shrugging his shoulders and said, "I can hear from your mouth that you're not as good as her. You've made me look at you with new eyes!"

Said Ye Feng can't help but ask thousand face fox way, "then how did you get together with zhuomus?"

But the thousand face fox frowned at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean I'll get together with him? How do you talk? "

Ye Feng shrugged slightly, but said nothing.

And the thousand face fox is staring at Ye Feng to see for a long time, this just toward Ye Feng said, "that is a time, I just easy to become a thousand color bee mother's appearance, want to give her a surprise, did not expect is this time, an accident, zhuomus people will I as thousand color bee mother to catch!"

Ye Feng listens to thousand face fox so a say, this just nodded a way, "after zhuomus is how to know you are not thousand color bee mother?"

At this time, the thousand faced fox said, "I originally said I wasn't, and no one believed them. Until I saw the thousand color bee appear, I simply admitted it, and let zhuomus use me to coerce the thousand color bee!"

But Ye Feng frowned, "don't you want to take revenge on qianse bee? Now that you've seen her, there's no revenge? "

Thousand face fox shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know. I should hate her very much. I should kill her when I see her. But I don't know why. When I see her and see her see me, I feel nervous. I suddenly want to continue to dress up as her mother and let her be coerced by zhuomus. When I see her like that, I'm so happy, far more than killing her Make me happy

Ye Feng can't help but sigh when he hears the speech, and then he says to the thousand faced fox, "but why do you pretend to be Dixie?"

Thousand face fox shrugged his shoulders and said, "all the things in the technique of changing looks have time effect. I have been imprisoned by them for so long, and many things have gone. Zhuomus then found out that I may not be the mother of thousand color bee!"

Ye Feng at this time heart next move, secret way thousand color bee also didn't mention with oneself, easy appearance technique still has time effect.

Seeing Ye Feng's suspicious face, Qian Mian Hu immediately explained, "the time limit of Yi Rong is very long, but no matter how long it is, there is also time limit. I have been imprisoned by them for nearly a year, and no matter how good the Yi Rong material is, it is also invalid!"

Ye Feng realized that the materials of the technique could last so long. It was almost a year before zhuomus found out that what they caught was not the mother of qianse bee.

Thousand face fox then continued to say, "originally zhuomus was ready to kill me in a rage, but I told him that my face changing technique is no less than thousand color bee. I can do what thousand color bee can do for him, and I can continue to disguise as the mother of thousand color bee and help zhuomus cheat thousand color bee. Of course, the premise is that they can help me find the face changing technique "Good material!"

Ye Feng suddenly nodded his head and said, "so you and zhuomus just hit it off and cooperated?"

Thousand face fox shrugged his shoulders and said, "not to mention cooperation, zhuomus needs me to continue pretending to be qianse bee's mother to cheat qianse bee. I also need zhuomus to help me continue to blackmail qianse bee. Zhuomus and I are just taking what we need!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help looking at thousand face fox way, "that you disguise Dixie Si again for what purpose?"

Thousand face fox immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "originally I was not interested, but I thought that I could get close to you by using Dixie's identity, and you were with thousand color bee, so I was interested immediately, but who ever thought that you had just seen through on the first day!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "who told me to have a dog nose?"

At this time, qianse bee continued to say, "of course, I'm not reconciled. After you used Ninja to escape. I've been looking for opportunities to get close to you again, and I'll take advantage of this time to continue to improve my odor masking technology! It happened that you went to a Chinese restaurant to find a cook, so I decided to take another chance! "

Ye Feng then said with a smile, "it's a pity that you pay too much attention to your body fragrance this time. Instead, you make the mistake of being lower than body fragrance. You don't notice that chef Wu is a smoker!"

Thousand face fox slightly sighed, "the mistake I made is not worth mentioning in front of other people at all. The only reason I exposed is because of you twice!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan slightly shrugged, helpless tunnel, "no way, born with this ability!"Thousand face fox disdained to see a leaf maple, she knew leaf maple in fart his own ability, but her mouth is asking leaf maple way, "but there is a little I am very strange!"

Ye Feng looked at the thousand face fox way, "you are wondering, why don't I expose you in front of the thousand color bee?"

The thousand face fox immediately nodded and said, "that's right!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "how can you be sure that I didn't expose you in qianse bee?"

Thousand face fox a listen to this words, complexion immediately move ground looking at leaf maple, surprised tunnel, "thousand color bee know?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders slightly and said, "in fact, I don't need to say anything. Qianse bee has already begun to doubt you, so there is still a long way to go for your face changing technique. I really need to work hard in the future!"

Thousand face fox smell speech eyebrow is a wrinkly, Zheng Zheng ground looking at leaf Feng way, "she since knew, incredibly still in front of me pretending completely don't know of appearance, simply is hateful!"

Ye Feng at this time but toward thousand face fox way, "you are really interesting, you pretend to be someone else's mother to cheat people, people also didn't say anything, you scared your seniors out of the road, was killed by a car, you also blame people, as if the whole thing you are completely an innocent person?"

Thousand face fox listen to Ye Feng so a say, can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly looking at Ye Feng way, "what do you mean this?"? Do you think I have a problem with the whole thing? The thousand color bee has no problem at all? "

Before Ye Feng could speak, Qian Mianhu immediately said, "if she didn't show up, I would be fine with the seniors. I have quit automatically, but she refused the seniors' pursuit. Since she didn't want to be with the seniors, why did she talk and laugh with the seniors and make them misunderstand? It's all her problems, but you said it's mine? "

Ye Feng then pointed to his head and said to the thousand faced fox, "I think you should go and have a look at your brain when you have time. There is a big problem with your thinking logic, but I don't think you have a big problem with other people and things. Maybe it's because your seniors died in front of you, and it's because you were in hiding. What's wrong You can't get over the psychological barrier

Then Ye Feng immediately said, "no, to be exact, you should go to see a psychologist. It should be a mental illness. It's good for you to see it early! Really, I'm not kidding you! "

Thousand face fox a listen to this words, angrily stare Ye Feng way, "you and thousand color bee have an affair, you of course helped her talk!"

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "the good medicine tastes bitter, and the advice is harsh. If you listen to it, you can listen to it. Even if you don't listen to it, I don't want to say anything more!"

At this time, Qianmian fox was pondering for a while, then lying on the bed, as if full of thoughts. After a while, he sat up and said, "no, since qianse bee already knows my identity now, I can't drag on any longer. I have to find a time to break up with her!"

Ye Feng can't help but be stunned when hearing the speech, and then he says to the thousand faced fox, "thousand color bee only knows that you have learned the technique of face changing from her mother, and I don't know anything else. I'm not afraid to tell you that it's very possible that you mention your senior with her, and she has to think about it before she can remember who your senior is!"

Thousand face fox a listen to this words, eyebrow can't help a wrinkly way, "you and she said this?"? She told you she couldn't remember me as a senior

But Ye Feng frowned, "how can it be? I just heard what you said. I just knew it. How could I tell her that in advance? "

After hearing this, the fox suddenly nodded and said, "yes! I just told you, how can you know my past in advance! "

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