At this time, Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders slightly and said, "in fact, a lot of things, originally nothing, mainly depends on what the parties think in their hearts. Psychological problems are the biggest problem."

Thousand face fox listen to Ye Feng so say, immediately looking at Ye Feng way, "you still think I have psychological problems? What's wrong with my mind? "

At this time, Ye Feng simply sat up and looked at the thousand faced fox, "first of all, if you have psychological problems, you will have a kind of prejudice. Psychological problems are just a kind of disease, just like I say you have a cold now, will you be so resistant? In pathology, there is no difference between mental illness and cold, headache, or even any other disease. It's just that you are extreme! "

Thousand face fox smell speech but immediately looking at Ye Feng way, "I have no prejudice, I know my own thing, I have a cold, I will know, if my heart has a problem, I will know, but I have no feeling now, so I have no problem!"

Ye Feng originally wanted to remind qianmianhu to face up to this problem, but now he just shrugged his shoulders and said, "forget it, when I didn't say anything!"

Having said this, Ye Feng immediately lay down on the bed again, shrugged his shoulders and said, "I have already said what I should say. As for what you think, it's your business. I've said it all!"

Thousand face fox see Ye Feng so a say, can't help staring at Ye Feng see after a long time, this just said, "if is thousand color bee appear such problem, you also show a pair of impatient appearance?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "am I impatient?"

The thousand faced fox said immediately, "you have!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "well, since you say so, I admit that I'm really impatient. I'll answer your question again. If it's qianse bee, I say so, she has already begun to pay attention to this problem, and she won't waste time with me in this meaningless argument."

Thousand face fox a listen to this words, immediately a burst of ponder, looking at Ye Feng for a long time also didn't speak, after a long time, still didn't say anything, directly lying on the bed.

Ye Feng see thousand face fox so, estimate thousand face Fox also have nothing to say, at this time also can't help but close eyes, ready to sleep.

But at this time, the thousand face fox said to Ye Feng, "your relationship with the thousand color bee is not simple, is it?"

Haven't waited for Ye Feng to reply, thousand face fox immediately said again, "if it's him, you are definitely not this attitude now?"

Ye Feng brow slightly a wrinkle, still didn't answer thousand face fox, is slightly a sigh way, "or what don't think, go to bed early!"

Thousand face fox turned over at this time, facing Ye Feng way, "thousand color bee is so good in your eyes? What does she think of me? Why can't I see that? "

At this time, Ye Feng sighed, "as I said, good medicine tastes bitter, and good advice is hard to hear. You are a person who can't accept good advice, so don't ask for nothing!"

Thousand face fox a listen to this words, complexion suddenly move, and began not to speak, a pair of eyes have been staring at Ye Feng looking at.

Ye Feng also ignore thousand face fox, he felt that the girl had fallen into a kind of unreasonable hatred, at this time to persuade more will cause her antipathy.

Now what she should say is almost the same. One more sentence at this time may be counterproductive. It's better not to say anything any more and give qianmianhu time and space to think about it.

Maybe the thousand face fox can figure it out by herself, and suddenly realize it. If she can't figure it out, it's useless to say more.

Qian Mian Hu didn't sleep that night. He spent the whole night thinking about what Ye Feng said, and he was thinking about whether he had any psychological problems.

After all, Ye Feng is the first one to say that he has problems in his heart. He has never met anyone who said that before.

This night, thousand face Fox and thousand color bee things, and from the beginning to the end of the smooth again, want to see whether they have a problem, or thousand color bee has a problem.

I don't know if it's because of the influence of Ye Feng's words. This time, when Qianmian fox recalls the past and the thousand color bee, it doesn't have the same situation as before. All of a sudden, it can be sure that it's the thousand color bee's problem, and it has no problem at all.

This night, for the first time, qianmianhu questioned whether she was right or wrong in hating qianse bee. This was the first time that she met this situation since she began to hate qianse bee.

Thousand face fox in the heart more than once asked himself, is he really hate the wrong person, the death of the elder and thousand color bee has nothing to do with it?

Thousand face Fox also learned to transpose thinking at this time, imagine if a boy likes himself, pursues himself, he doesn't like him at all, refuses him, then whether he wants to commit suicide or encounter any danger, do he really need to bear the responsibility?

After thinking about it, Qianmian fox really began to feel that his hatred seemed to become a little puzzling. In the end, the seniors cheated on him and knew qianse bee behind his back. Qianse bee even didn't know who he was or whether he had his own number.

What's more, from the results, qianse bee didn't come together with the seniors. The seniors were too tired to think about it, and they were becoming thinner and less energetic.In the final analysis, because of cheating, seniors feel ashamed of themselves, so when they see themselves, they think of avoiding for the first time.

In the final analysis, it seems that everything is the problem of the seniors themselves, and there is nothing wrong with other people. Even if the seniors die, qianse bee may not know what happened.

In the final analysis, it is the slag of the elder that leads to his final fate. Everything is the problem of the elder himself, which has nothing to do with the thousand color bee, and even less with himself.

In the final analysis, I am just an ex girlfriend who was dumped by a senior. What is the reason for my inexplicable hatred?

In the final analysis, I want to avenge my seniors. What is the revenge? If the thousand color bee has been with the seniors, and then with other men, this may be the problem of the thousand color bee, but the thousand color bee does not.

In the final analysis, I want to revenge for my seniors. What's my status? Ex girlfriend? I'm afraid that the seniors may not admit their identity. After all, starting with him, it seems that everything is natural. The seniors have never confessed to themselves, and they have never confessed to them. So they come together inexplicably, but it's just a kind of ambiguity without breaking.

If you really care about it, you and your seniors just meet very often. They don't even hold hands when they meet, let alone act like other friends and girlfriends.

Think of these, thousand face fox can't sleep any more, after all, I hate so long people, tonight night passed, but found that I hate for no reason, no reason, is there really something wrong with my heart?

Thought of here, thousand face fox a turn over, looking at the leaf maple in front of already soundly fell asleep.

At first, the thousand face Fox also felt that Ye Feng, knowing that he was a woman, told him to come and live in a room with him, and kept persuading him to drink. What's his intention.

Now looking at Ye Feng's sleeping posture, what's the intention to a woman? It's just the kind of straight man's performance spread on the Internet. Beautiful women and you are "cohabiting", and you can sleep so soundly.

I haven't seen Ye Feng well before. When I look at Ye Feng carefully again, the thousand face fox suddenly moves in his heart. To tell you the truth, Ye Feng's appearance should not be handsome, but the masculine temperament reflected from inside out is incomparable to the so-called handsome guy.

Think of dromus house arrest of Dixie, and think of thousand color bee, thousand face fox before still in the heart laugh, what kind of man, worth a few women for him so.

But at this time, thousand face fox seems to understand the charm of Ye Feng. At this moment, he seems to have been attracted by Ye Feng.

Think of here, thousand face fox immediately back to the body, try not to see Ye Feng, he can't that mentality, can share a man with other women, but also the performance doesn't matter.

Think of such a thousand face fox heart is a move, the more I tell myself not to see Ye Feng, the more I want to turn over to see him.

In the end, the thousand face fox told himself in his heart that it would not be so good to see. He would not have any interest in the men who have been surrounded by beautiful women, and what to be afraid of.

But the more you think about it, the more you feel that Ye Feng is different. Even the words that ridicule you before seem to become the truth at this moment.

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