Ye Feng didn't say anything. He left the security department directly. After getting on the bus, he found the dean's business card. After having a look, he found out that the dean's name was tiedehua, and there was his mobile phone and office number below.

Ye Feng directly called tiedehua's mobile phone. As soon as the phone was connected, Ye Feng said, "Dean tie, I may have some problems with my body. Are you in the hospital?"

Tiedehua was still wondering who called him. As soon as he heard Ye Feng's voice on the phone, he immediately said, "I'm not in the hospital, but I'm going to the hospital now. You go now, I'll be there in a minute!"

After Ye Feng answered, he hung up the phone and drove directly to the hospital. When he arrived at the president's office, tie Dehua didn't come back, but he probably called his secretary. The secretary took Ye Feng into the office and poured him a cup of tea.

After waiting in tiedehua's office for less than half an hour, tiedehua came back in a hurry. He was dressed in a straight suit and had a briefcase in his hand. As soon as he came in, he closed the door and quickly went to his desk to put down his briefcase.

Just sat down, tiedehua looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what's wrong with you?"

Ye Feng truthfully said to tie Dehua, "from today on, I eat anything tasteless, and even feel particularly bad. I feel bitter when I eat sugar!"

Tiedehua smell speech Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng for a long time, he really can't think of Ye Feng exactly is where there is a problem.

At this time, he took out a stack of documents from his briefcase and put them on his desk. He said to Ye Feng, "today, I went to some famous experts in Guyang to discuss your situation. Although they have retired, they have made great achievements in their own fields."

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words. Then he stands up and says to tiedehua, "what? Have you told someone about me? "

Tiedehua see Ye Feng some excited, immediately toward Ye Feng said, "you can rest assured, in addition to your condition, I did not mention any information about you, and these are old experts, they also know the rules, and did not ask, and we are also for the sake of your condition, you also want to cure as soon as possible, right?"

Ye Feng didn't speak any more. After pondering for a moment, he sat down again and said, "what's wrong with me?"

Tiedehua took out some documents and handed them to Ye Feng, "these are all the strange diseases we have encountered over the years. We originally wanted to find many or at least one case similar to you, but unfortunately, none of them was found!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but wonder way, "didn't find you to show me what?"

But tiedehua said, "these are the cases most similar to yours, but still far away from each other!"

Ye Feng frowned at the report in his hand, which was also some medical terms. He could not understand it, so he threw it aside.

Tiedehua also knew that Ye Feng could not understand it. After he collected the documents, he said to Ye Feng, "I can't explain your current situation, but I personally suggest that you stay in the hospital for observation!"

Ye Feng stood up and said, "what's the use of staying in the hospital if you don't see well? Since you can't see it well, forget it. I'll find a way myself! "

Iron Dehua see Ye Feng finish to leave, immediately stopped Ye Feng way, "Ye Feng, you wait, I can take you to see an expert, he may be able to answer your questions!"

Ye Feng heard the speech stopped, looked back at tiedehua, "maybe?"

Tiedehua shrugged his shoulders and said, "your situation is quite special. At present, the world believes that there are no similar cases, and no one can make a 100% commitment. You can certainly look good. I give you such a commitment now. If you don't look good at the time, aren't you even more disappointed?"

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng asked tie Dehua, "is this expert in Guyang?"

Tie Dehua shook his head and said, "it's not in Guyang, but if you nod your head, I can call him immediately, and he can arrive in Guyang tomorrow at the latest!"

Ye Feng pondered for a long time and did not speak, but tiedehua continued to say to Ye Feng, "Ye Feng, now all your hopes are in the hands of this expert, if he has no way, I guess you really can't see it well, but since there is still a glimmer of hope, I hope you will carefully consider it!"

Ye Feng nodded at this time, "OK, you let him come!"

When tiedehua heard this, he stood up excitedly and said to Ye Feng, "well, I'll arrange everything. When he comes, I'll call you right away!"

Ye Feng saw that tie Dehua was very excited. He frowned and said, "Dean tie, you seem to be more worried than me!"

Tiedehua said with an embarrassed smile, "I don't want to hide it from you. Your condition is special. If you can be cured, it will help me and the reputation of our hospital. Of course, you are the first to benefit!"

Ye Feng said to tie Dehua, "Dean tie, I have to explain one thing in advance. I'm here to see a doctor because I fully believe in you. I don't want to have a word about me outside, no matter whether I can be optimistic or not."

Tiedehua's face moved slightly, "don't worry, we only aim at the disease, not at you!"Ye Feng nodded and said, "it's your right to write about the disease and study it. But if I get into unnecessary trouble because of this, Dean tie, don't blame me for turning over my face at that time!"

Tiedehua has repeatedly assured Ye Feng that he will never mention Ye Feng in any future academic report or press conference as long as it is published to the public.

Ye Feng nodded and said, "wait until you get in touch with the expert. Let's get in touch again."

Tiedehua came to see Ye Feng out of the dean's office and out of the hospital building.

On the way, Ye Feng asked tiedehua, "now I have no appetite to eat. Is there any way to solve it first?"

Tie Dehua said to Ye Feng, "I suggest you take some appetizers first. If it still doesn't work, you should take some liquid food such as porridge. After experts come, we will study your reasons carefully!"

Ye Feng is helpless, the secret way also can be like this temporarily, also hope this so-called expert now, can really be optimistic about his "disease".

After leaving the hospital, Ye Feng went directly to the drugstore and bought a bunch of appetizers. He hoped that he could return to normal after eating.

After buying the medicine, Ye Feng's mobile phone rings. Taking it up, it's Li Xuan. As soon as he gets through, Li Xuan excitedly says to Ye Feng, "Xiao Ye, let me tell you a good news!"

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