Ye Feng took the phone and got on the bus. After closing the door, he asked Li Xuan, "what's the good news? Did Sula recognize you as a grandfather

Li Xuan said, "that's not true, but Xiao La seems to be very interested in our Taoist metaphysics Association. Today, he borrowed some Taoist books from me and went back to read them."

Ye Feng can't help but say to Li Xuan, "that's really good news. She's interested in it. In the future, you may have more exchanges. I'll go to borrow books from you from time to time. After a long time, are you afraid that Sula won't recognize you?"

Li Xuan kept laughing on the phone, saying that he meant the same thing. You can hear that Li Xuan is really happy today.

However, Li Xuan asked Ye Feng after he gathered his smile, "by the way, what's your situation now? Have you found anything different again? "

Ye Feng took a look at the appetizer he had just bought in the plastic bag and said to Li Xuan, "I just went to the hospital and talked with the iron Dean of the hospital for a while!"

Li Xuanxin next move way, "how? What has happened to the body? "

Ye Feng said, "the body should not change, but suddenly found that what they eat, there is no appetite, no matter how delicious things to eat in the mouth is bitter!"

After pondering for a while, Li Xuan said to Ye Feng, "come to my house. Just now, when I was helping Xiao La choose books, I found an ancient book by accident. Maybe I can have an explanation for your present situation!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng immediately started the car and said that he would arrive soon. Then he hung up and drove to Li Xuan's house.

When Ye Feng arrived at Li Xuan's house, Li Xuan was already sitting in the living room of his home, making tea and waiting for him.

When Ye Feng walked past, he saw that in addition to Li Xuan's tea set, there were several yellow ancient books on the tea table.

Li Xuan motioned to Ye Feng to sit down and put a cup of tea in front of him. Then he said, "in the book I see today, there is a paragraph about Zhang Sanfeng and Zhang Zhenren in the late Southern Song Dynasty!"

Then Li Xuan picked up the book on one side and searched for the words he said.

Ye Feng picked up the tea cup and felt a little afraid of eating and drinking now. The tea smelled very fragrant, but it was supposed to taste again in his mouth.

However, Ye Feng still took a sip. As expected, it was tea with a bitter tail. Drinking it in his mouth was like eating bitter gourd. It was bitter from his lips to his throat.

At this time, Li Xuan said, "I found it. The general meaning of this passage is that when Zhang Sanfeng was 209 years old, he often fell into a dream and dreamed of the same scene. Then he soon created rootless tree!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "what is a rootless tree?"

Li Xuan explained, "it's a Dan Dao article left by Zhang Sanfeng. It's about how ordinary people practice truth."

Ye Feng smell speech can't help a dismay way, "practice true practice?"

Li Xuan didn't even look at Ye Feng. He continued to look at the ancient books in his hand and said, "by the way, what do you say you eat now is tasteless?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "it's not tasteless, it's bitter and sour. Sugar is bitter and sour!"

Li Xuan continued to look at the ancient books and said, "here again, it is mentioned that Zhang Zhenren has turned into a dream, and the taste of food is bitter, that is, he has entered the realm of fasting in the valley!"

Ye Feng has a big head to listen to. Although he has been living in Europe and America before, he still has the consciousness of waste wood Ye Feng in his consciousness. He also knows what to cultivate truth and what to create a valley.

Fei Chai Ye Feng has also read a lot of online novels. These are the routines in the general novels of cultivating truth and immortality. I didn't expect that there are such records in these Taoist ancient books.

But Ye Feng still didn't believe it. After all, in ancient times, many things couldn't be explained by science, they were explained by mysterious things.

Even the so-called Zhang Sanfeng lived to more than 200 years old, Ye Feng also thinks it's too ridiculous. How can a mortal live so long? What's more, he also says that if he doesn't eat grains, he won't eat, and he won't starve to death?

Seeing Ye Feng's disdainful smile, Li Xuan couldn't help saying to Ye Feng, "I know you don't believe it, but if you think about your own experience, what else is impossible in this world, even if it is science now, there are things that can't be explained. If you are too superstitious in science, why isn't it a superstition?"

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard what Li Xuan said. Yes, he should have died in Brazil, but now he is still living in China. He can meet many people he didn't know before.

If you put it in the past, someone tells you that someone died and was reborn in another person, you will not believe it, but you will let him go to hell.

But the things I didn't believe in before have really happened, and many things I can't help believing.

At this time, Ye Feng looked at Li xuandao, "what do you mean? Do you mean that I'm going to enter the period of creating a valley, so it's tasteless to start eating, and I'm going to go on a hunger strike to become an immortal? "

Li Xuan pondered that Ye Feng was right. Although both Ye Feng and himself are reborn people, people who have experienced life and death should believe everything, but rebirth and immortality are still two concepts.A fairy? Not to mention the past, even after the rebirth of Li Xuan, he did not dare to think about it.

Thinking of Li Xuan, he sighed, "yes, I don't believe that, but this record is very similar to your current situation. If you don't say that you eat bitterness, I may not believe it, but now it seems that it is completely consistent with you!"

Ye Feng also pondered. What Li Xuan said was right. What he said about Zhang Sanfeng is very similar to himself now. It is said that Zhang Sanfeng will become an immortal in the end. Do you want to become an immortal yourself?

If ordinary people know that they want to become immortals, they are not excited to jump to the roof and wish to go to heaven now?

But Ye Feng doesn't think so. It's not sure whether it's true.

At least for now, although so many facts have proved that his situation is a bit like Zhang Sanfeng's, he still doesn't believe it instinctively.

Even if it is true, after all, what does it look like after becoming an immortal? Why has no one known what a real immortal is doing for so many years?

This is the same reason as where people go after death and what kind of state they exist in. This is human instinct and fear of the unknown future. What as like as two peas in

, Ye Feng's view is that there is no essential difference between the immortal and the dead. They are the same. They do not know what the future is.

So now Ye Feng, can't see the slightest happiness on his face, he is more worried.

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