Just after leaving Li Xuan's home, Ye Feng's mobile phone rings. He picks up his mobile phone to have a look, but it's long Xinran.

As soon as Ye Feng answered the phone, he heard long Xinran ask Ye Feng, "how? With other people's beautiful woman Wen Xiang and Ruyu, have you forgotten your business, and if I don't call you, are you not going to call me? "

After hearing this, Ye Feng remembers that the main purpose of getting close to Sun Li is to help long Xinran obtain information. Now the information is almost obtained, and he has gone to bed with Sun Li, but so far he has not reported to long Xinran.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately said to long Xinran, "the beauty you said is Sun Wei's sister. Sun Wei should have nothing to do with it. He also takes money to do things!"

Long Xinran immediately asked, "do you think your brother-in-law has nothing to do with this because you are looking at the beauty of your parents and are going to get back to be a wife? Don't say if what you say is true. Even if it is true, it's illegal to take money to do business! "

Ye Feng immediately and long Xinran said, "the purpose of your police is to catch the real murderer and solve the problem. Isn't it to catch the behind the scenes and completely solve the problem?"

Long Xinran said to Ye Feng, "our goal is to crack down on all criminal acts. Both the real culprits behind the scenes and the current murderers are our main targets. But if you say so, we may also crack down on people like you who intend to cover up criminals!"

Ye Feng said with a bitter smile, "I just told officer long what I had observed. How did you become a cover up criminal?"

Long Xinran said to Ye Feng, "little mouth, who is behind the scenes?"

Ye Feng said to long Xinran, "Sun Wei didn't say it, but I know it's Ma Zhichao from Shangchao chemical!"

Long Xinran did not understand, "Sun Wei did not say, how do you know?"

Ye Feng said to long Xinran, "I don't need to explain this to you. I have my own investigation channels. Before I found Sun Wei, I suspected Ma Zhichao. The purpose of finding Sun Wei is to confirm my inference."

Long Xinran pondered for a moment and then said, "so, have you confirmed?"

Ye Feng said, "yes, Ma Zhichao!"

Long Xinran said good, immediately to hang up.

But Ye Feng said, "officer long, I'm working for you. You just say good, and you're going to send me away?"

Long Xinran snorted coldly, "don't say that you are so noble and selfless. You are helping me. Even if you don't help me, you will check it, so you didn't do anything for me, and I didn't send you!"

Ye Feng said, "this is not right, I use the results of the hue survey, I could have hidden in my heart, there is no need to tell you, I now selfless dedication to you, of course, is to help you!"

Long Xinran said impatiently, "even if you speak well, then you say, how can I not kill you?"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "how do you have to invite me to a meal or something? Otherwise, I'm not sincere. Besides, I've helped you more than this time. Isn't Zhang Meng also the one I helped you? You don't seem to have a thank you so far!"

After long Xinran pondered for a while, he said, "OK, take it as if I owe you. I'll pay it back at one time. I'll treat you to a big meal another day!"

But Ye Feng said, "this is to fool people, which day is another day? It's better to hit the sun than to pick up the sun, just today! "

Long Xinran heard the speech and thought for a moment. Although he was extremely unhappy, he still said, "OK, that's tonight!"

Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "that's settled. I can wait for your meal with an empty stomach!"

Long Xinran said a wordy, directly hang up the phone.

Ye Feng takes a look at the mobile phone in his hand, and then shrugs his shoulders. The feeling of long Xinran standing high in his daily life is that he doesn't have to eat her meal, but he has to fight against her arrogance.

But then Ye Feng gave Sun Li a phone call, ready to tell her, the police may be staring at his big brother.

Sun Li just got on the phone, and Ye Feng said, "how are you?"

Ye Feng can't help but be surprised, then said nothing, and Sun Li said, "you tell your big brother, the railway station case, the police may stare at him, let him be careful!"

Sun Li can't help but be surprised when she hears the speech, and then she says to Ye Feng, "you call me just for this?"

Ye Feng wondered, "this is not important?"

Sun Li doesn't mean that either. The safety of her elder brother is of course important, but she feels that after all, her relationship with Ye Feng has broken through, which is different from before.

Even Ye Feng doesn't have any sweet words, but at least he doesn't talk business when he calls. He doesn't have the feeling that men and women are together.

Thinking that Sun Li said nothing, she would inform Sun Wei, and then asked Ye Feng, "is there anything else?"

Ye Feng said to Sun Li, "and..."

Sun Lixin next move way, "what?"Ye Feng continued, "I'm sick, you know I know it!"

Sun Li's heart moved again, "what do you mean?"

Ye Feng said, "nothing, just don't want too many people to know!"

Sun Li said, "I know who I can talk to Do you have time in the evening... "

Ye Feng at this time heart next move way, "tonight? I don't think I have time. I have a meal appointment! What's up? "

Sun Li then said, "it's OK, just ask!"

Ye Feng said at this time, "that's OK. I'll be busy first. I'll contact you when I have time!"

Sun Li has not spoken, Ye Feng has hung up the phone, Sun Li suddenly heart a burst of sour, but think Ye Feng may be because of his incurable disease, so deliberately alienated himself, although the heart is still not good, but it is better than no reason to alienate.

After hanging up Sun Li's phone, Ye Feng sighs. He's not a fool, and he hasn't met this kind of thing before. After he's done with other people's beauties, he's already familiar with what they call to say.

So what's Sun Li's mind now? He doesn't need Sun Li to explain it at all. He knows that Sun Li thinks she has a relationship with herself, and whether the relationship between them should be closer.

Ye Feng lights a cigarette, shakes his head after taking a puff, and murmurs that he has already explained to her that he is irresponsible. It's just that she doesn't take her words seriously, so I can't blame her.

What's more, Ye Feng's body is in such a state now. He really thinks that he doesn't know what the future will be like. Although he doesn't directly discuss Sun Li and the women he's been with before, it's two different things after all, and can't be confused.

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