After leaving Li Xuan's home, Ye Feng goes directly to the noble group. Ma Zhichao doesn't do it himself. It's not that Ye Feng thinks he can't win Ma Zhichao.

But Ye Feng doesn't want to move him for the time being. After all, he is still in the noble group. If he moves Ma Zhichao, the noble side must know, which is equivalent to completely exposing himself to the noble.

But it's a good thing for long Xinran to find Ma Zhichao. What long Xinran represents is the police. The purpose of the police to find Ma Zhichao is to scare the snake.

Now, Ye Feng's goal is to beat Ma Zhichao. He can't expose himself to disturb the noble snake.

Nobility is as stable as a mountain so far. On the surface, everything seems to have nothing to do with nobility. It's time for him to move.

To noble group, Ye Feng went directly to the security department, Zhao Dequan is distributing work.

Zhao Dequan saw that Ye Feng came and immediately asked him to guide his work. But Ye Feng shook his head and said that you did a good job. Just go on.

After Zhao Dequan assigned the new security work removed from the CEO's office, he went to Ye Feng's office and began to report to Ye Feng.

Due to the change of the membership of the security department, although the large scope of work has not changed, one small problem has changed, that is, the security department no longer needs to be responsible for the security work on the top floor of the president's office, but gives full power to the noble two security guards.

Although the security department was not responsible for the security of the president's office in the past, it was still necessary for the security department to send people to the office in form. Now, after leaving the security department, even the form is not needed.

On the contrary, Ye Feng began to wonder. Once the security department was not under the control of the president, even formalism was banned. Ye Feng did not know what was the reason and whether there was something behind it that could not be spread.

However, after listening to Zhao Dequan's work report, Ye Feng just nodded and said that Zhao Dequan did well and everything was in order.

Zhao Dequan was complacent and said to Ye Feng, "what the minister said is good. I'm just going step by step! The minister led everything properly! "

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the speech. When he came in the afternoon, including yesterday, he found some problems.

At this time, he said to Zhao Dequan solemnly, "Zhao Dequan, you are now the deputy minister. What I value is your ability, not your flattery. I am not Wu Yanhui before. The reason why I choose you is that I think you are decent and take the overall situation into consideration. But if you still treat me like Wu Yanhui before, you will only flatter me. What's wrong I don't think you'll be a vice minister for long! "

Zhao Dequan used to be complacent. After all, he was a new official, and he had a close relationship with Ye Feng. Everyone below knew that everyone would flatter him.

And I am really grateful for Ye Feng's promotion. In addition, I used to flatter Wu Yanhui as Ye Feng said, so I flattered Ye Feng unconsciously.

Now listening to Ye Feng's words, Zhao Dequan came down in a cold sweat. He quickly explained to Ye Feng, "minister, I don't mean to flatter you, I..."

Ye Feng doesn't give Zhao Dequan an opportunity to explain. He thinks that Zhao Dequan is flattering, and the explanation is meaningless. "Zhao Dequan, you don't have to say anything to me. Ask yourself, do you want to be a security guard here all your life, or do you want to do something while you are young?"

Before Zhao Dequan spoke, Ye Feng stood up and walked towards the door, but said, "so you don't have to explain to me. You should give yourself an explanation. If you can convince yourself, I don't care. Anyway, the most important thing for the security department is people."

On hearing this, Zhao Dequan immediately said to Ye Feng, "minister, don't worry, I will get rid of the bad habits before!"

Ye Feng looked back at Zhao Dequan, "I know that when you take office as a new official, the following brothers must have changed their face to you, but we are not a underworld or an organization. What we need is people who work for us. All of us are superior and inferior. Your example is not good. The following talents follow suit. Think for yourself!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Zhao Dequan immediately said to Ye Feng, "minister, I completely remember what you said. I promise Forget it, I don't promise. It's better to say it a thousand times than to do it. Next, look at my performance. If you think I can't do it, replace me immediately. I don't have a complaint. "

Ye Feng nodded contentedly, then patted Zhao Dequan on the shoulder, "I treat you as a brother, and I just tell you so much. If you are just those people I don't know, what's your future and what's my business?"

When Zhao Dequan heard this, he was even more excited. His eyes turned red and he looked at Ye Feng chokingly.

Ye Feng heavily patted Zhao Dequan, "come on, man, just say a few words. I still expect you to help me with anything important?"

Zhao Dequan nodded, wiped the corner of his eyes, and said to Ye Feng, "minister, when you say east, I will never go west. When you say south, I will never go north. In short, what you say in the future is an order, and I will listen to you completely! You are my brother, my brotherYe Feng smiles, then stands at the window, opens the shutters with his fingers, looks at the security guards outside, and sighs, "the high paid environment here creates a scene of overstaffing!"

Zhao Dequan frowned and looked at it. But he saw that the security guard outside was chatting and laughing. It seemed that he was at work.

Seeing this, Zhao Dequan immediately went out, but was stopped by Ye Feng.

Ye Fengchao Zhao Dequan said, "they say it's useless. There must be a complete system. Do you mind if I cut you?"

When Zhao Dequan heard this, he frowned and said, "take my knife?"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "I have wronged you!" Then he said to Zhao Dequan in a loud voice, "first deduct your salary for half a month, and stay here to check! If you do that again, get out of here

Zhao Dequan was confused by what Ye Feng said, but he suddenly understood what Ye Feng said before, and immediately nodded, "yes! I know! "

After that, Zhao Dequan came out of Ye Feng's office in a "disheartened face". The sound insulation effect of Ye Feng's office was not good. Just now, the security guards outside heard Ye Feng's scolding of Zhao Dequan.

Seeing the appearance of Zhao Dequan come out, they can't help but wonder. They all come to ask Zhao Dequan what's going on.

Zhao Dequan said, "I'm not good. I didn't finish the task of the minister. No wonder he got so angry. Now the minister is ready to act in full accordance with the articles of association. If anyone violates the regulations in the future, he will be dismissed. In the future, he will only deal with things, not people!"

When they heard this, they secretly said that Zhao Dequan and Ye Feng had such a good relationship. What's more, they all went back to their jobs and were busy with their own affairs.

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