Ye Feng gave Xu Wenyu a look at the number, told her it was long Xinran, and immediately connected the phone, "officer long, what time is it? You are finally willing to call. I thought you forgot me!"

Long Xinran said to Ye Feng, "you're still in the hotel, aren't you? I'll go there now. Don't act rashly. I'll be there in a minute. We'll talk when we meet! "

After hanging up long Xinran's phone, Ye Feng said to Xu Wenxuan, "she'll be there in a minute. It's estimated that she has the following!"

Xu Wenzhen seems to have little interest in Liang Banghui's case. He still says to Ye Feng, "let's talk about Gao Yu before she comes! Do you know him? What does he like? "

Ye Feng took a look at Xu Wenyu and said, "I won't help you until I solve Liang Banghui's case!"

Xu Wenzhen shrugged his shoulders and showed little interest.

Ye Feng continued, "and if you don't solve Liang Banghui thoroughly, do you think that even if you have the ability to approach Gao Yu, you can live a safe life in the latter half of your life?"

Then he continued, "if Gao Yu knows what you are doing, do you think Gao Yu will marry you home?"

When Xu Wenxuan heard what Ye Feng said, he suddenly felt awe struck and looked at Ye Feng. Every sentence of Ye Feng's words came to his heart.

So far, only Ye Feng and Qi Weijun know that they can't bear to experience. For the time being, Ye Feng and Qi Weijun won't say much. If they want to get rid of their past life, they must bring down Liang Banghui.

Thinking of this, Xu Wenxuan said to Ye Feng solemnly, "OK, I'll listen to you!"

Ye Feng didn't talk much. After long Xinran knocked on the door, Ye Feng went to open the door.

Long Xinran didn't come alone. He was followed by a man who seemed to be in his forties.

Ye Feng frowned slightly. Long Xinran and Ye Feng said, "this is Mao Yuming, the leader of our project team!"

Mao Yuming immediately stretched out his hand to Ye Feng, "Hello, I'm Mao Yuming! The leader of Liang Banghui's task force

Ye Feng shakes hands with Mao Yuming and looks at long Xinran in surprise. What's the matter.

Long Xinran didn't explain too much. After entering the hotel with Mao Yuming, he said to Ye Feng, "I've already told our team leader about the situation you reflected. This time, he will come together to have a specific chat with you about this case!"

After Ye Feng asked Mao Yuming to sit down, Chao long happily said, "I've told you all about what to say. What else can I say?"

However, Mao Yuming said to Ye Feng, "Bruce Lee has basically reported to me about your situation. I also know something about the reality. I came here to have a more specific understanding of the situation!"

Xu Wenxuan is unhappy. After all, she doesn't want too many people to know about her past. Originally, Ye Feng came to find long Xinran, and she was already unhappy. Now she has another Mao Yuming, and she is even more unhappy.

But Ye Feng said to Mao Yuming, "is there an ad hoc group on Liang Banghui's case?"

Mao Yuming explained to Ye Feng, "Liang Banghui, we have been paying attention to him for a long time. We all know a lot of things, but the network behind him is deep in Guyang, and we want to open the whole network at one time, so we haven't taken any action!"

Ye Feng said to Mao Yuming, "it seems that we are doing too much. Even without us, Liang Banghui's tail will not stand for a few days?"

Mao Yuming nodded and said, "in fact, we have enough evidence to arrest him, but we don't want to destroy our overall plan because of Liang Banghui!"

With that, Mao Yuming and Ye Feng said, "our special task force also cooperated with the inspection team of China y, the purpose of which is to clean up the political arena of Guyang and prepare to catch up. According to the situation reported by Bruce Lee and me, I also know a lot of things we don't have, so I want to invite..."

Mao Yuming said, looking at Xu Wenyu, "I'd like to ask this lady to explain to me what you know. It's better to make an official record!"

Xu Wenxuan didn't want to say, "no, I won't take any notes and leave any cases with you!"

However, Mao Yuming said to Xu Wenyu, "you can rest assured that our record is guaranteed not to be made public. It is only open to the case itself. If it is unnecessary, we will not bring you to trial. In short, we will not disclose your identity to the outside world. Even if you need to testify in court, we will also conduct a private trial! You can rest assured of that! "

Xu Wenxuan is still hesitant, but Ye Feng doesn't care about it. Instead, he asks Mao Yuming, "is it only when you can catch all of them that you will take action?"

Mao Yuming shook his head and said, "I believe I don't say it. You know very well that Liang Banghui's uncle is Qin Yuanyang, the Secretary of Guyang municipal Party committee. If we can't fully grasp the sufficient evidence of Qin Yuanyang, we won't act rashly. Once we have enough evidence, we will act. As long as the big tiger falls down, the next small flies can break it one by one. Liang Banghui's uncle is Qin Yuanyang It's just a breakthrough! In order to prevent the case from being exposed, the name of our project is only Liang Banghui, not Qin Yuanyang! "Ye Feng just nodded and said, "I understand. In fact, this case is mainly aimed at Qin Yuanyang. Liang Banghui is just a shrimp. He wants to move at any time, right?"

Mao Yuming nodded and said, "that's right, that's what it means!"

At this time, Ye Feng said to Xu Wenyu, "then you should cooperate with leader Mao's work and make a record! Tell me what you know

But Xu Wenxuan hesitated to look at Ye Feng, "ten thousand can't move Qin Yuanyang, can't you move Liang Banghui?"

Mao Yuming and Xu Wenxuan explained, "you can rest assured that even if there is not enough evidence to move Qin Yuanyang, we will deal with Liang Banghui's case. It will only be a case at that time, and it won't involve too much!"

Xu Wenzhen hesitated for a long time and didn't say a word. Long Xinran said to Xu Wenzhen, "whether it's aimed at Qin Yuanyang or not, Liang Banghui's case needs to be settled in the end. You can rest assured about this. If you don't rest assured, we will protect you within a specific period of time after we understand the case!"

Ye Feng looks at Xu Wenzhen. He doesn't talk much. After all, this decision still requires Xu Wenzhen to go by himself.

Don't want to xuwenyu a bite, toward maoyuming and longxinran way, "OK, I promise you!"

Mao Yuming immediately showed his joy and said to Xu Wenxuan, "then we will start to make notes now!"

Xu Wenzhen nodded, and Ye Feng took a look at Xu Wenzhen, then winked at long Xinran and motioned her to go out with her.

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