While long Xinran goes out with Ye Feng, Xu Wenxuan is taking notes with Mao Yuming.

Long Xinran went out and asked Ye Feng, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng is toward the Dragon happily way, "you before is not anxious, is not already know?"

Long Xinran shrugged his shoulders and said, "I know some, but not all. I was temporarily transferred to the ad hoc group. I didn't have much time. Besides, I did have other cases before!"

Ye Feng can't help asking, "are you talking about the case at the railway station? So you don't care about the case at the railway station now? "

Long Xinran said, "other colleagues are dealing with it. At present, I mainly deal with Liang Banghui's case!"

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard long Xinran say so. So long Xinran didn't care about Ma Zhichao's case. If she didn't care, she would ask.

Although there are also other police investigating, once there is a problem, at least they should avoid any conflict with long Xinran.

In addition, Ma Zhichao just came forward today, and he was still thinking that if he investigated here and long Xinran intervened there again, it would not be easy for him to do so.

Now listen to long Xinran say so, Ye Feng is relieved a little bit, at least the police here is not acquaintances, they do a lot easier.

Long Xinran saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word. He couldn't help looking at him and said, "what? You look like you want me not to ask about the case at the railway station? "

Ye Feng immediately said with a smile to long Xinran, "officer long, are you too sensitive? Do you ask about the case at the railway station? What does it have to do with me?"

Long Xinran snorted coldly, "have you forgotten? Before, I suspected that you disclosed the news to Sun Wei. I know that I haven't lessened my doubts about you. Of course, you don't want me to ask again. What's the relationship between you and Sun Wei's sister, Sun Li? "

On hearing this, Ye Feng immediately laughed awkwardly, and then immediately explained, "no, officer long, you asked me to get close to Sun Li at the beginning, now what do you think I have to do with him?"

Long Xinran sneered, "yes, I let you get close to Sun Li, but I didn't ask you to have sex with her, did I?"

After hearing this, Ye Feng was stunned and said, "what did you say? Why don't I get your point? "

Long Xinran said with a sneer, "do you think that after I asked you to get close to Sun Li, I would ignore this case and rely on you alone? I remember I told you I would stare at you

Leaf maple immediately heart next a way, "you follow me?"

Long Xinran turned his head and didn't look at Ye Feng's face. "I was worried about your accident. After all, we all know who Sun Wei is!"

Ye Feng's heart suddenly turned to Lin. he saw that long Xinran was really following him, but he said to him, "I took Sun Li to the hotel, but the situation is not what you think..."

Long Xinran shrugged his shoulders and said, "you don't have to explain to me. You have nothing to do with Sun Li. It has nothing to do with me! I just want to tell you that when you play with fire, it may backfire! "

Listening to long Xinran say so, Ye Feng is relieved. Maybe long Xinran just knows that she took Sun Li to the hotel that night, but after all, she can't know what she did with Sun Li in the hotel.

Long Xinran saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word. Then he looked back at him and said, "why did you stay in hospital that night?"

Ye Feng says, "the body is a bit uncomfortable!" Then he immediately turned away from the topic and said, "I didn't expect officer long to care about me so much. It's been several days. You just tell me now?"

Thinking that the secret is wrong, if long Xinran knew about it before, he might not be willing to invite himself to dinner that night. Ye Feng could see that after he helped her, he had some good feelings for himself.

But tonight, long Xinran's attitude to himself is obviously different from that of the previous night. If he didn't guess wrong, it must be that long Xinran suddenly knew.

Long Xinran said to Ye Feng, "do I care about you? You think too much! "

Ye Fenggang wanted to speak. When the door of the hotel was opened, Mao Yuming came out and nodded to the dragon, "the record has been made! Then I'll go back first! "

Long Xinran nodded and said to Mao Yuming, "leader Mao, thank you very much this time!"

But Mao Yuming said happily to long, "it's all for work, it should be!" Then he said to Xu Wenzhen, "Miss Xu, if there is any situation, I will contact you!"

Xu Wenxuan nodded to Mao Yuming and said, "yes, Mao Yuming just turned around and left.".

After waiting for Mao Yuming to leave, long Xinran turned back and said to Ye Feng and Xu Wenxuan, "I should go too!"

Ye Feng immediately stepped forward and said, "I'll see you off, officer long?"

But long Xinran said, "no!" Then he turned and left.

But Xu Wenxuan looked at the back of long Xinran and said to Ye Feng, "don't you send it?"

Ye Feng said that Xu Wenxuan said, "she said no!"

But Xu Wenxuan looked at Ye Feng white, "do you know why I didn't like you at the beginning?"

Ye Feng frowned at Xu Wenyu, "what do you mean?"Xu Wenyu shrugged and said, "it's because you have no emotion!"

Ye Feng is still puzzled. Xu Wenxuan continues, "if officer long doesn't want to get along with you alone, he just left with another officer. Why do you want to stay here and go alone?"

Listen to Xu Wenyu so a say, leaf maple heart next move, immediately chase down.

Xu Wenxuan stood at the door and looked at Ye Feng's back. Then he shook his head and sighed, "it hasn't changed much!"

When Ye Feng chased down the stairs, long Xinran just came out of the hotel. He immediately chased up and said with a smile, "officer long, did you have dinner?"

Long Xinran looks at Ye Feng white, "you have to give you an answer tonight. I've been having a meeting with the group since I went back. How can I have time to eat?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately said, "that's just right. I didn't eat either. I'll treat you to dinner."

Long Xinran but looked at Ye Feng, "just upstairs that full of lunch box, you don't tell me is your friend a girl to eat?"

Ye Feng didn't expect long Xinran to observe so carefully. He immediately said with an embarrassed smile, "I ate a little, but I have a big appetite, I'm not full, and I'm hungry!"

After long Xinran hesitated for a while, he said to Ye Feng, "OK, let's eat together."

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately toward his Passat walk, turn head toward long Xinran way, "my car is here!"

Long Xinran stood in the same place, staring at Ye Feng for a long time, and then walked toward Passat.

After getting on the bus, Ye Feng just started the car, but long Xinran looked at Ye Feng and suddenly asked, "do you want to chase me?"

Ye Feng was so suddenly asked by long Xinran. He looked at her and said, "ah?"

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