Long Xinran glanced at Ye Feng and said faintly, "it's just one word, not just two words. What's the answer?"

Ye Feng did not expect that long Xinran would suddenly ask himself such a direct question. To tell you the truth, he was not prepared at all.

Long Xinran is such a beautiful woman. If Ye Feng says she doesn't want to, then she is definitely cheating others and herself. Everyone has a love for beauty, not to mention Ye Feng from the Beauty Association.

But if you want to chase her, Ye Feng doesn't feel completely. After all, he and long Xinran are not too familiar. It's neither like nor dislike.

In a word, Ye Feng has a good feeling for long Xinran, but whether to pursue long Xinran or not, Ye Feng has never considered this problem.

In fact, Ye Feng is still enjoying this kind of quarrel with long Xinran. When he thinks about it, he will come out to meet him. When he doesn't want to, he is busy.

Long Xinran saw Ye Feng staring at him without saying a word, and immediately said, "if you don't answer, I'll take it as if you're embarrassed to refuse directly, but it's not!"

Ye Feng said hastily, "it's not..."

Long Xinran's face suddenly moved and said, "it's not!"

Ye Feng quickly explained, "no, no, no, I don't mean no, I mean..."

Long Xinran quickly said, "no, that's it?"

Ye Feng says again, "that is not!"

Long Xinran stares at Ye Feng and says, "yes, no, no, no, no, no, no, what do you mean?"

Ye Feng asked long Xinran, "I said, officer long, I'm not prepared at all. If you suddenly ask me such a direct question, I don't know how to reply to you!"

Long Xinran said with disdain, "even like or not like a person, are so tangled, like and don't like, so difficult to speak?"

Ye Feng sighed, "actually, officer long, we don't know much about each other. To tell you the truth, I really like you, but Is it too early for us to break this layer of window paper now? "

Long Xinran shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course you want to be ambiguous with you, but my character will not be like this. I don't like this. I like everything clear!"

Ye Feng explained, "you may have misunderstood me a little. I mean, I like you, but I don't like it. When we have to show our position now, we still need time to increase mutual understanding!"

Long Xinran said to Ye Feng, "if you don't show your position, what else can you understand? If you want to understand it, you should understand it thoroughly. To put it bluntly, you just want to be ambiguous, but you don't want to be responsible, do you? "

Ye Feng smell speech suddenly a consternation, in fact, long Xinran said, seems to really is his own idea, this may be related to his previous character.

I've traveled through flowers before, but I don't need to be responsible for any woman.

Long Xinran then sneered, "forget it, just think I didn't ask you this question!"

Ye Feng said hastily, "I remember before you said you didn't accept sister brother love!"

Long Xinran snorted coldly, "I don't accept sibling love, but it doesn't mean I can't try! But there's no objection to that! "

Listening to long Xinran, Ye Feng asked, "what do you like about me? I feel like you've never looked up to me! "

Long Xinran stares at Ye Feng and says, "who said I like you?"

Ye Feng a face surprised way, "that you ask me what is not want to chase you, also say what don't want ambiguous unclear, also say can try sister brother love?"

Long Xinran glanced at Ye Feng, then opened the door and said to Ye Feng, "you are an idiot!"

See long Xinran get off, Ye Feng also immediately get off, toward long Xinran way, "long officer, don't play with me!"

Long Xinran stopped, looked back at Ye Feng and said, "Ye Feng, I tell you, the opportunity is one time. If you miss it, you can't come again!"

Finish saying long Xinran head also didn't return of walk, leave a face ignorant force of Ye Feng, Zheng Zheng ground looking at long Xinran's back figure.

Ye Feng recovered after a while. What's the situation today?

Just now, long Xinran asked himself those questions. Are they confessing to himself? It's totally specious.

When Ye Feng returned to the hotel, Xu Wenzhen saw Ye Feng's depressed face and asked, "what's the matter? Didn't catch up? "

Ye Feng lit a cigarette, sat on the sofa and asked Xu Wenzhen, "a woman, if you want to chase her, does it mean she likes you?"

On hearing this, Xu Wenyu said immediately, "what do you mean? You mean, officer long asked if you wanted to chase her? "

Ye Feng nodded, "right!"

Xu Wenzhen immediately said, "it must be, if you don't like you, even if you know you have a good feeling for her, most women will pretend not to know. Even if you confess, it is more likely that you will fail. Since you take the initiative to ask you, it means that she has a good feeling for you, at least, and wants to further develop with you!"Ye Feng smoked a cigarette and said, "is that so?"

Xu Wenyu said, "of course, otherwise why do you ask you that?" Then he asked Ye Feng, "how do you answer?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I didn't say anything! I said, "I'm not ready!"

Xu Wenzhen couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise, then shook his head and said, "what's your answer? Like is like, don't like is don't like, you are not ready to calculate what answer? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I'm really not ready!"

Xu Wenyu sighed, "I've been defeated by you. You're really a pimple!"

At this time, Ye Feng said, "I just think that she and I may have a good feeling for each other, but after all, we don't get along very well. We should not have reached this stage yet."

Xu Wenzhen couldn't help but look at Ye Feng, "you're really a rustic old hat. If you don't get there, how can you calculate it? It's about getting along with each other. Besides, I think officer Long's appearance and figure are not inferior to Yu wanqiu's. It's more than enough for you You said you weren't ready? I've really convinced you

At this point, Xu Wenzhen frowned and said, "you said you were not ready, which means you didn't think about who to choose between officer long and Yu wanqiu?"

Ye Feng was surprised to see Xu Wenzhen, "why should I choose?"

"Of course, we have to choose one," he said? If you choose Yu wanqiu, you must give up officer long. If you choose officer long, you must give up Yu wanqiu. Isn't that right? Otherwise, you'll have to step on two boats! "

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but mumble a, "foot on two boats?" Thinking of him, he thought to himself, is he really right?

It seems that I'm between Yu wanqiu and long Xinran. I really don't think that whoever I choose must give up. For him, it's normal to like both of them?

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