Gao Yu frowned at Ye Feng and said, "brother, I don't mean you. You don't know women. At least you don't know your ex girlfriend at all. Her purpose is very strong, just for money!"

Ye Feng of course knows Xu's purpose, but he can't help but move. Has Xu and Gao Yu confessed to this extent?

What I said to her at the beginning was to get close to Gao Yu first, let her take a fancy to her, and then carry out her own plan step by step. I didn't expect that she said this so frankly?

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, Gao Yu shrugged his shoulders and said, "so I'm not worried about her influence on me and late autumn, and as long as I find out that she has any influence on me and late autumn, I will immediately terminate the relationship with her!"

Just then, Xu Wenyu came out of the bathroom. Gao Yu just turned her back to Xu Wenyu. When she came, she nodded to Ye Feng who was facing her.

When Xu Wenzhen came by, Gao Yu could not help but frown and look at Xu Wenzhen, "so fast? I haven't finished talking to my brother yet

Xu Wenyu was shocked and said to Gao Yu, "I'll make you two cups of coffee. This shop should have its own coffee making tools."

Gao Yu nodded his head with satisfaction. After patting Xu Wenyu's buttocks a few times, he watched Xu Wenyu walk away. Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "brother, so there is no woman in this world that money can't balance! If so, the money is not in place yet! "

Ye Feng couldn't help nodding, then raised his head and asked Gao Yu, "what about Yu wanqiu? How much money do you think will take care of her? "

Gao Yu was stunned and looked at Ye Feng for a long time. Then he said, "I don't know. At least I'm not good enough, so I don't have much hope for her!"

Ye Feng frowned, "you didn't hope, but you didn't give up!"

Gao Yu shrugged and said, "this kind of woman in late autumn belongs to another kind of pursuit!" Then he picked up a glass on the table and said to Ye Feng, "women are like cups. Some of the cups are rough, just like ordinary women on the street. You can buy them at will. Some of them are more expensive because of their exquisite workmanship. The blue and white porcelain is of a higher level, while the late autumn is a kind of appreciation that can only be seen from a distance but can not be profaned in museums These are priceless, everyone wants to own, but it is difficult to achieve, but it does not mean that there is no opportunity, only the opportunity, there is no possibility to give up! Do you understand? "

Ye Feng once heard that women were compared to cups, and it seemed that there was some truth in it.

When Gao Yu saw that Ye Feng didn't speak, Chao continued, "the princesses of the rich are the public tea cups in the canteen. As long as you go to the canteen for consumption, you can use them. Your classmate, she is the craft tea cup in the gift shop! It's more expensive, but it's worth it! "

Ye Feng can't help extending his thumb to Gao Yu, "what he said is really wonderful!"

Gao Yu shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's nothing. The women I play with don't say much, but they don't say much. What kind of women and what price they pay, I have a lot of money in my heart, so it won't affect me!"

Ye Feng nodded again, looking at Xu Wenyu coming over with two cups of coffee.

This time, instead of letting Xu Wenzhen go away, Gao Yu motioned her to sit down and take a sip of coffee. Then he got up and said, "I'll deal with something first, and I'll see you later."

Then he waved to Ye Feng, "my father asked me to go out with him at noon. You are old classmates. There must be a lot to say. I won't disturb you to talk about the past!"

Gao Yu turned and left without looking back.

After Gao Yu left, Xu Wenzhen took Gao Yu's cup and took a sip of coffee. Then he took a look at Ye Feng and said, "you must have a lot of questions to ask me, don't you?"

Ye Feng lit a cigarette and smoked. After staring at Xu Wenyu for a long time, he shook his head and said, "no!"

But Xu Wenxuan frowned, "no? You're not going to ask me, why tell him about our relationship? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "just say it, and there is no real impact!"

Xu Wenyu's face moved slightly, and then he said, "then he must tell you the agreement between me and him!"

Ye Feng said, "you mean, do you do the woman outside him?"

After seeing Xu Wenxuan nodding his head, Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "he said, but I have nothing to ask. Everyone's choice is different. You are just the most correct choice. What I say can't change anything!"

But Xu Wenxuan said with a smile to Ye Feng, "I have reached this agreement with him, but the final result is not like this, no one can say!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but look at Xu Wenzhen, see her holding a coffee cup after a drink, showing a confident smile.

He can't help but say to Xu Wenyu, "it seems that this is just the first step of your plan to get close to Gao Yu. Although your follow-up plan hasn't started yet, it has already been deployed in your mind!"Xu Wen Yu sneered and said, "do you think I'm close to Gao Yu just for his little so-called maintenance fee? Then you look down on me, Xu Wenyu. What I want is all of him. This is just the beginning! "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "self confidence is a good thing, but overconfidence often backfires! Gao Yu is not such a fool as you think

Xu Wenyu shrugged his shoulders and said, "he's not a fool, but he doesn't see where his intelligence is. Today, he deliberately brought me to show off this kind of thing to you. People like Zhao Yufeng didn't do it. Isn't this the worst way?"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "if you look at Gao Yu like this, I'll advise you to ask for more happiness. He brought you here today, but he didn't show me anything!"

Xu Wenzhen frowned and said, "isn't it showing off? What's that? "

Ye Feng smoked a cigarette, and then said, "he wants to know if there is any connection between you and me. Now his bodyguard is my man, and the security department is in my hands. If the woman around you is also my man, what would you do if you were Gao Yu?"

When Xu Wenxuan heard what Ye Feng said, he could not help but move his eyebrows. He looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean..."

Ye Feng nodded and said, "he is testing me, but also testing you!"

As soon as Xu Wenyu heard this, his hand holding the coffee cup trembled slightly, and the coffee almost splashed out of the cup.

Ye Feng see in the eye, this just toward Xu Wenyu a shrug way, "but you also don't need to be too nervous, everything according to your own deployment to go, later try not to and I show more close to go!"

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