After pondering for a long time, Xu Wenzhen and Ye Feng said, "if you just rely on me, we have no chance. We must cooperate. You can catch up with Yu wanqiu. If yu wanqiu becomes your woman, then Gao Yu will give up completely. He is mine!"

But Ye Feng said to Xu Wenyu, "do you misunderstand me and Yu wanqiu? In fact, I and he..."

Before Ye Feng finished, Xu Wenxuan immediately interrupted him and said, "it doesn't matter what relationship you have with Yu wanqiu. What matters is what relationship you will have in the future. You should know more about Yu wanqiu's background than I do. If you can marry her, it's also your blessing. How many years will you struggle less?"

Ye Feng looks at Xu Wenyu and thinks that Xu Wenyu wants everyone to be the same as her. It's just for money.

But Ye Feng is too lazy to explain. Even if he says he doesn't want money, Xu Wenzhen won't believe it. After all, he committed suicide by borrowing campus loans. He is famous in the whole school. You don't need money. Don't say Xu Wenzhen doesn't believe it. No one will believe it!

At this time, Xu Wenxuan continued to say to Ye Feng, "Yu wanqiu is the best among women in terms of appearance and figure. Sometimes I am envious of her. Don't tell me that you don't have any interest in her!"

Ye Feng doesn't deny it either. Anyway, he knows that he denies it, and Xu Wenzhen still doesn't believe it, so there's nothing to deny.

Xu Wenxuan saw that Ye Feng didn't speak all the time. At this time, he couldn't help frowning and said, "do you have nothing to say to me?"

Ye Feng took the coffee cup and drank most of the coffee. Finally, he threw the cigarette end into the coffee cup and stood up to say to Xu Wenyu, "the coffee is good! Thank you

With that, Ye Feng waved to Xu Wenyu, "your goal has been achieved, and I've retired, so I'll be safe and sound in the future."

But Xu Wenyu said to Ye Feng, "I hope they are well, but Gao Yu's heart is still in Yu wanqiu!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "you don't want me to catch a man's heart. It seems that you have more ability than me!"

Xu Wenyu said, "I said that if you take away Yu wanqiu, my biggest threat, I will not have any threat."

Ye Feng glanced at Xu Wenyu and said, "my deal with you is to help you get close to Gao Yu. As for how you accept him, it depends on your own ability, but don't involve me any more!"

Xu Wen Yu sneered and said, "are you not afraid that I will tell him something about your purpose of approaching Gao Yu?"

Ye Fengxin looked at Xu Wenyu, then said with a sneer, "unless you are not afraid that I will tell him what you have done for Liang Banghui, just say it!"

Xu Wenzhen thought that he had grasped Ye Feng's handle, but he didn't expect that his biggest handle was still in Ye Feng's hand.

after several changes in her face, she said to Ye Feng, "aren't you afraid that I won't help you deal with Liang Banghui?"

Ye Feng smiles and says to Xu Wenyu, "no, I'm not worried about that. Liang Banghui is the biggest obstacle for you to get close to Gao Yu now. Yu wanqiu is not. If you are willing to say something about you when Liang Banghui meets Gao Yu one day, it doesn't matter if you don't mind!"

Xu Wenyu a listen to this, face suddenly move, Ye Feng said is right, his unknown past, Ye Feng is know, but Ye Feng at least now will not threaten her.

But Liang Banghui is not sure. Gao Yu and Liang Banghui are both officials and the second generation of rich people. Guyang is such a big place. Maybe they will meet each other.

If it's true, as Ye Feng said, once Gao Yu and Liang Banghui meet one day, Gao Yu will know her past. In Gao Yu's eyes, what's the difference between herself and the princesses she met among the rich?

Although he had a relationship with Gao Yu this time, after all, Gao Yu just regarded himself as an ordinary college student who went to KTV to sing and met with unruly people.

Although he seems to have some influence in front of Gao Yu, at least he is not comparable to the princesses of the rich. But once he is exposed, his own ending can be known without thinking about it.

Xu Wenzhen can't help but have a shudder feeling. Originally, she was still thinking that she knew Ye Feng's purpose of approaching Gao Yu was not pure.

She just uses Ye Feng to get close to Gao Yu first, and then uses her own motivation to master Ye Feng's approach to Gao Yu. Then she coerces Ye Feng to help herself, and first gets rid of her own obstacles.

Although Xu Wenzhen thinks that Ye Feng and Yu wanqiu are a couple at last, which is a bit cheaper for Ye Feng, after all, after Yu wanqiu's heart is in the right place, Gao Yu absolutely has the information to win completely.

At that time, if you marry into the Gao family, you will be a rich woman in Guyang. It's better to enter the noble group again and get close to the peak of noble power. In the end, you may have a chance to control the whole noble family.

However, the most simple thing I didn't think about was that I let Ye Feng help me get close to Gao Yu, which is equivalent to giving Ye Feng the handle. Besides, Ye Feng also knows this unknown black history.

In the past, Xu Wenzhen knew that he was wrong and underestimated Ye Feng. Since he was discharged from hospital, it was like the rebirth of Phoenix Nirvana.This time, Xu Wenxuan underestimated Ye Feng again. She underestimated Ye Feng's understanding of herself.

It seems that Ye Feng has figured out how to deal with every step of his calculation.

It seems that Ye Feng is waiting for himself to coerce him. These words have already been in Ye Feng's mouth, waiting for himself to open his mouth.

Ye Feng saw Xu Wenyu's face turn red and white. Then he supported the table with both hands and said to Xu Wenyu in a low voice, "if you concentrate on being Gao Yu's mistress, you can get as many benefits as you can from him! Other things, don't ask, your ability and intelligence quotient, not to this step

Xu Wenyu's face is more ugly, and he stares at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng stood up straight and said, "you don't have to stare at me. It's useless to stare at me. What I'm telling you is the truth. When you were close to Liang Banghui, you thought you would never worry about life, but what happened?"

Xu Wenzhen couldn't help but look at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I speak more directly, but also for you. Your ability is to cheat men to spend some money on you, and then think about other things. I'm afraid you won't be happy!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng waved to Xu Wenyu again, "I'm full of words. If you listen to me, just listen. If you don't listen, don't listen! In a word, in the future, you go to your log bridge, I go to my yangguandao, we don't owe each other! "

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