Ye Feng said and left, did not give Xu Wenzhen another chance to speak, looking at Ye Feng left, Xu Wenzhen this just lowered his head, did not return to God for a long time.

At this time, Xu Wenzhen sat down on the opposite side and came alone. Xu Wenzhen looked up and saw that the one sitting on the opposite side was actually Ye Feng who had just left. She could not help frowning and said, "aren't you gone? Why are you back? "

Ye Feng Chao said with a smile, "you seem to be unhappy with what I just said. How can I leave you here alone?"

Xu Wenzhen eyebrows can't help looking at Ye Feng, Ye Feng back and forth has some abnormal, but also said so usually how can't say numb words.

The most important thing is that Xu Wenzhen knows that Ye Feng has completely lost sight of herself since she was discharged from hospital. What she said just now has proved that she can no longer care about her feelings.

And just like this, Ye Feng actually came back and said to himself that he didn't have the heart to leave himself alone and sit here unhappy. What does that mean?

Xu Wenzhen looked at Ye Feng in a dazed way. She really couldn't understand Ye Feng. She didn't know what he was thinking in his heart.

But Ye Feng said to Xu Wenyu, "I just suddenly understood everything!"

Xu Wenzhen did not understand the tunnel, "understand what?"

Ye Feng said, "before, it was because of me that you came to this step, so I owe you an apology!"

Hearing this, Xu Wenyu was stunned and looked at Ye Feng, "you..."

But Ye Feng said to Xu Wenyu, "yes, I'm apologizing to you!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Xu Wenxuan suddenly stood up and said, "you are not Ye Feng! Who are you? "

Ye Feng stunned way, "I'm not Ye Feng, who can I be?"

Xu Wenxuan said, as like as two peas, you are the same as your leaf, and your clothes are the same. But your clothes are obviously renewed, and you have a faint fragrance on your body. This is not on Ye Feng. Finally, Ye Feng doesn't have your frivolous eyes

Ye Feng stares at Xu Wenzhen, and then smiles. "I didn't expect that you, who are addicted to money, still have such a careful mind!"

Xu Wenyu had been feeling strange, Ye Feng had gone, how can suddenly come back, coupled with his abnormal words, she had to pay more attention to Ye Feng.

, as like as two peas, ye feels that the leaf is different from the leaf maple, but the eyes are different from the leaf maple.

At this time, "Ye Feng" suddenly reached out and touched Xu Wenxuan's arm. Xu Wenxuan suddenly felt a current coming from his arm. As soon as his head was covered, he fainted.

"Ye Feng" immediately went up, picked up Xu Wenyu and left the hotel with her.

Xu Wenyu didn't know for a long time. Finally, he opened his eyes and looked at the strange environment around him. It was as if he had been taken to a room with only one window. The sunlight was coming in through the window.

And in the window, a figure appears fuzzy, because of the light, can't see each other's face.

Xu Wenzhen said, "who are you? Why did you catch me here? Why did you fake maple leaf? "

The other side then whispered, "I need you to do me a favor!"

Xu Wenzhen's heart turned, and he immediately said to the other side, "who are you? Do you want to deal with Ye Feng? I have nothing to do with him. You can't blackmail him with me! "

But the other side said, "I don't want to use you to coerce him, but use your identity to help me do something!"

Xu Wenzhen didn't know what the other side was saying, but he saw the other side slowly walking towards him.

At first, he couldn't see clearly. When he came to him, Xu Wenzhen's face suddenly changed. It was not others who stood in front of him, but another himself.

as like as two peas, as like as two peas, as like as two peas, they wear the same clothes as they do.

Xu Wenzhen's whole head was covered, and he looked at each other in amazement. He couldn't believe it, "you You... "

The other side then said, "don't be nervous, I'm just borrowing your identity for a while!"

Xu Wenxuan was as like as two peas, because he was not a male voice, but his voice was exactly the same.

If this person goes out and says that he is Xu Wenyu, I believe that even the students who have a good relationship with her in the university may not be able to distinguish them.

"Xu Wenzhen" saw Xu Wenzhen's expression, with a smile on his face, stroked his hair, and asked her in Xu Wenzhen's voice, "how's it going? Do you think so, too? " As like as two peas as like as two peas as like as two peas,

Xu Wenxuan looked at what she was like before. She had no idea what magic the other side had used. It would be exactly the same as Ye Feng. It would be exactly the same as itself. And the male voice would be male voice, the female voice would be the female voice, and even the leaf maple and herself would speak alike, and could not hear any difference, even even the breath was not bad. Many.

Xu Wenzhen feels very afraid, but it doesn't help to just be afraid at this time. The most important thing is to know whether the other party means any harm to her.However, Xu Wenzhen found that his body was free, and the other side did not bind himself.

"Xu Wenzhen" then said to Xu Wenzhen, "don't worry, if I'm not good for you, you'll die early, so it's more convenient for me to use your identity!"

Xu Wenyu then tentatively asked the other side, "what do you want?"

"Xu Wenyu" looked at Xu Wenyu and said, "don't you understand my Chinese? I didn't say that just now, I'll borrow your identity and let you go when my business is over! "

Xu Wenzhen asked the other side in surprise, "what do you want to do with my identity? What's good about my identity? I'm just an ordinary college student

"Xu Wenyu" said with a smile, "you should not belittle yourself. Your identity is very good. You are not only Ye Feng's ex girlfriend, but also have a relationship with Gao Yu, the second generation of Guyang Fu, and Liang Banghui of Guyang Municipal Bureau! What a good identity. It's a pity that you can't make good use of your identity. Well, I'll borrow your identity for a period of time. When I return it to you, you can see how I can help you make use of the advantages of your identity! "

After staring at each other for a long time, Xu Wenyu asked, "won't you kill me?"

"Xu Wenyu" said with a smile, "don't be nervous. I want to kill you. Can you still talk to me? I just want to do a few things with your identity. I won't kill people for such a small thing! "

When Xu Wenzhen heard the other party say that, he was completely relieved, "when are you going to let me go?"

At this time, the other party shook his head and said, "it's not clear yet, but I believe it won't take long!"

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