Ye Feng didn't drive the car directly to the city. Instead, he went to the suburbs and got out of the car with a tool after arriving in a deserted forest. He dug a hole not far away.

When Ye Feng comes back, Yu wanqiu pulls Ye Feng to one side, "originally this has nothing to do with you, but if you help him deal with the body, you will commit a crime!"

Ye Feng patted Yu wanqiu on the shoulder and said, "think for yourself, if Juan doesn't kill He Fei, what will happen to you now?"

As soon as Yu wanqiu heard this, he was speechless. In fact, what Ye Feng said was reasonable. If it wasn't for Juan, He Fei would have ruined him.

Ye Feng see Yu late autumn did not speak, immediately to the back of the car, He Fei's body will be carried out, thrown into the pit buried.

In order to prevent He Fei's body from being found too early, Ye Feng transplanted a small tree nearby. After stepping on the surrounding soil, he found some dry floating soil nearby and scattered it on it.

Then Ye Feng breaks a branch and asks Yu wanqiu to drive first, while he takes the branch and sweeps away the wheel marks.

Yu wanqiu and Juan are sitting in the car. They are all in a daze. Ye Feng seems to be very familiar with the problem of dealing with corpses, as if he often deals with corpses in this way.

Juan is more convinced that Ye Feng should not only look so simple, he is a bit too hidden.

First of all, Ye Feng was not surprised and flustered to see He Fei's dead body, and even hesitated. This is enough to show Ye Feng's inner strength, not to mention the next series of methods to deal with the dead body. Even Juan thinks that he is not as good as Ye Feng.

Yu wanqiu drove the car into the city. Yu wanqiu wanted to take Juan to the hospital, but Ye Feng didn't let Yu wanqiu drive to the hospital. Instead, he went to a private clinic.

He also looked around to see if there were any cameras. He specially picked a clinic without cameras around, and then helped Juan in.

Ye Feng doesn't let Yu wanqiu follow her in. Instead, she asks her to wait in the car. In the clinic, she watches the doctor help Juan clean the wound on his head and sew him a needle.

After everything is handled, the doctor and Ye Feng say that it's better to take Juan to the hospital for a brain CT. After all, the injuries on the head can be large or small.

Ye Feng nodded, then helped Juan out of the clinic. After getting on the bus, he let Yu wanqiu drive to country garden. When he got to country garden, he directly let Juan go to his residence.

After settling down, Ye Feng sat down and said to Hu An, "you stay here and call Gao Yu to ask him for money!"

Juan looked at the surrounding environment and then said, "if Gao Yu calls the police, isn't that implicating you?"

Yu wanqiu immediately said to Ye Feng, "yes, he's right. You take him in your own residence. If Gao Yu finally chooses to call the police, then you're not going to have bad luck? Even if Gao Yu doesn't report to the police, if he is found, Gao Yu will know that you have something to do with it! "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "don't worry, Gao Yu won't call the police. He has already asked Ma Zhichao to solve this matter!"

On hearing this, Juan frowned and said, "did he find Mr. Ma?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "that's right!"

After pondering for a long time, Juan hummed coldly, "it seems that Gao Yu wants my life!"

Ye Feng handed Juan a cigarette before asking him, "do you know Ma Zhichao?"

Juan nodded and said, "he used to follow Gao Dong. Later, he went out to open a chemical plant alone, but Gao Dong still paid for it. But we all know that this guy has a life lawsuit in his hand! Not a good stubble It is said that he did Wu Yanhui's death! "

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng said, "you don't have to worry. No one will think that you live here. My house is still in the process of going through the formalities. It's not mine now, so you won't find anything about me!"

Juan hesitated and said, "if not, I don't want the money. Just help me leave Guyang!"

But Ye Feng said to Hu, "how can you live the rest of your life without money? This money must be needed, and I want Ma Zhichao to show some clues. I'm waiting for him! "

Juan can't help but frown and say, "do you have a personal grudge with Ma Zhichao?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I have no grudge against him, but I promised huazi to help Wu Yanhui get revenge!"

As soon as Juan heard this, he could not help saying, "isn't huazi dead?"

Ye Feng nodded, and then remembered that after huazi was healed, he didn't know where to go. He hasn't contacted him yet.

Thinking of taking out his mobile phone, he made a call to Huang Zhonghua. After he got through, he asked him, "huazi, where have you been? Are you going to hide and not see me

Huang Zhonghua said, "brother Feng, I don't want to cause you too much trouble!"

Ye Feng immediately said to Huang Zhonghua, "you come to country garden now, and Juan is here too!"

Huang Zhonghua was puzzled and said, "Juan? Gao Yu's bodyguard? What is he doing with you? "Ye Feng said to Huang Zhonghua, "don't ask more about other things. It will be clear when you come!"

After about half an hour, Huang Zhonghua called to say that he had arrived at the gate of country garden, and the security guard would not let him in.

Ye Feng personally went downstairs to welcome Huang Zhonghua. When he saw Huang Zhonghua at the door, he was squatting on one side of the door smoking.

Seeing Ye Feng coming, he immediately threw away his cigarette end and stood up. He nodded to Ye Feng and said, "brother Feng!"

Ye Feng did not say anything, leading Huang Zhonghua into the community, and upstairs.

After entering the room, Huang Zhonghua saw Juan with injuries all over his body. He could not help frowning and his face was not clear.

Ye Feng and Huang Zhonghua said, "now Ma Zhichao also wants Juan's life!"

On hearing this, Huang Zhonghua frowned at Hu an and said, "are you made like this by Ma Zhichao?"

Juan shook his head and said, "no, but he should be looking for me, trying to kill me!"

Ye Feng said to Huang Zhonghua, "don't you want to avenge Wu Yanhui? Now is the chance

On hearing this, Huang Zhonghua immediately said excitedly to Ye Feng, "what's the chance? Brother Feng, you say, "I'll listen to you in everything!"

Ye Feng said to Huang Zhonghua, "you and Juan will stay with me first, and everything will wait until I have arranged it properly!"

Then he said to Juan, "you continue to call Gao Yu and ask him to pay, otherwise he must be strange. Why don't you pay?"

At the same time, he said to Yu wanqiu, "don't show your face for the time being, otherwise Gao Yu will know that you are not in Juan's hands and have no scruples!"

Yu wanqiu looks at Ye Feng with a puzzled face and says, "what are you going to do?"

Ye Feng didn't explain too much, just said when you know.

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