Then Ye Feng and Yu wanqiu leave the room, and go to her house with Yu wanqiu. As soon as they enter the door, Yu wanqiu asks Ye Feng, "I have to go to work now. I can't always pretend that I'm still kidnapped?"

Ye Feng said to Yu wanqiu, "Gao Yu is not willing to take money to save you today. He has to find someone to kill Hu An. You go to work to investigate. Now Ma Zhichao may be a breakthrough!"

Yu wanqiu heard Ye Feng say so, can't help a moment of silence, after a long time said, "there are many ways to revenge, but I think you have taken an extreme Road, I'm afraid that when the time is not revenge, but put yourself into it!"

Ye Feng shrugs his shoulders to Yu wanqiu and says, "don't worry. I have a sense of propriety in my mind. I'll be fine. I'll hurt you for two days. Don't worry. I believe it will be two or three days at most."

Yu wanqiu nodded, then went forward to embrace Ye Feng, put his head on Ye Feng's shoulder, and said in a soft voice, "now with you by my side, I'm not afraid of anything, and I'm not in a hurry! Because I know that no matter what happens to me, you will show up for the first time, right? "

Ye Feng nodded and patted Yu wanqiu on the back. "Of course, no matter what you have, I will be by your side!"

Yu late autumn smell speech can't help but a burst of emotion, will Ye Feng embrace more tightly, will head tightly buried in Ye Feng's arms.

After a long time, Yu wanqiu raises his head and looks at Ye Feng. When Ye Feng smiles at him, he immediately goes up and stops him.

Ye Feng see Yu late autumn so active, of course, they are also trying to cooperate, two lips touch, a lingering.

After two people kiss for a long time, Ye Feng can't control the evil fire in his body. He keeps fighting with himself in his mind. Is it right to give Yu wanqiu to Zhengfa on the spot.

Just when Ye Feng was ready to make up his mind, his mobile phone suddenly rang, and he released Yu wanqiu's mouth.

However, Yu wanqiu's cheeks are red and his chest is undulating. Looking at Yu wanqiu's rosy face, Ye Feng's heart can't help shaking.

However, the mobile phone is still ringing, Ye Feng did not think much, picked up the phone to have a look, it was Gao Yu's number.

Ye Feng immediately makes a silent gesture to Yu wanqiu. He shows Yu wanqiu the screen of his mobile phone. Then he gets through the phone and presses the hands-free button.

As soon as he got through, Gao Yu said to Ye Feng, "where have you been? How can you not see a trace after such a big accident? "

Ye Feng shrugged to Gao Yu and said, "Mr. Gao, you don't want to take money to redeem people, and you don't want to call the police. And you said you have a way to solve it. It seems that you don't need my help. What's more, I'll stay there to make trouble?"

Gao Yu immediately said, "just now Juan called me again and asked me for money!"

Ye Feng asked Gao Yu, "Oh? really? So Mr. Gao is going to give it to you? "

Gao Yu immediately snorted, "I'll give you a hammer. Do you want 20 million from me? It's a dream

Ye Feng said to Gao Yu, "are you not afraid of them tearing up the tickets? In case Yu wanqiu is torn up... "

Gao Yu immediately said, "they don't dare. I know who Hu'an and He Fei are. I dare not even borrow them!"

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng said, "I mean in case! There are always accidents

Gao Yu said in silence, "I don't know what to do! If late autumn ignored me before, I don't have to think about it at all. I won't pay a dime. It's just the end of my Lao Tzu's mind, so that he won't force me to chase late autumn all day. But today, late autumn just asked me to have dinner, and I NIMA didn't even touch her hand. If I die like this, it's a pity! "

Ye Feng takes a look at Yu wanqiu at this time, but sees Yu wanqiu's disgusting expression on his face. He obviously hates Gao Yu's words.

Ye Feng then said, "yes, in this case, I think you might as well give money directly to ensure Yu wanqiu's safety. When Yu wanqiu is safe, you can deal with them as you like!"

Gao Yu pondered for a while and then said, "there's some truth in what you said, but 20 million is not a small amount. I can't afford so much money for a while and a half!"

Ye Feng said to Gao Yu, "where is Gao Dong? Did you tell him about it? "

Gao Yu immediately said, "I didn't say it. If I let Lao Tzu know about it, I don't know what happened."

Ye Feng said, "there's no way. You can't wait to save yourself. If yu Hongwei knows this, what do you think he will think of you?"

Thinking of this, Gao Yu pondered for a moment and then said, "I'd better not tell him. I'll figure out a way for myself. I can still scrape together a thousand pieces of money. It should be enough to find someone to borrow some at that time!"

Before Ye Feng spoke, Gao Yu immediately said, "but I really don't want to give you any money, so come here now!"

Ye Feng was surprised, "what do you want me to do in the past?"

Gao Yu and Ye Feng said, "I'll introduce a person to you. You and he will find a way to help me find Juan and He Fei. This side will drag them first. If you can't give them money again, but if you can find them out before you give them money, one million will be a person!"When Ye Feng heard this, he could not help saying that two million for twenty million, Gao Yu's account is really good.

Ye Feng nodded and agreed. After asking Gao Yu's address, he hung up.

As soon as he hung up, Yu wanqiu said angrily, "this Gao Yu is just a beast in clothes. Fortunately, I'm OK this time. If there's something wrong, can I expect him to save me?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "forget it, you are safe now, so don't think about it!"

At this time, Yu wanqiu said angrily, "if you ask him to take the money, you must let him bleed!"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "didn't you agree before?"

Yu wanqiu said immediately, "I changed my mind!"

Ye Feng nodded, then got up and said to Yu wanqiu, "I'll go to see what happened first. Don't call me, wait for me to contact you! In case Gao Yu finds out! "

Yu wanqiu nodded and sent Ye Feng to the door. Seeing Ye Feng enter the elevator, he was ready to close the door.

Don't want the door has not closed, immediately a hand block in the door, Yu late autumn scared immediately back.

But after seeing the person who pushed the door in, I was relieved.

The man came in wearing a black sportswear, a smiling face mask and a top hat. After entering the door, he asked Yu wanqiu, "have you found anything?"

At this time, Yu wanqiu said, "I haven't found it yet!"

The other side said, "don't hide me!"

Yu wanqiu said immediately, "how dare I! My father's and brother's lives are in your hands

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