The longer time goes by, the more Ye Feng feels that his ideas are beginning to be in the downwind. The key is that the shadow doesn't seem to know fatigue, and the speed is always so fast.

Ye Feng is also today's non-stop use of blink only to know that frequent use of blink body method, his body burden will be more and more heavy, so go on, sooner or later, his own blink will be surpassed by the speed of shadow.

Although Ye Feng knows that if he wants to defeat Negro, he must first knock down the body of Junichiro Sasaki, but before that, it is estimated that Negro has also expected his own idea, so he will not let himself attack Junichiro Sasaki.

At this time, Ye Feng's brain is constantly running at a high speed, thinking that before he is exhausted, he should think of a way to deal with Sasuki Ichiro, otherwise he has lost this fight.

At this time, Ye Feng stood in the same place and didn't move. His eyes were fixed on the shadow, and at the same time, he also looked at Ichiro Sasaki. After all, he gradually began to understand that Ichiro Sasaki should be integrated with the shadow.

Maybe he just forced his so-called Yuanshen out of the body in a way he didn't know, and controlled a shadow who never knew tired fighting with him with his consciousness.

If it goes on like this, it's only a matter of time before I lose. I have to find a way to knock down Junichiro Sasaki before the shadow knocks me down.

However, Ye Feng also knows that if he wants to knock down Zuo jiichiro, he must go through the shadow. At this time, he can't help staring at the shadow, thinking that the shadow may not be invincible, right?

Thinking about Ye Feng, he decided to start from the shadow itself. After all, he couldn't do anything about sakichiro's ontology. It's better not to waste his energy and start from the shadow directly.

Ye Feng thought, immediately a blink to the shadow behind, this time the shadow is slow half of the way, he actually subconsciously to go to the side of sakichiro.

But at the moment when Ye Feng appeared behind him, he immediately closed his body. However, in this slow half shot, Ye Feng seized the only chance and smashed his fist at the shadow's body.

If you want to say that the speed of Ye Feng's fist is also extremely fast, it can be said that he has reached the limit of speed and strength. Of course, he knows that the opportunity is fleeting, and naturally wants to knock down the shadow.

But when Ye Feng punches out, he does hit shadow, but he never thinks that shadow's body is nothingness, and his fist goes through shadow's body directly.

In the moment Ye Feng suddenly, the shadow dodged with a vigorous step. Before the shadow stood still, Ye Feng saw a cold light coming towards him.

Ye Feng did not want to, immediately a blink to avoid, and behind the window curtain, instant neat fall on the ground, even the glass window appeared a scratch.

Ye Feng then knew that how Toshihiro could rise to be almost the same as anubis in a year. His dark move really seemed impeccable for the time being.

Black shadow saw Ye Feng standing there staring at himself, as if he didn't want to attack any more. At this time, he held the handle of the knife wrapped by black fog in his hands, and a pair of black empty eyes seemed to be staring at Ye Feng, and the black fog on his body was also swimming.

After staring at the shadow for a long time, Ye Feng's mind flashed, as if he thought of something. He immediately took two deep breaths.

Shadow seems to sense the physical changes of Ye Feng, it knows Ye Feng will launch a new round of attack.

And at this time, Ye Feng instantly disappeared from the eyes of the shadow. After Ye Feng reappeared, he had arrived at the back of Zuo jiichiro.

The shadow rushed towards Ye Feng in an instant, but as soon as his body moved, Ye Feng immediately disappeared. This time, it appeared behind him.

Dark shadow here hasn't come to Zuo jiichiro's back. Ye Feng has already appeared behind him. He immediately turns back to chop it with a knife.

But the leaf maple behind the black shadow disappears in an instant. The black shadow immediately guesses that the leaf maple must have gone to sasakiichiro's side again. He goes to sasakiichiro's side one shoulder ahead of time.

However, Ye Feng did not appear at the side of Zuo jiichiro's body, but reappeared behind him. The dark shadow immediately chopped in the past, and Ye Feng disappeared again.

At this time, the dark shadow expected that Ye Feng had already put the main attack on himself. He mentioned that the knife was standing in the same place. As long as Ye Feng appeared behind him again, he didn't have to think about it. It was a knife in the past, which could solve the problem best.

After all, in the dark shadow's view, Ye Feng, no matter how fast his body method is, he is also barehanded. What's more, his body is nothing. Even if he gets a few punches, he can't hurt himself at all, and he doesn't even need to give way.

But this time, Ye Feng suddenly appeared behind Sasaki Ichiro. When the dark shadow reacted, he immediately chopped it with a knife. But before the cold light came, Ye Feng disappeared again.

Dark shadow seems to be aware of Ye Feng's fighting method. He wants to do the same thing between himself and sasakiro. When he guesses that Ye Feng will go to sasakiro's side, he will appear at his side. When he guesses that he should appear at his side, he will appear at sasakiro's side.Although black shadow also thinks Ye Feng's tactics are good, he sneers in his heart. This tactic may be very effective for others. After all, he still wants to gamble between the false and the real. Once he gambles right, he may win all the games.

For Ye Feng, who is at a disadvantage, this is indeed his only choice. Although he may lose completely, he will win if he gambles. Once he loses, the result will be the same. But if he doesn't gamble, Ye Feng will lose, and he will gamble.

But what Ye Feng doesn't know is that there is no win or lose in this gamble for himself, because its existence is almost invincible. Ye Feng appears beside him, and he doesn't even let go. His body is completely attacked by Ye Feng, and he won't cause any harm to himself. He just needs to take into account the side of sakichiro.

He is like telling Ye Feng that you have made a mistake in your wishful thinking, but he knows that he doesn't need to tell Ye Feng. After all, let Ye Feng continue to think that he can succeed in this move, which is the best for him.

However, at this time, Ye Feng is still happily using his blink, constantly shuttling between sakichiro and shadow. He doesn't know that shadow has already seen through his thoughts.

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