Ye Feng has been trying his own plan all the time, but he also obviously feels that he has gradually begun to feel tired, and the distance of blinking seems to be starting to shorten.

It's not that Ye Feng wants to shorten himself, but that Ye Feng feels that his blinking ability can only keep such a short distance, otherwise it's not his wish to show up one step away.

Black shadow obviously saw Ye Feng's short board. He gave a sneer at this time, and the laughter in Ye Feng's ears was as harsh as the strong wind in the valley. It was extremely uncomfortable to hear.

Ye Feng is a blink at this time, directly to the back of Junichiro Sasaki, this is just one of his countless attempts, originally did not hold any hope.

He expected that when he first arrived at Ichiro Sasaki's side, shadow would immediately attack him, but this time he didn't wait for shadow's attack.

Ye Feng immediately side eye toward the shadow to see, at the same time, stretch out his hand to hold the neck of Junichiro Sasaki, after all, Ye Feng know, this opportunity is rare, fleeting.

He didn't care what the reason was that the dark shadow was delayed, but it was definitely his chance once in a blue moon.

Ye Feng pinches the neck of Junichiro Sasaki. At the same time, he sees a familiar figure in front of Heiying's body. It's not someone else. It's Alice who has just left.

But Alice had been strangled by the shadow at the same time, and her whole body had been suspended.

Black shadow raised Alice high. Alice's feet were scratching in the air. There was a real sound of sand in her throat. She was afraid that she would suffocate soon.

Ye Feng knows that the hesitation of shadow just now is obviously hindered by Alice, who is using her life to create an opportunity to seize the opportunity of Ichiro Sasaki.

At this time, Ye Feng also tightly strangled Ichiro Sasaki's neck, and Heiying's body immediately trembled, and the fog on his body gradually began to drift around.

However, the shadow still holds Alice. Obviously, he also knows that as long as he lets Alice go, he is the lamb in Ye Feng's hand, and let Ye Feng dispose of it.

Ye Feng saw the changes of the black fog around the shadow and knew that as long as he dealt with the body of Junichiro Sasaki, he could have an impact on the body of the black fog.

At this moment, he immediately called to the black fog, "if you don't let Alice go, I'll break sakichiro's neck!"

Shadow his dark eyes looked at Ye Feng, and finally released his hand. Alice fell to the ground from mid air.

Alice was panting on the ground, touching her neck with blood in her eyes.

At this time, the shadow stood in the same place and continued to look at Ye Feng. It seemed that his throat was rustling, as if he was talking to Ye Feng.

But Ye Feng tightly strangled the neck of Zuo jiichiro, a pair of eyes staring at the shadow, sneer a way, "Zuo jiichiro is your life gate?"

The dark shadow looks at Ye Feng in silence for a while, then suddenly draws a knife, and in an instant a cold light flies towards Ye Feng's forehead.

Ye Feng didn't expect that dark shadow would dare to attack himself when he was completely controlled by himself.

But this Dao light seems to be faster and faster than the previous Dao light, and it will be in front of Ye Feng in an instant.

But at this time, Ye Feng saw a flash in front of her eyes. Alice didn't know when she appeared between him and Dao Guang.

When Ye Feng saw Alice, she snorted and fell to the ground. Ye Feng saw that Alice's back clothes had been completely cut off, and there was a blood blade more than a foot above her back.

Ye Feng didn't even think about it. He immediately pinched his fingers and broke his neck. At this time, he saw the shadow in front of him. The black fog on his body gradually began to spread around, and the knife in his hand also fell to the ground.

Finally, the shadow covered his neck, knelt on the ground, and let the black fog gradually dissipate. From a completely black and foggy human shape, it gradually began to be translucent and transparent, and finally dissipated in the air.

Ye Feng saw that after the black fog dissipated, he threw Zuo jiichiro aside and squatted down to lift up Alice, saying, "Alice, are you ok?"

Alice then opened her eyes, looked at Ye Feng, and shook her head. Just as she wanted to speak, she felt a stabbing pain behind her, and immediately frowned with pain.

Ye Feng immediately picked up Alice and said, "hold on, I'll take you to the hospital!"

Just then, Alice suddenly grasped Ye Feng's arm. Ye Feng didn't know what happened to her. He looked down and saw that there was a black fog around her and began to wind around her.

Ye Feng see this heart move, the shadow is not dead? Thought immediately let go of Alice, but he could not stop the black fog began to devour Alice.

Ye Feng had never seen such a situation before, and said anxiously, "what's going on? What am I going to do? "

Looking at Alice looking at herself in despair, Ye Feng feels that she is about to suffocate. At this time, she thinks about the body of sakichiro. If the black fog is from sakichiro's body, then to subdue him, she still has to start from sakichiro's body, even if he is I.Ye Feng immediately went to the body of Ichiro Sasaki next to a strangled Ichiro Sasaki's neck, directly picked him up from the ground.

Ye Feng is holding the hand around the neck of Zuo jiichiro. As soon as he makes an effort, the black fog on Alice's body will disappear.

Ye Feng saw this, his hand immediately began to force, and Alice's black fog began to dissipate around, until completely disappeared, Ye Feng did not dare to let go.

After all, Ye Feng's shadow has completely disappeared just now. I didn't expect that he would still haunt Alice. Now, although he has disappeared, he doesn't know whether he will appear after he let go?

Ye Feng holds zojiichiro's body and looks around to see if the shadow appears from another place.

At this time, Ye Feng found that Alice looked at herself in surprise. He looked down at himself, but saw that a mass of black fog was spreading up his legs.

Ye Feng doesn't know what's going on. As soon as he wants to throw away sakichiro's body, he finds that the black fog begins to swim towards Alice, but as long as he keeps exerting himself, the black fog can only entangle him.

Ye Feng thought that he could only tightly strangle the neck of Junichiro Sasaki and let his body be gradually entangled by the black fog.

Alice then called to Ye Feng, "let go, let him go, leave me alone!"

Ye Feng is looking at Alice, in the black fog wrapped around his head, toward Alice knowing smile.

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