Amy can't help frowning at Ye Feng when she hears the words. It's reasonable to say that it's reasonable. How can it come out of Ye Feng's mouth?

In addition, Ye Feng has this special requirement for herself, and her eyes glance at her from time to time, which makes Amy unconsciously associate with her.

When Amy heard the name of Satan mentioned for the first time before, she heard that Satan is absolutely vigorous and resolute in dealing with people, and she is known as the trump card of TSL.

However, in terms of women, Satan is also known in the industry as "ruthless" and is merciful everywhere. His hormones are almost everywhere when the task is carried out.

It seems too commendable to use the four words of love prodigal son to describe Ye Feng. It can be said that Ye Feng is the scum of men, at least in terms of women. He absolutely does not know how much love debt he owes.

At the beginning, Amy's understanding of Ye Feng was only limited to the false rumors of others. After all, in Ye Feng's business, because they are haunted, they often have never seen a real person, so many of them are rumors.

So when Amy heard these legends about Satan, she just laughed at them and didn't take them to heart, especially about sada to women.

What Amy values is the ability of Satan. As for how he shows mercy to women, it has nothing to do with her.

But today, after contacting Ye Feng, she suddenly found that maybe those people's evaluation of Satan is not groundless. Now, she thinks Ye Feng is a hungry ghost.

And now it seems that I have a request from him. At this moment, I can only compromise and try to find an excuse to delay.

When Amy thought of this, she said to Ye Feng, "so, do you agree?"

But Ye Feng shrugged, "it seems that I have no reason not to agree!"

Amy's heart moved, just about to speak, but Ye Feng continued to say, "you are worried that I will go back later, but if you go back after landing on the island, where can I find you?"

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Amy could not help frowning and said, "that's what you just said?"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "what I said is reasonable, reasonable, not reasonable! I understand emotionally, but it doesn't make sense in reason! "

Hearing this, Amy immediately stood up and said, "in this case, we don't have to go on talking!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's up to you. I've explained it in advance. I never like to force others to do things I don't like, especially in women. I don't like it any more. It's up to you to go! I will never force you to stay! "

After Amy grunts, she immediately turns around and leaves. Ye Feng drinks red wine and looks at Amy's back. She can't help but shake her head with a smile.

Ye Feng at this time muttered a way, "I really think she is for the task, what can sell people, it seems or wrong person!"

Just as she said that, she saw that Amy came back at this time. Ye Feng put down her wine glass, looked at Amy's face with a reluctant look, and went to sit down in front of her.

Just as Amy sat down, she said to Ye Feng, "OK, there's a hotel upstairs. Hurry up!"

Ye Feng at this time can not help but a heart Lin, this Amy back and forth attitude change is too fast, right? In the process of being angry and going away, have you figured it out?

Ye Feng was as like as two peas were looking at Amy. He noticed that there was a similar ear pin on Amy's ear lobe, which should also be a bug.

So the reason why Amy's attitude changed, Ye Feng guessed that she didn't figure it out, but received some kind of instruction.

Ye Feng wants to look at Amy, continues to drink wine, looks at Amy does not speak.

When Amy saw Ye Feng's manner, she couldn't help frowning, "what? I've agreed. What else do you want? "

But Ye Feng said to Amy, "you are not willing to agree!"

Amy's face moved slightly and said, "this is a semi threatening request. Who would willingly agree? Are you asking too much?"

But Ye Feng tut tut tongue way, "men and women's affairs, just like wine tasting, pay attention to the atmosphere and sense of ceremony, drink red wine to sober up first, what is the purpose of sobering up?"? It's to make wine and air have a perfect mixing stage, so that red wine can play to its best quality

Then, without waiting for Amy to speak, Ye Feng immediately said, "if you don't wake up for a long time, it means that the combination of alcohol and air is not perfect, then you will feel sour and astringent when you drink it. Such a red wine is a waste! It's the same with people! "

Amy said impatiently to Ye Feng, "I've promised you. What else do you want? Are you going too far? "

Ye Feng said with a smile to Amy, "men and women's affairs pay attention to your feelings and my wishes. You are in such a hurry. It is obvious that you have to deal with things. How can you get the best enjoyment with such an attitude? It's better not to do it than to settle down so carelessly!"

As soon as Amy heard this, she patted the table again, which aroused the idea of other table guests. She immediately blushed, leaned forward, and said in a low voice to Ye Feng, "if you don't do it, you won't do it, as if I'm willing to do it!"With that, Amy immediately stood up and was ready to leave, but Ye Feng said with a smile, "if you leave, the task will be a failure. If you fail, you will be greatly reduced in the eyes of your superior leaders!"

On hearing this, Amy stopped, her face moved slightly, and did not speak.

But Ye Feng continued, "of course, with your beauty, if your superior leader is a man, maybe he wants you more than I do. At that time, you just need to show your charm, maybe not only there is no discount, but also the price has gone up!"

As soon as Amy heard this, she immediately picked up her glass of red wine on the table and rushed to Ye Feng's face. Ye Feng said that she was just like a woman who could have sex with other men. How could she not be angry?

But Ye Feng just dodged. Fortunately, there was no one in the back seat, otherwise the people behind would suffer.

Ye Feng still holding the red wine glass, shook his head at Amy and said, "fortunately, I'm a gentleman with good temperament, otherwise your action just now is really dangerous!"

Amy was a little impatient at this time. Looking at Ye Feng's smiling face, Amy suddenly seemed to be aware of something. After taking a deep breath, her expression returned to her natural look and sat down slowly.

Ye Feng see Amy suddenly so, it is some not quite adapted to look at Amy way, "how? Have you figured it out? "

At this time, Amy picked up the sober and poured herself another glass. After shaking the glass, she looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you deliberately stimulating me?"

Ye Feng hears speech but shrugs a way, "stimulate you intentionally? What's in it for me? "

Amy said immediately, "after all, you didn't want to help us go to the island, so you deliberately found such a reason to make trouble for me!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I didn't want to make trouble for you. You may not have enough confidence in yourself. To tell you the truth, a man wants to have sex with you. I'm just one of those men. In order to have sex with you and take risks to take you to the island, for a man like me who can't do without women, it's very dangerous You can still take a chance! "

Amy's heart suddenly moved when she heard what Ye Feng said. A pair of beautiful eyes stared at Ye Feng for a long time. Of course, she was confident about her extroversion, but it was the first time that she met Ye Feng. She was so straightforward about men and women's affairs, and didn't hide it at all. She said that Amy had no self-confidence. Was she beautiful in the eyes of a man like Ye Feng, Does it always depend on the body?

Ye Feng saw that Amy didn't speak, and immediately said with a smile, "in fact, I'm not interested in taking you to the island or not. Taking you to bed or not is what I've been thinking about now!"

But after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Amy said, "I can see that you shouldn't be such a lecher. Why do you have to disguise yourself like this?"

Ye Feng can't help laughing when hearing the words, "camouflage? You may really have some misunderstanding about me. I'm not disguised. I'm a lecher. And I think all men are lecherous. Only those lecherous men with a lot of reserve are the masters of disguise! What I said was so straightforward that I almost took off my pants here. How can you say I'm a disguise? "

Amy didn't say a word. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she nodded, "OK! I promise you

Ye Feng brow slightly a wrinkly way, "willingly?"

Amy immediately nodded and said, "I don't believe you're such a person if you're willing! So I'd rather gamble! "

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