After listening to the meaning of Amy, Ye Feng suddenly understood that Amy felt that she had seen through herself, and that the reason why she said these words was to hide something, or to find an excuse to refuse her.

So Amy said that she would gamble that she was not the kind of person she saw on the surface.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help laughing, "I think you have a wrong question. You are doomed to lose this gamble!"

Amy can't help frowning at Ye Feng and said, "I don't think so!" Then he added, "why?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "you can't see it, which means you don't know men at all!" Then Ye Feng frowned at Amy and said, "if I'm not wrong, you haven't had a boyfriend, have you?"

On hearing this, Amy's face moved slightly. Then she looked at Ye Feng calmly and said, "nonsense, how can it be?"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "it's useless for you to deny this. In my opinion, women's eye rate is less than one percent. You must have never been in contact with men, so you don't know men at all. Everything depends on your own conjecture!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng smiles and continues to say, "so the man in your eyes, everything comes from your own thinking..."

Amy didn't wait for Ye Feng to finish, and immediately said, "don't talk nonsense! You say, "why did I lose?"

Ye Feng smiles at Amy, shrugs her shoulders and says, "do you still need me to say that? At first glance, you think that there must be a gentleman among the men who is upright. I tell you, even if you look at everything I have, the accuracy rate is as high as 90%, but you still lose! Because you are such a beautiful woman, I tell you, there is only one kind of man who refuses you, that is, the man who doesn't give up! "

Amy's heart moves when she hears what Ye Feng says. Looking at Ye Feng's proud smile, she is still a little unconvinced. However, the reason why she is really unconvinced is that she has never been in love, which is completely seen through by Ye Feng.

Ye Feng saw that Amy didn't speak, shrugged, then stood up and said to Amy, "come on, there's a room upstairs. Don't you want to gamble? Go and gamble!"

Amy saw Ye Feng so, but she hesitated. She couldn't help looking at Ye Feng. She didn't get up, but her palms were already sweating.

To tell you the truth, Amy has never been in love, but she has not been in contact with men. Moreover, she is the best among women in terms of her figure and beauty. Her pursuers can queue up from New Zealand to Australia all the time.

But no matter colleagues, subordinates, or even their own pursuers, there has never been a man like Ye Feng who put such pressure on himself.

But the strangest thing is that in the face of Ye Feng, who is so outspoken about men and women's affairs, and even has some dirty words, she can't feel disgust in her heart. Instead, she feels that Ye Feng is very mysterious and special.

At least Ye Feng is different from all the men she knows. The men around her are either pretending to be gentlemen or being polite to themselves.

Or because of their own identity, respect for themselves, and even some fear, but there is no such man as Ye Feng.

Thinking of this, Amy unconsciously stood up and followed Ye Feng to the door of the western restaurant. She still felt that all this was not the real Ye Feng. Ye Feng must have another purpose to do this.

And Amy has also thought about the worst result, which is really the same as what Ye Feng said. He just wants to have sex with herself, but she doesn't have the resistance in her heart.

Even there is a voice in my heart, saying to myself that it doesn't seem very bad to give my first time to a person like Ye Feng. After all, he is Satan.

Ye Feng didn't speak all the way. After entering the elevator, she stood on one side and looked up at the number displayed in the elevator. Amy followed Ye Feng.

When the elevator opened, a couple of men and women came in. The woman wrapped the man's arm enchanting and whispered some ambiguous words. The man also made two yellow jokes from time to time, and heard the woman giggle.

Ye Feng stood unmoved, but Amy was red in the face. It was obvious that the purpose of this pair of men and women was the same as Ye Feng and herself. They also went upstairs to open a room.

Soon the elevator stopped. After the couple walked out of the elevator, the man's hand pinched around the woman's hip, which made the woman laugh and scold, but told him not to worry.

Amy saw it in her eyes, and felt her heart beat even worse. Unexpectedly, an unprecedented sense of tension was transmitted to her whole body.

That Ye Feng out of the elevator, Amy is still standing in the elevator for a while in a daze.

Ye Feng then looked back at Amy standing in a daze in the elevator, and then said, "don't you forget it? There's still time for regret. "

After hearing what Ye Feng said, Amy came back to herself and walked out of the elevator in a panic No need to... "

Ye Feng did not speak, continue to walk toward the front desk, for a room card, and led Amy toward the room.When Ye Feng opens the door and goes in, she finds Amy standing at the door of the room, looking at the room, but she doesn't come in.

Ye Feng took a look at Amy, and didn't say anything to her. She took off her clothes and went to the bathroom.

Amy see Ye Feng so, immediately face hot to avoid, back against the door of the wall, chest does not live with ups and downs.

Amy can't help scolding Ye Feng in her heart. She actually takes off her clothes in front of her face, completely ignoring her own feelings. She is so scared that her heart keeps beating and her chest keeps rising and falling.

At this time, Ye Feng in the bathroom said, "I'll take a bath first. If you regret it, you can go now, but by the way, help me close the door. Thank you!"

After a while, there was a clatter of water in the bathroom. It was obvious that Ye Feng had begun to take a bath.

But at this time, Amy was a little tangled in her heart. She was hesitating whether to go in or leave now.

At this time, a couple of men and women came to the corridor, who were close to each other. When the man saw Amy, he couldn't help looking up and down at her. His eyes were like fire, as if he had stripped her completely with his eyes.

Amy is not afraid of this man, but she is not used to this man's eyes. It seems that she is no different from the woman standing on the street in his eyes. If there is any difference, it may be the difference of price.

Seeing this, Amy immediately enters the room, closes the door and leans her back against the door.

At this time, the bathroom is still clattering, Ye Feng is still humming happily.

Just as Amy was thinking about whether she should sit down first, Ye Feng came out with a bath towel in one hand and wiped her hair.

As soon as she got out of the bathroom, she was surprised to see Amy standing at the door and said, "I heard the sound of closing the door just now. I thought you had left, but you hadn't left yet?"

however, Amy saw that Ye Feng came out naked and immediately avoided Ye Feng's body. She still said sternly, "why should I go?"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but look at Amy one eye, the corner of the mouth up smile way, "don't go best!" Then he wiped his body and went to the bedside. Then he opened the quilt and lay in.

After lying down, Ye Feng ignores Amy and turns on the TV with the remote control beside her bed. However, the TV is full of factual news, and almost all of them are self talk shows of some bullshit political figures, boasting about how well the party has done and how hard it has done for the people.

Ye Feng simply boring tune Taiwan, each station stay no more than five seconds immediately change Taiwan.

Soon, Ye Feng saw that a TV station was playing some restricted movies. He couldn't help laughing and said, "this hotel is good, and there are such movies to watch!"

Amy was standing at the door, hesitating for a while, when she heard the groans of men and women in the TV, and her heart was even more confused.

In fact, Amy has never seen this kind of film. After all, she is an adult. In New Zealand, these adult channels are legal. Even if she is curious, she has seen one or two. However, Amy has never seen this kind of film in front of a man.

Ye Feng this time light ground said a way, "I have already said with you, this kind of thing force can't, you now regret all still have time! I'm not going to ask you anything! "

When Amy heard this, she couldn't help feeling angry. He brought herself to this hotel, but she didn't ask for anything. What do you mean? Do you want to wait for your own initiative?

Thinking of this, Amy immediately stretched out her hand to twist the door handle, but then heard Ye Feng say, "if you can't even do this, you won't be a qualified agent at all!"

As soon as Amy heard this, she immediately looked back at Ye Feng lying on the bed and said, "agent? Who said I was an agent? "

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