Ye Feng said to Amy, "isn't it? I remember I told you before that the accuracy of my eyes on women is as high as 99%. I can't be wrong! "

When Amy heard what Ye Feng said, she couldn't help looking at Ye Feng, but didn't speak for a long time.

But Ye Feng said to Amy, "it doesn't matter whether you admit it or not! Since you know that my background is TSL, and you know that the headquarters of TSL is on the island, you want to go up and explain the background behind you. If you are not mad, it is a very powerful organization, at least comparable to TSL! "

At this time, Amy walked into the room unconsciously, then sat down on the guest chair by the window, looked at Ye Feng and said, "I'm really organized behind, but I'm not necessarily an agent! It may also be of other nature... "

Ye Feng interrupted Amy and said, "you don't have to explain. In fact, whether you are an agent has no influence on me. If you can't go to the island, how to deal with TSL after you go to the island, I'm not interested in knowing! I'm only interested in one thing

Amy can't help frowning at Ye Feng and says, "what's the matter?"

But Ye Feng patted one side of the bed and said to Amy, "are you going to get on my bed or leave?"

As soon as Amy heard this, her face suddenly changed. She just talked with Ye Feng about some serious things, and he immediately changed.

In addition to the sound coming out of the TV at this time, hearing Amy's ears especially uncomfortable, she immediately stood up, looked at Ye Feng and said, "can you tell me your real purpose?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "haven't I made it clear already? Anything has nothing to do with me! I have an idea in my mind now. Will you let me go

Amy's face was cold, and she scolded Ye Feng angrily. "I think you're a brain worm!"

Ye Feng still shrugged his shoulders and said, "I will accept any evaluation you give me! But what's the answer? Answer me with your actions! Go or go to bed? "

Ai Mei's whole body trembled, and she immediately walked towards the door. But when she got to the door, she suddenly thought of something. She immediately stopped and went back to the head of the bed to look at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng thought that Amy was going to leave, but she came back. She could not help looking at Amy in surprise and said, "what? Have you made a decision? "

But Amy said to Ye Feng, "as far as I know, there is a woman in TSL who has a good relationship with you!"

Ye Fengxin looked at Amy, "what do you mean? Are you jealous? "

Amy ignored Ye Feng and said, "Dixie? Well, it should be the nickname! It is said that she is indeed a beautiful woman

Ye Feng listens to Amy's mention of Dixie. He doesn't know what Amy's intention is. He lights a cigarette and looks at Amy in front of him

Amy immediately said, "have you ever thought that if we are going to deal with TSL, this beautiful woman, Dixie, may also be among those who are being dealt with!"

But Ye Feng frowned, "listen to your tone, don't want me to cooperate with you and take you to the island?"

Amy shrugged her shoulders and said, "to tell you the truth, we have been deploying this operation for a long time, but we just lack a guide. The guide can be you, Cao Yihai, or others!"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "so, I have become a dispensable person?"

Amy said immediately, "it's up to you. You can be important or irrelevant! The question is how to choose! "

Ye Feng immediately asked Amy, "then tell me, how should I choose?"

Amy said to Ye Feng, "you can only choose this problem yourself!"

During the conversation, Amy's mouth began to rise slightly. Thanks to her intelligence, she immediately grasped the initiative of the conversation by taking advantage of a Dixie. This is what she wanted to feel.

Before, because ye Feng suddenly turned into a "lecheron" image, he was able to completely seize the initiative.

Although Amy is dismissive of Ye Feng's inferior trick, she just can't stand Ye Feng's use of it and falls into the disadvantage.

Now it's not easy to find a point and lead the initiative again. This time, it must not be taken away by Ye Feng.

And Ye Feng looked at Amy and said, "I want to know, if I promise you, what can I get, if I refuse, what will I face?"

Amy is very satisfied with the primary and secondary relationship with Ye Feng. Ye Feng's attitude at this moment is what she wants.

Thinking of this, Amy sat on the guest chair again, looked at Ye Feng and said, "if you help us, you will be a meritorious person. There is no doubt about that. You can tell me what you get at that time, as long as you don't ask too much!"

Said to pause for a while, looking at the leaf maple way, "as for you if refuse of words, also is not can't, this is your own choice problem, completely depend on your own choice!"But Ye Feng said with a smile to Amy, "if I refuse, will I also be executed as a member of TSL?"

Amy frowned and saw Ye Feng saying, "execution is not necessarily, but the end is certainly not good!"

Ye Feng said at this time, "incorporation?"

Hearing Ye Feng's question, Amy couldn't help but look slightly moved and said, "what do you want to know when you ask so many questions?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "isn't that normal? This may be the biggest choice in my life. Of course, I need to know more! At least it's a little safe for me, isn't it? "

Amy said immediately, "as long as you cooperate with us, I can assure you that your future will be bright!"

Ye Feng sighed to Amy, "bright? After talking with you for so long, you should know that what I need is freedom And... "

Amy immediately said, "freedom is very simple. As long as you help us, we will give you enough freedom. Of course, there are other material and some administrative help, including you going to any country, any place to live, any life you want, we can satisfy you!" Said toward leaf maple way, "what else?"

Ye Feng immediately looked at Amy with a smile and said, "if I go to any country, any place, any life, with you by my side, it will be perfect. Will you go with me then?"

As soon as Amy heard this, her face suddenly moved. How could this guy say that and start to pull on herself? This is totally wrong, ah, I finally twist the topic to the main topic, can't be so biased by Ye Feng.

She at this time after a light cough, toward Ye Feng said, "I said enough, how do you think?"

Ye Feng then flicked the ash and said with a smile to Amy, "my question, you have been avoiding. Since you know I am Satan, you should know that although my wealth is not necessarily a lot, it is enough to support me to live the life I want anywhere in the world, so you can give me a discount to let me work for you So far, you haven't said a condition that makes me very excited. At the same time, you have been talking about it all the time! Is this the trick you use to recruit talents? "

As soon as Amy was about to speak, Ye Feng immediately interrupted, "I believe your organizational ability behind you must be very strong, but there must be many people in your organization who are stronger than you, but why did your organization send you to talk to me about this?"

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Amy didn't quite understand his meaning. She couldn't help frowning, "what's the matter, why not, just because I have time!"

But Ye Feng said with a sneer, "I don't know if you really don't know, or you are pretending to be stupid. If you are pretending to be stupid, it means that you still barely pass the exam. But if you really don't know, I will say that you are really not suitable for this business!"

Amy felt that she was being hoodwinked by what Ye Feng said. How could she pull on whether she was suitable for this line?

But at this time think about Ye Feng's words, her heart can't help but move, as Ye Feng said, choose yourself is what special reason?

Thinking of this, Amy suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said, "you mean..."

Ye Feng then laughed, a very pleased smile way, "it seems that you are not stupid, just did not think things through, now think of the reason, is not a little suddenly enlightened feeling?"

Amy said immediately, "it's impossible..."

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