Ye Feng said, "what's impossible? Since you know who I am, you must have a better understanding of me. I have left two impressions on the world. One is that the success rate of my tasks is 100%. I can't make any mistakes in my hands. This is the main reason why I am famous in the industry. Of course, it is You should regard me as the biggest condition for the first target of solicitation! "

Then Ye Feng continued to smoke a cigarette and said, "second, I'm also well-known in the industry in terms of women. In this way, I sent a beautiful woman to chat with me. They have grasped my natural attitude of being compassionate. Isn't it reasonable and reasonable?"

Amy immediately denied, "it's impossible. How could our organization use this method?"

Ye Feng stares at Amy and says, "why doesn't your organization use this method? Isn't this method often used in secret service organizations? What's so strange, unless... "

Amy then looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "unless what?"

Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "unless you are behind the organization is what official organization, so you will never be so congenital!"

On hearing this, Amy's face suddenly moved and said to Ye Feng, "what official organization? I don't know what you mean

Ye Feng said with a smile, "it's not obvious. If your organization doesn't send you here for the purpose I said, and you said before that your organization wants to occupy the headquarters of TSL organization, and you never use the words of annihilation and annihilation. Even if I ask you what will happen if I refuse, you don't give a positive answer, plus you The organization is also connected with political, business and underworld organizations. "

Speaking of this, Ye Feng immediately said, "no! The so-called maple leaf association has developed and grown up in recent years. I have long heard that the New Zealand government has been planning to wipe out all the gangs in New Zealand, but it has never had a chance. Maple leaf association is likely to be a government led gangster organization supported by you. First, it aims to wipe out the gangs in New Zealand, and then it will fight against maple leaf completely So as to achieve the goal of no gangs in New Zealand! "

Amy listened to Ye Feng's words, and her face was getting paler and paler, and she couldn't even sit down.

At this time, Ye Feng continued, "although TSL is outside the outlying islands of New Zealand, it will not have any impact on New Zealand in general, but after all, it is an organization. If it is me, why not take advantage of this national anti Mafia operation, even TSL? We should also eradicate them together, so that we can achieve the real goal of no black spots in the whole country! "

With that, Ye Feng flicked the ash, then looked at Amy with a confident smile and said, "Miss Amy, I'm not wrong, am I?"

Amy has stood up at this time, staring at Ye Feng lying on the bed, surprised that she can't speak.

If ye Feng is not himself, these are all his reasoning, then this person's brain has been smart to the limit.

After all, her clues to Ye Feng are very small. She can see through the whole thing by relying on these only clues. At this time, Amy can only sigh, "it's really Satan!"

Ye Feng saw that Amy didn't speak, but her face and eyes at this time had completely exposed her heart to herself.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said with a faint smile, "you don't have to be nervous. Although I can see through your action plan, even if I don't cooperate with you in the end, I won't have any hindrance and influence on your action!"

Amy immediately said to Ye Feng, "now that you know everything, are you cooperating with us? Or refuse to cooperate? "

Ye Feng said with a smile, "if I refuse directly, what is the consequence? Is it hard to find that the hotel rooms are full of people now? As soon as I shake my head, seventeen or eight strong men in black will kick the door and enter? "

Amy didn't speak yet. Ye Feng sneered, "since you know my identity, you should know that if you operate in this way, the people who come in will come to a miserable end, and I can tell you very responsibly that although you are bent on plotting against me, or even dealing with the organization behind me, I still have some good intentions towards you, but if you don't know what you are doing, I will be very happy I'll tell you, no matter whether you are an official organization or not, no matter where your organization is, no matter how many people there are in your organization, I can make you restless. This is what I say Satan said it

When Ye Feng began to speak, his tone was very calm, but when he said the last four words, although he still had a smile on his face, his tone became extremely cold.

This kind of coldness made Amy shudder. From the beginning of her formal contact with this famous Satan, Amy still felt that she was not as famous as she was when she met him.

In addition, Ye Feng teased herself all the time and said some disgusting words. For a time, she even made Amy think that Satan might be famous because of his bad reputation of lust.

However, after listening to Ye Feng's words, Amy felt that she had really seen Satan's ability. This reasoning alone is enough to show that Satan observes in detail and can see so many things from very small details.At this time, Amy has a new look at Ye Feng. At the same time, she is glad that she has made the right bet. She always thinks that Ye Feng pretends to be lecherous, but in fact, she has another purpose. Now it seems that she is not.

Ye Feng just used his lustful face to upset himself, then deliberately said some words to set his own words, and finally found flaws and clues from his words.

But at this time, although Amy bet right, she was not happy at all. After all, Ye Feng, who is so deep and cold in the city, is far more troublesome than Ye Feng, who is a lecher.

Amy even had an idea in her heart that if she could choose, she would rather Ye Feng continue to be greedy for her beauty, at least Ye Feng could use it.

Thinking of this, Amy felt cold. She realized that the superior sent her own staff, which was really a bit bad. In the face of such a crafty Ye Feng, she should send more experienced people.

After thinking of this problem, Amy's heart suddenly moved again. She suddenly thought of what Ye Feng had just said. Why did the organization send her?

Thinking of this, Amy stared at Ye Feng, speechless for a long time. Maybe Ye Feng was right, and the only thing that could explain why she sent herself was that she gave her heart to Ye Feng.

Satan is lecherous. He has a long reputation outside. What's the best way to deal with a lecherous? Is not to find a beauty to confuse him, and he actually sad to play such a role?

When Ye Feng saw that Amy didn't speak, she couldn't help laughing and said, "what's up? Now, have you figured out a lot of things, and have a feeling of being suddenly enlightened? "

Amy wanted to explain at this time, and she already found that she had no way to explain. Her face and eyes should have betrayed her.

Think of here, Amy slowly sit down, this just looked at Ye Feng, but see Ye Feng at this time a confident smile, that smile seems to laugh at himself in general.

She said immediately, "what if you're right? Now that you know it, you should also know that it is impossible for an individual or any organization or force to compete with the power of the state. Now you have only one choice left in front of you, that is, to cooperate with the state and with us, or you will die! "

But Ye Feng said, "not necessarily? Although the New Zealand government wants to do this, they will not do it openly. Otherwise, they will directly press the troops of aircraft and warships. Why do you want me to help you go to the island? This shows that although your organization is working for the country, it is not officially recognized by the country. In other words, in case of special circumstances, you are the target of the country's betrayal! "

Said Ye Feng shrugged, "but this is not surprising, this is international practice, any country's agents or spies once exposed, no country is willing to admit it!"

Amy immediately said, "you don't have to worry about whether we are recognized by the state. At least we are the Party of justice now. And illegal organizations like TSL, even in countries where the underworld is legal, will eventually be regarded as illegal and harmful. You'd better step back from the precipice and don't associate with them! Otherwise... "

Ye Feng asked Amy, "otherwise, what can I do? If a country, a government is really useful, I would not be so famous in the world! Also won't let TSL sit big! And you're not really aware of a problem! "

"What's the problem?" Amy asked? You don't have to make any more mysteries! "

Ye Feng sneered and said, "why mystify? It seems that you are really not suitable for this business. Have you ever thought that TSL is so big, is it just because of money and people? You can do whatever you want? "

When Amy heard this, her face suddenly moved and said, "do you mean that there are forces behind TSL, or the support of the state?"

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