Ye Feng said with a smile, "you dare to have such a big, national action, but also because behind the secret support of the New Zealand government, TSL's organizational activities are global, what forces do you think behind this?"

When Amy heard this, her face moved and said, "do you mean there is support from all over the world behind TSL? If so, I'll tell you, New Zealand is definitely not included in this

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "your IQ I am really worried. If New Zealand does not support it, can its headquarters be set up on New Zealand's outlying islands? Let me tell you this, TSL was the first organization supported by the New Zealand government

Amy can't help but look at Ye Feng. She doesn't know how to talk to Ye Feng for a moment. In fact, she has thought about this problem in her heart. At the beginning, she has always doubted why this TSL organization is in New Zealand. It's bigger and bigger, even so mysterious, and even becomes a place outside the law. OK It's like New Zealand laws don't work there.

Now listening to Ye Feng's words, Amy is more sure of her original idea. She can't help looking at Ye Feng and saying, "are you sure?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I can tell you that TSL was originally a secret service organization supported by the official background of New Zealand. However, as it grew bigger and bigger, its business began to face the whole world and gradually became a private organization. It faced the whole world, and its business scope was also the whole world. I can tell you that the whole world hated TSL, but the whole world hated it The world has been inseparable from it, which is why it has been standing for so many years! So it's just a whim that a New Zealand government wants to deal with TSL! "

Amy said immediately, "what's so fantastic about this? I don't believe that an illegal organization can fight a country any more! "

But Ye Feng sighed, "what I said to you is so straightforward. How can you still not understand?"

Amy's brain is a little confused at this time. After all, many things have gone beyond her imagination, which makes her a little confused at this time.

But Ye Feng explained to Amy, "don't you understand? Since TSL's customers are all over the world, it may have some secrets in the hands of countries all over the world. For such an organization, let alone your New Zealand government, it is impossible to break it. Even if you have the ability and determination, it will be defeated by you. At that time, it will be your government's disaster. Just imagine which country would like to see some of its own Can't people's affairs be controlled by the government of another country? "

After listening to Ye Feng's explanation, Amy suddenly feels that everything is clear. She immediately stands up and says to Ye Feng, "don't we want to be enemies with the world?"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "very likely!" But then he said, "but I don't think the New Zealand government is so simple on the surface. What we can think of and see through, they definitely think of and see through. Moreover, TSL has been in New Zealand for so many years. Although it's a place outside France, with the ability of the New Zealand government, even if it can't fight down, it has at least penetrated into it. That is to say, TSL's role in the New Zealand government A lot of secrets. In fact, the New Zealand government knows them. That's why you know so much about me. "

Amy could not help nodding and said, "we can know so many things, of course, because of our intelligence agencies and personnel!"

But Ye Feng said to Amy, "in other words, the New Zealand government actually knows the strength and secret behind TSL, and even so, they still decide to win TSL. What does that mean?"

Hearing this, Amy couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in amazement and said, "what do you mean?"

Ye Feng can't help sighing and shaking his head, "in fact, it's not your fault. You're just one of the leaders of your organization, and you're a woman. It's not strange if you don't know!"

When Amy heard this, she was a little unconvinced and said, "what's wrong with women? Should women be inferior? "

But Ye Feng said, "I don't mean that you women are inferior, but you women are naturally insensitive to politics, so you are easy to ignore many problems!"

After hearing what Ye Feng said, Amy can't help looking at Ye Feng in consternation. In fact, Ye Feng is right. She really doesn't like these political issues at all, and even seldom cares about them.

If it wasn't for the organization behind him who had some connection with the government this time, he might not even pay attention to this anti Mafia operation.

At this time, Ye Feng said to Amy, "the New Zealand government is obviously following Lao Mei in the world, and it's just the service scope of TSL organization does not include Lao Mei, so it's very clear!"

On hearing this, Amy couldn't help but look at her face and say, "do you mean that in fact, this operation was instigated or even planned by the United States?"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm just guessing, but if you explain all this in this way, everything will be straightened out. Only America wants to collapse TSL. One of the reasons is that TSL refuses to cooperate with the Americans, and the other is the most important reason. There are many situations in other countries in TSL, which may be more detailed than those in the Pentagon. If you can understand the situation in detail, you can understand the reasons It's American. What do you think? "Amy immediately understood Ye Feng's meaning, "you mean, the Americans want the information in TSL's hand?"

Ye Feng added, "of course, TSL has carried out so many tasks, and there are a lot of American black materials in its hands! This is one of the important reasons! "

Amy nodded, shrugged and said, "you have said so much, but it has nothing to do with me. Besides, it's a national decision, and I can't change anything. Even my organization can't go against the will of the country!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "so I say you women don't care about politics! Let's put it this way. You New Zealand did it. The Americans behind the idea came up with it. But once TSL gets angry, even if it's geographical factors, New Zealand will suffer first! And the Americans are enjoying the profits! "

After listening to what Ye Feng said, Amy took a deep breath. To know that there are many so-called secret service organizations in the world, especially private organizations, there is no difference between them and anti Bu organizations. If TSL really counts this account on New Zealand, and as Ye Feng said, TSL's headquarters are in New Zealand, then New Zealand must be the first to suffer .

Thinking of this, Amy can't help feeling a little scared, but she still said to Ye Feng, "it's no use talking to me about this. I said that I can't be the master at all! It's not something you can change if you say a few words. This plan has been deployed for two years. It's impossible to cancel it temporarily when it comes to the door. Moreover, as you said, the New Zealand government doesn't eat dry food. They must have thought of many things you can think of, so we don't have to worry about it now Just tell me, do you agree to cooperate or refuse to cooperate, so that I can hand over to the top! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help laughing at Amy and said, "if I guess correctly, it's your rated task to take me down. You should only succeed and not fail. Otherwise, with my understanding of you and your temperament, you'll have to walk away long ago. The reason why you're so late is that it explains the problem!"

When Amy heard this, she was shocked. Not to mention Ye Feng's ability to see things and people. Before she came to contact Ye Feng, she did give her death order. She had to persuade Satan to cooperate. She also stressed that she would do anything to help her.

But Amy didn't think much about it. At this time, when she thought of this sentence "at all costs", it seemed that she had another deep meaning.

Ye Feng said with a smile to Amy, "my condition is very simple. You can get on my bed. You can say anything. If you can't get on my bed, you can't talk about anything!"

As soon as Amy heard this, she felt depressed. She forced herself to sell her body to finish the task. It was unreasonable.

Ye Feng is a well-known lecheron, even if that's OK. Now Amy also feels that the organization also has this meaning. She wants to make use of her own physical advantages to achieve the goal they want.

But in front of him, Ye Feng seems to be not afraid of boiling water. He can continue to talk about anything he says to him. He even tells himself his unexpected and unseen views, as if he has already made friends with him.

However, as soon as she mentioned her mission and purpose, Ye Feng immediately showed her prototype and put forward the absurd request that she always insisted on at the beginning, and it seemed that she would never give up until she reached her goal, which made Amy a headache.

It's as if ye Feng and his organization are conspiring to push themselves into the pit of fire, which makes Amy feel particularly uncomfortable and depressed.

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