At this time, Amy can't help but look at Ye Feng and see that Ye Feng is also looking at herself. At this time, she can't help thinking in her heart, anyway, she didn't have this idea before. Since this is the task that she must complete today, and Ye Feng's attitude is very obvious and firm, what's her hesitation?

In fact, Amy knows that she has no choice at all. Now she either chooses to do it according to Ye Feng's request or quits.

But if you quit, where can you find a job with this kind of treatment? You have already bought a house and a car with a mortgage. Once you stop working, all sources of income will be cut off immediately, and you can declare bankruptcy immediately.

In a country like New Zealand, once it goes bankrupt, it's a terrible thing. It's impossible to do anything.

Now Amy thinks that when she bought a car and a house, she was also asked to buy it by the organization. On the surface, it was said that they had a stable logistics support. Moreover, when she bought a car and a house, she received a lot of subsidies from the organization. At that time, everyone felt that the organization took care of them very much.

But at this time, Amy thought of another reason, that is, the organization used this method to increase the stickiness between them and the organization. Because of the high annual salary at that time, coupled with the preferential policies of subsidies, many people can't buy ordinary houses. They all look at luxury houses, villas, and most importantly, high-end residential areas.

But at that time, they did not think that if the price of this high-end community went up, their mortgage would go up. If you stay in the organization all the time, the mortgage would not be a problem, but once it came, it would be impossible to find the same salary, at least not immediately.

Even if you find a job with half a discount and live frugally, you may not be able to support your future life. Who can stand such a life?

With these thoughts in mind, Amy was in despair. It seemed that there was only one road in front of her. She had no choice at all.

At this time, Amy takes another look at Ye Feng, then takes a deep breath, walks towards Ye Feng, and finally sits on Ye Feng's bedside. However, she doesn't dare to face Ye Feng's eyes. It seems that there is a last hurdle in her heart that is hard to overcome. After all, she has never experienced anything between men and women.

No matter what, Amy is also a normal woman. Although there are many pursuers around her, there has never been a relationship between men and women. In fact, she has been imagining such a day in her heart, and she doesn't know who she will give her first time to.

She Ye Feng once dreamed of giving up her first time in what kind of situation, but she never dreamed that she would be coerced by a man to give up her precious first time under such circumstances today, and she could not even refuse.

Ye Feng saw Amy sitting on her side, neither looking at herself nor talking. Just like a wooden man, she could not help saying, "what? Have sat down, it means that your inner struggle has ended! But I don't think you have crossed the final hurdle in your heart! Or not! "

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Amy immediately turned her head and said, "you wait..." After taking two deep breaths, he said to Ye Feng, "OK! No problem! " Then he closed his eyes.

Ye Feng can't help laughing when he sees that Amy is like this. In fact, for Ye Feng, he has always been joking with Amy.

Of course, men are all the same. They are joking with beautiful women. If the beautiful women refuse, they will treat themselves as a joke. But if they accept, any man will follow suit. Who will miss the good thing of pie falling from the sky.

Yefeng used to be like this, but now Yefeng just looks at Amy with a smile on her face, but she just looks at her all the time, and doesn't take the next step.

In fact, Amy is really a rare beauty for Ye Feng. In addition to the feeling given to Ye Feng before, Bruce's people seem to see a ghost when they see her, which makes this woman naturally feel domineering in Ye Feng's mind.

For the men who look at the flowers, the more women who feel superior, once conquered, the more sense of achievement they have. Those who can call and wave at will will not feel too much. Ye Feng is no exception.

But after talking with Amy, Ye Feng finds out that Amy is not the same as she imagined. Her pride comes from the organization behind her and has nothing to do with herself.

And for many things, Amy's way of doing things is just like a novice. After teaching her so many things, she has a sense of sudden realization.

For Ye Feng, this kind of Amy is in fact a piece of paper. If you take advantage of her pressure to finish the task, you will feel guilty of desecrating the holy things.

At this time, Amy had been waiting for a long time with her eyes closed. She was very nervous. To tell the truth, she was afraid and had a little expectation.

At this time, Amy's heart is really a little tangled. It's reasonable to say that she was coerced by a man to do this kind of thing. Her heart should be full of hatred for this man. In fact, she also wanted to do this, but she just couldn't hate it.But when she had completely put down her guard, she didn't wait for the scene she thought. Amy couldn't help but open her eyes in amazement and looked at Ye Feng lying on the bed in amazement.

But see Ye Feng at this time is still lying on the bed, just smiling quietly looking at himself, did not move, did not say a word.

Seeing Ye Feng like this, Amy felt a trace of warmth in her heart, which shows that her guess about Ye Feng is completely correct. He is just testing himself, or scaring himself. In fact, she doesn't mean it at all. She just wants to push herself back in this way.

In the final analysis, my intuition is not wrong. Almost all the legends about Satan are rumors from the outside world. I have already taken the initiative to throw myself away. Isn't Satan still unmoved?

But at the same time, Amy's heart is also a bit disappointed. Although she has not talked about her boyfriend and has not had too much contact with men, she is still very confident about her beauty. As a peerless beauty, she takes the initiative to throw herself in her arms, but ye Fengju is not moved?

In Ye Feng's mind, he can't see himself at all? He has never been in Ye Feng's eyes from the beginning to the end, but he has become the handle of Ye Feng's joke?

Thinking of this, Amy immediately stood up and looked at Ye Feng angrily. "What do you mean?"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's meaningless! In fact, to tell you the truth, I believe there are more than 100 men in the world who can hold such a beautiful woman beside you, and at least 90 of them are fags! "

Amy snorted coldly, "so you're a fag?"

Ye Feng can't help laughing and says to Amy, "yes, I'm a fag. I want to be a sister with you!"

Amy smell speech first is a surprised, then see Ye Feng face that kind of smile expression, immediately know this guy is still playing himself.

But Ye Feng said to Amy, "you go!"

Amy frowned and said, "go?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "that's right, is it difficult? Do you really want to have something wrong with me?"

Amy was stunned and looked at Ye Feng, then said, "I want to give it to you. Now you don't want it. I'll take it as if you already want it!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng said with a smile, "when I have asked for it? I don't really do it, but I have to bear its name. It seems a bit uneconomic! " And he said to Amy, "I'm sorry now, OK?"

Amy said immediately, "of course not. There's only one chance. Who can blame you for not holding it! Now that you have asked for me and I have given it to you, you have no reason to refuse me any more! "

Ye Feng looked at Amy talking, where there is the kind of Royal elder sister style when she was in maple leaf villa. Her tone is more like a little Laurie who is not familiar with the world. She couldn't help laughing and said, "it seems that you are very persistent to your task!"

Amy immediately said to Ye Feng, "I will continue to complete this task. This is the death order from my superior. Otherwise, you think I like listening to you here and spending time with you here?"

Ye Feng then lit a cigarette, smoked a few mouthfuls and said to Amy, "it's not impossible, but this matter, you are obviously not the highest person in charge. I need a person who can be the master to talk to me, instead of pushing a beautiful woman to the bed of the sex wolf!"

Amy can't help but frown at Ye Feng and say, "do you want to see my superior leader?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "can't you see it? I've already stated my real conditions. If you can't do it, it means you don't have sincerity. No wonder I do?

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