Amy can't help laughing and looking at Ye Feng, "you put a woman we sent to deal with you into bed. At last, you told me that it has nothing to do with your lust? It's not lust. Are you still doing good? "

Ye Feng smell speech immediately nod a way, "really be said by you right, I am doing good deeds!"

Amy felt that she was almost defeated by Ye Feng's shamelessness. She even felt that she was speechless. It can be said that she had never seen such shameless before.

Even at the beginning, Amy had a little bit of affection for Ye Feng, which seemed to disappear at this moment. She even laughed at herself. She had a moment to give herself to Ye Feng.

But at this time, Ye Feng explained to Amy, "you should also know that my body belongs to Cao Yihai. It's because Cao Yihai died that I have a chance to occupy his body, and Cao Yihai died to save me!"

Amy could not help but sneer, "you said so much, no matter how Cao Yihai died, what is the inevitable connection between this and your lust?"

Ye Feng can't help sighing, "so women always see things only on the surface, but can't see deep things!"

Amy doesn't think so, but she doesn't refute Ye Feng. She just looks at Ye Feng quietly to see if he can persuade herself.

Ye Feng continued, "it can be said that Susan has fallen in love with me, but he doesn't know who I am. He only knows that I am Cao Yihai!"

Amy then sneered, "so you use Cao Yihai's body to possess Susan?"

Ye Feng suddenly nodded, "that's right!"

Amy couldn't help sneering. "Do you think it's OK for you to do this?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't think it's OK to do this, but I think it's the wisest choice for me to do this!"

Amy can't help laughing again. She's really speechless to Ye Feng. She feels that when she talks, she will be incoherent. She doesn't know what to say, so she doesn't talk.

Ye Feng then said to Amy with a smile, "I know what you are thinking in your heart. You must feel that you have taken advantage of Cao Yihai's body to take possession of Susan, and you have the audacity to say this fallacy."

Amy also did not deny the nod, "yes, that's the meaning!"

Ye Feng sighed a little, "so I say that women's insight is short, they can't see deep things!"

Amy can't help sneering, "I really want to know, you fool a woman to have sex with you, what deep-seated truth can you say!"

Ye Feng couldn't help laughing and said to Amy, "what if I could say something?"

On hearing this, Amy immediately said to Ye Feng, "if you can put you and Susan to bed, it's really reasonable, and I'm convinced of what you can say. I'll do whatever you want me to do!"

Ye Feng immediately said to Amy, "a gentleman's word!"

Amy immediately said, "a whip for the horse!"

Ye Feng immediately asked Amy, "if a person risked his life to save you! Should you repay me? "

Amy can't help nodding when she hears the words, "of course, I have to repay you!" And then he said, "but I don't see at all what it has to do with you having sex with Susan?"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "you should also know that my body is Cao Yihai's, and almost all the people in our TSL organization are orphans, so is Cao Yihai. When he died, he was only in his twenties, and he didn't even leave any children. You and I, and Cao Yihai, although we all live in western countries like New Zealand, our blood is Chinese There's a saying in China that there are three ways to be unfilial. You should have heard of it, right

Amy can't help but stare at Ye Feng. She seems to understand Ye Feng's so-called theory in her heart. She says to Ye Feng in surprise, "do you want to leave a queen for Cao Yihai?"

Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "sometimes I think you're stupid, sometimes you're incredibly smart, that's right, that's what I plan to do!"

Amy said immediately, "but you can't repay the kindness at the expense of Susan's happiness!"

But Ye Feng said to Amy, "I've never forced Susan to do anything. It's all voluntary of her. I'm not boasting. With my personality charm and Cao Yihai's good appearance, it's not very difficult for me to have a child with a woman's heartless stomach."

But Amy said, "even if she is voluntary, she may not know. You just borrow her stomach to give Cao Yihai a post!"

Ye Feng said to Amy, "don't worry about that. I know what you want to say. After giving birth, I'm not responsible for Susan at all, am I? You can rest assured that I will always help and care for Susan in the name of Cao Yihai! "

Amy couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise, and then said, "even if you can give them money and all the material conditions they want, can you give her love? I believe Susan is willing to give birth to a child because she loves you. But you can never make up for your love for her unless you marry her and take care of her for the rest of your lifeYe Feng shrugged and said, "Cao Yihai is dead. I can't take care of their mother and son instead of Cao Yihai!"

Amy said to Ye Feng, "I don't know how you used to treat women, but now I know that you are a completely selfish man!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "I'm selfish?"

Amy immediately sneered, "you always think you know women. In fact, you don't know women at all. Do you think you can play with any woman with your personality charm? I tell you, you are wrong! "

Before Ye Feng spoke, Amy immediately added, "because you want to repay Cao Yihai for saving his life and resurrection, you sacrificed Susan's whole life in order to leave him a descendant!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "you are not Susan. How do you know that what she lost is her whole life?"

Amy said immediately, "isn't it? She does it because she loves you, but you can't use her love for you to do something that hurts her? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "that's because you haven't really loved someone. You don't know how you feel when you love someone. Love is full and can enrich your whole life. I don't know what Susan's life was like before, but I know Susan's life after that must be rich, because she has love in her heart!"

At this point, Ye Feng added, "maybe in your eyes, Susan sacrificed a lot, very poor, but you will never realize how satisfied she is now! Because you have no one to love, or your love is still in the stage of getting, not giving, so even if you encounter love, you will lose it, but Susan is easy to get it

When Amy heard what Ye Feng said, she couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in a daze. She didn't speak for a long time.

But Ye Feng continued, "in your eyes, because Susan died, I gave less, so you think Susan is not happy, but imagine yourself, you now love a man, you can give him a child, you will think this is a sad, sad thing? Do you suddenly stop loving him because he can't be with you? "

Amy is still speechless. She looks at Ye Feng in a dazed way. She seems to feel herself. Although she still doesn't agree with Ye Feng's fallacies, she feels that she is convinced by Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng said to Amy, "when you really fall in love with a man, you will realize that giving is far happier than getting!"

Amy then looked at Ye Feng and said, "even if what you said seems to have some truth, it can't cover up the fact that you can't give Susan the lack of emotion!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "you still don't understand what I mean. As I said just now, giving is far happier than getting. In my relationship with Susan, Susan is the one who gives. Do you think I am the one who gets? In fact, it was Cao Yihai who got the first release, and even though I got some small satisfaction because I helped Cao Yihai stay one, I was the winner, and I was far less happy than Susan! "

Amy felt that she would be confused by Ye Feng's theories. For a moment, she felt that she couldn't tell who was who when she was surrounded by Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng said to Amy, "our gambling agreement continues to be effective. Now you won't completely believe what I say. When you have a chance to meet Susan in person, you can ask her, and you will know whether she is happy or miserable. At that time, it's not too late for us to fulfill today's gambling agreement!"

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