After that, Ye Feng opens the quilt before waiting for Amy to say anything. Amy turns away immediately.

But Ye Feng shrugged with a smile, then picked up the clothes on one side and put them on. Then he sat on the guest chair on one side and said to Amy, "don't talk about these. Now let's talk about business!"

Amy looks back and sees that Ye Feng has put on her clothes. Then she turns around and looks at Ye Feng and says, "I've been talking about serious things. It's you who are not serious. Do you think it's better to take the topic away?"

Ye Feng shrugged, noncommittally lit a cigarette, then looked at Amy and said, "in fact, I'm not used to and don't like to refuse beautiful women, but today I guess I'm really embarrassed!"

As soon as Amy heard this, her face suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean, you mean refuse to cooperate?"

But Ye Feng said to Amy, "you can understand that what I refuse is not you, but the organization behind you!"

Amy said immediately, "why? There's a reason, isn't there? "

After smoking a cigarette, Ye Feng said to Amy, "in fact, I'm really sorry that I played with you for so long before I said this to you, but I can't blame you!"

Amy can't help frowning when she hears the words. She looks at Ye Feng and says, "do you mean you refuse from the beginning to the end?"

Ye Feng this time again light vomited a cigarette after, a shrug way, "actually have so a moment, I am heart beating!"

Amy said curiously, "when?"

Ye Feng mouth slightly upward way, "is you sit by my bed, take the initiative to throw in arms, at that time, there is really a kind of Peony under the dead ghost also romantic consciousness!"

When Amy heard this, her face turned red. Then she said, "but you finally refused!"

Ye Feng nodded and said to Amy, "I refused, but I also told you that I didn't refuse you, but the organization behind you!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng immediately said, "there are many specific reasons. First, I am still a member of TSL. Although you said that the person who killed me was in TSL, I think so, but so far I haven't considered leaving!"

Amy immediately asked Ye Feng, "don't you want revenge?"

Ye Feng said, "revenge is not a big problem for me. Even if I want to revenge, I will do it my own way! So this is the second reason why I refuse, that is, I don't want to have anything to do with the government departments! "

Amy didn't speak yet. Ye Feng immediately said, "third, this is also the most important point. The superior leaders behind you don't attach much importance to me at all. Do you look down on me for such a big thing as a rookie? Do you really think that if you send me a beautiful woman, I will be obedient to you? I tell you, if that were true, I would have sold TSL thousands of times! "

Amy immediately explained, "it's not that he didn't pay attention, it's just that he didn't really have an autopsy..."

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "in fact, it doesn't matter. Even without the most important third, the first two together are enough for me to refuse you. What's more, I don't pay enough attention to the words without time!"

At this point, Ye Feng took out his mobile phone to look at the time, put out the cigarette in the ashtray, then stood up to put away the mobile phone, took a formal look at Amy and said, "OK, I'll play with you until now. I should go too!"

Amy said to Yefeng, "go? Are you going back to the island? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I'm from TSL. Where can I go if I don't go back to the island?"

Amy immediately stopped Ye Feng and said, "you can't go yet!"

Ye Feng frowned slightly, looked at Amy up and down, and said, "I can see that you are a practitioner, but if you really want to keep me, your Kung Fu is not enough to see!"

But Amy said to Ye Feng, "you don't know, it's not me who really wants to leave you, it's someone else!"

Ye Feng smell speech not only have no experience, on the contrary light a smile way, "you mean always follow behind us of person?"? At this time, you should stay in every corner of the hotel, wait for orders at any time, and you will rush in, right

Ai Mei listens to Ye Feng to say so, can't help facial expression a change tunnel, "originally you already noticed?"

Ye Feng said to Amy, "it seems that you don't know me very well. You know I'm Satan. You still use such crude means to me. Do you think you're too soft to make it, so you're ready to make it hard with me?"

Amy sighed to Ye Feng, "so I'm trying to persuade you to think about it. This time, there are clear rules for you in the organization, either surrender or Either... "

Ye Feng said with a smile, "or execute me?"

Amy looked at Ye Feng with a slight movement on her face and said, "you should know the form now. You already know all our plans, and it is imperative to eliminate TSL. With or without your help, you will do it. Do you still have a choice?"

Ye Feng said to Amy, "I'm very glad that you can tell me this. At least let me know. At least you don't regard me as an enemy!"Amy can't help but move when she hears that she is not related to Ye Feng. What do you care about him?

Ye Feng said at this time, "but it's up to people, and I'm a bit stubborn. The more the organization behind you is like this, the more I want to see how you plan to execute me!"

With that, Ye Feng added, "if you know my true identity, you should know my means. If you just send some shrimp soldiers to the future, it's really not enough to see!"

But Amy said, "you may not know that there are really shrimps and crabs in your eyes outside, but there is one person whose means are absolutely enough for you. This is the expert we specially invited from the United States. He may not be under you no matter his skill or shooting skill!"

Ye Feng eyebrows slightly a wrinkle way, "the United States to the master?" Then he said with a smile, "it's interesting!"

Amy said to Ye Feng solemnly, "I'm not joking with you. Today, no matter what, you can't get out of this room. There's only one possibility, that is, you have agreed to all our requirements. Otherwise, the order above is to go out and kill! At this time, I don't know how many guns are aimed at this side at the window and outside the door! "

Ye Feng smell speech to smile a way, "I see you really care about this task!"

Amy said at once, "of course, it's a very important task for me. Only success, not failure!"

Ye Feng sighed slightly, looked at Amy with sorry eyes and said, "that's really sorry. I can't help you achieve your wish!" Then he took out his pistol and began to load it.

Amy's face suddenly moved. She knew that Ye Feng was going to work recklessly. She immediately stepped forward and held the gun in Ye Feng's hand. "You can't go!"

Ye Feng, however, pulls Amy into her arms and puts her hand around Amy's waist. She looks at Amy with a straight face and says, "don't think I'll be kind to you if I feel pity for you!"

Amy stares at Ye Feng in amazement. Ye Feng may have been revived by Cao Yihai's body. Cao Yihai's whole temperament seems gentle.

But at this time, Amy can fully feel that the man in front of her, whether in her eyes or in her whole temperament, is full of a murderous breath and a breath of male hormones, which completely gives Amy a heart shaking feeling.

When Ye Feng sees Amy looking at herself in a daze, she immediately pulls Amy aside and strides towards the door.

Amy this just returned to God, immediately rushed past, a press Ye Feng shoulder.

However, as soon as her hand touched Ye Feng's shoulder, Ye Feng immediately pulled Amy to her side, and then she fell over her shoulder and directly threw Amy to the bed.

Amy didn't expect that Ye Feng's action was faster than she had imagined, and she was clean and didn't procrastinate at all.

When she jumped up from the bed with Simmons' elasticity, Ye Feng had already opened the door and went out.

Amy immediately took out her cell phone from her bag and said in a loud voice, "don't shoot, there's still room for turning around!"

At this time, Amy had heard a burst of gunfire outside the door, and she rushed out immediately.

When Amy rushes out, she sees Ye Feng walking towards the elevator entrance and shooting at the corner of the wall. It's the people in the organization who fall to the ground at the sound of the shooting.

Ye Feng's marksmanship is beyond Amy's cognition. Amy doesn't even see her own people show up, so she has been dealt with by Ye Feng.

After a while, there were six or seven people lying in the corridor of the hotel, but they were all hit by Ye Feng. They didn't hit the key point, and they didn't risk their lives. But I don't know if they did it on purpose.

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