At this time, Ye Feng had already arrived at the elevator door. As soon as he turned around, he heard a gunshot. Ye Feng's face moved slightly. He immediately turned to the side of the elevator door. In an instant, he heard a crisp sound on the elevator door, but he saw that the aluminum alloy door panel of the elevator door had been punched through a hole.

Amy stood at the door and couldn't help disbelieving. Just now, the shot was suddenly fired. Ye Feng actually avoided it with one side head. What's the consciousness?

In fact, what Amy doesn't know is that Ye Feng has been playing with the gun since he was a child. Just listening to the sound of the gun, he can tell that it's not a bullet from a general pistol, but a bullet from a sniper gun.

Moreover, Ye Feng knows the speed of the sniper gun. At the moment he hears the gunshot, the bullet is already in front of him. In addition, the sniper usually does not see the rabbit and does not scatter the eagle, and almost all of them shoot after aiming.

So Ye Feng knows that he has been completely locked by the other party. At this time, his life is obviously on the line. If he wants to live, he can only gamble.

Sniper guns generally rely on personal characteristics, can be divided into two kinds, one like to blow the head, this kind of sniper is generally clean type, like to end the target's life in the fastest way.

There is another kind of people who like to hit the chest and heart. Although the target who is hit by the heart is sure to die, they will struggle before they die. It is said that people who like this kind of way are people with relatively dark psychology.

But the vast majority of snipers, but the head of the majority, Ye Feng can only bet that this guy is not an alien, so he in the first time side head.

And now the body is Cao Yihai's, after all, is not his own body trained before, this action is a little slower, it is likely to die on the spot.

In the virtual world set up by Cao Yihai before, his body had this factor, and it took a long time to get familiar with the body of Ye Feng.

However, in reality, Ye Feng felt that the difference existed, but the difference was not as obvious as he thought.

Ye Feng so dodged a shot, not only to see Amy a burst of surprise, even the hotel opposite the top of the sniper also see is dumbfounded.

It can be said that up to now, I've been engaged in the position of sniper, and I've never seen a person who can escape by only one side head after shooting.

Snipers obviously don't believe in this evil. They think it must be a coincidence. It's absolutely impossible for anyone to escape the bullets of the sniper gun. One of the reasons is their self-confidence in their shooting skills. The most important thing is the speed and impact of the sniper gun. As long as the sniper is not too small, no one can escape.

So the sniper decided it was a coincidence, so he immediately pulled the trigger and fired a second shot, which was still in the head.

However, at the moment of the gunshot, Ye Feng's head had been turned over. The bullet instantly wiped from Ye Feng's side and hit the aluminum alloy door panel of the elevator forehead again. There was another hole in it.

This time, the sniper on the roof opposite the hotel was completely shocked. One time, it can be said that it was a coincidence. The second time, it was still like this. This is not a coincidence.

What's more, according to the mentality of ordinary people, if they miss a shot, they should leave there for the first time to avoid being shot again.

At this time, Ye Feng was still standing there, and his eyes were still staring at the window at the end of the corridor. For the first time, he was scared. Now after the second shot, he still didn't want to go away. Obviously, he wanted to stand there and provoke himself.

The sniper was a little flustered. He didn't know where this guy got his confidence. He was so confident that he dared to stand under the muzzle of the gun to hide. Even if he didn't hit one, two, three or four, he would always hit one. After all, when he knew that the other party would hide, he might have a prediction.

At this time, Amy saw that Ye Feng even avoided two shots, but she was also stunned. For a moment, she didn't know what to say, and looked at Ye Feng in a daze.

At this time, Ye Feng stood in the same place, staring at the opposite roof. The distance from here to the opposite roof is not short. In addition, it's Dusk now. It's impossible for Cao Yihai to see the sniper's location with his eyesight.

But Ye Feng is to test this momentum to pressure the other side, at this time a shot again, Ye Feng immediately squatted a body, bullets immediately from the top side of his head.

Ye Feng mouth slightly up, he has expected the other side this shot will predict the direction of their escape, so this time Ye Feng chose to squat.

The sniper on the opposite roof grabs his head at this time. He has already made a prediction. He didn't expect that the other side didn't have a side head this time, but half squatted to avoid it. It's completely like playing psychological warfare with himself.

Sniper some flustered, immediately fired a shot, then found that Ye Feng this time is not just side head or squat, but a jump to hide behind the wall.

The sniper immediately aimed the muzzle at the corner where Ye Feng dodged. He believed that with Ye Feng's character, he would suddenly come out and tease himself. This kind of self-confident person would be like this. Besides, he had already dodged three shots under his muzzle, and his confidence was doubled.The sniper knew that if he didn't hit the next shot, his confidence would be defeated, so he would hit Ye Feng in the next shot.

Sniper has been aiming at the wall, waiting for a long time, see that the wall Ye Feng clothes exposed a little, know Ye Feng is hiding there, ready to come out to provoke themselves.

With his own shooting method, it's easy to shoot the exposed part of Ye Feng, but the sniper doesn't intend to do so. Even if he hits this shot, Ye Feng will be injured at most. Once Ye Feng is injured, it's easy to blow his confidence that he has already been exposed. Maybe he won't come out to play with himself. If he really runs, it's easy There's no time to play.

The sniper wants Ye Feng to continue to play with him. As long as he continues to play, even if he is not allowed to shoot 99 guns, he will still die after one shot. It's just a waste of bullets. As for his 100 shot miss, as long as Ye Feng dies, it's all over. Who will deliberately investigate how many guns he used to kill Ye Feng?

Amy also stares at the wall at this time. She also sees that Ye Feng's clothes are exposed. She secretly tells Ye Feng that he even hides three shots. The name of Satan is not a false name. As expected, she has two brushes. But if she keeps playing like this, Ye Feng is always passive and underdog. In case of a wrong judgment, she may die on the spot.

At this time, the sniper put his eyes on the sight and kept staring at the corner at the end of the corridor of the opposite hotel. As soon as Ye Feng came up, he killed him immediately.

At this time, the sniper heard the sound of bullets coming from behind his head, and his heart was shocked. As soon as he looked back, he saw a gun against his forehead. Behind the gun, a face with a smile was looking at him. Wasn't it Ye Feng who had just dodged his three bullets?

Ye Feng then said to the sniper, "are you the sharpshooter Shrek?"

The sniper's face moved slightly, and he looked at Ye Feng in a dazed way, "do you know me? Who are you? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "please come to kill my people. I didn't tell you that your goal is a bad one?"

Shrek stares at Ye Feng. He has realized that Ye Feng just takes off his coat and deliberately puts it in the corner to attract his attention. The simplest way is to cheat him.

He couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "who are you?"

Ye Feng is toward Shrek a smile way, "let you do a understand ghost, don't send on the way of the yellow spring!"

With that, Ye Feng's face sank, "I'm Satan!"

In Shrek's face show horror, pupil because of the rapid expansion of horror and close, bang, Shrek immediately fell to the ground, a hole in the head.

Amy of the opposite Hotel heard a gunshot, and she was still wondering. Ye Feng didn't show her head. Why did she shoot at the top of the opposite restaurant?

But after waiting for a long time, there was no bullet on the wall. Amy could not help but move. She seemed to be aware of something. She immediately looked back at the top of the opposite hotel. At this time, she saw a figure standing on the top of the building. However, the sky was dim, and she could not see who it was. She could only rely on the shadow to feel that the person was like Ye Feng.

Thinking of this, Amy immediately ran to the front corner of the wall, but saw that Ye Feng's coat was butting against the wall with a mop handle, and Ye Feng had already disappeared. When she looked at the opposite roof, the figure standing there had disappeared.

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