Amy's heart suddenly a Lin, she has realized, just when they all suspect Ye Feng hiding here waiting to come out again, in fact Ye Feng has touched the opposite roof to the sniper Shrek to solve, just that shot, Shrek must have died in Ye Feng's hands.

You know, Shrek is known as one of the top ten snipers in the United States. It is said that there are many experts who were shot in the head by him. Unexpectedly, he was invited by their organization today. If he didn't hit Ye Feng with one shot, he would have died.

Amy thought and ran quickly to the opposite upstairs. Although she thought that it must be this result, she still had to see for sure.

When Amy runs to the top of the building breathlessly, she sees that Shrek's body is already cold, and her eyes are wide open. It's obvious that she doesn't believe Ye Feng will appear here until she dies.

Amy looked around at this time, trying to find where Ye Feng was, but by this time she had completely lost her trace.

Amy felt that she couldn't find Ye Feng and couldn't complete the task, which was not as good as a sense of loss in her heart.

I can't see myself behind Ye Feng. It seems that I have no idea what to do next. I stand on the top of the building and look at Shrek's body in a daze.

When Amy came back and walked slowly downstairs, she heard a voice coming from the stairs, "who are you looking for?"

As soon as Amy heard the sound, her heart pounded. Although she was only familiar with it today, she felt that it was as deep in her heart as a brand and could not be erased.

At this time, Amy came back to herself, but she saw a little red light in the dark of the corridor, which was the breath of cigarette end. When the light came on, Ye Feng's familiar face appeared in front of Amy's eyes.

Amy saw that Ye Feng was standing there with a smile on her mouth. She couldn't help but move. Unconsciously, she rushed to Ye Feng and hugged him.

Ye Feng frowned slightly and let Amy hold her. It seems that no matter what kind of skin bag she changed into, she is destined to be the object of women's pursuit?

Ye Feng continued to smoke his cigarette, listening to Amy in his ear, "do you know? I'm afraid you'll go! "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's inevitable for all the banquets in the world to leave. However, I always feel that it's not polite to meet you and go without saying hello!"

Speaking of this, he immediately added, "the most important thing is that I want you to send a message to your superior, telling him that there will never be more than three people in the world who can kill me. Next time, let him not come to Shrek, a low-level shooter, but the top one. This time, I don't care about him in your face, but next time, hehe, maybe he will I don't have the ability to hide bullets, do I? "

After hearing what Ye Feng said, Amy slowly pushed Ye Feng away and stood in front of him, looking at him and said, "are we doomed not to be a camp?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "no! We can be friends, but our camps are destined to be enemies. But I advise you that you have underestimated the strength of TSL. If you think that the establishment of an organization in New Zealand can eradicate TSL, then TSL will not exist today! "

Amy didn't say anything. She just looked at Ye Feng with her eyes. She asked Ye Feng plaintively, "when will we see you next time? When they point guns at each other? "

Ye Feng said to Amy, "I can guarantee that my gun will not be aimed at you, but I know you can't guarantee that your gun will not be aimed at me, but you can rest assured that if one day, I won't blame you, I know you can't help it!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng threw the cigarette end and stamped it out. Then he waved to Amy and said, "OK, all that should be said. Goodbye!"

Ye Feng said and turned to go, don't want to this time, but Amy rushed up, hugged Ye Feng from behind, and Ye Feng stood still, didn't move, also didn't speak.

Amy said, "don't go. I don't want you to go!"

Ye Feng surprised way, "don't want me to go? Is it for you to keep me

Amy shook her head and said, "no, this time I'm leaving you for myself!"

But Ye Feng asked, "for yourself? Why? "

Amy can't help but be stunned at this time. For a moment, she doesn't know how to answer Ye Feng's words. She asks herself, yes, why don't she let Ye Feng go?

Thinking of this, Amy couldn't help saying, "I don't know why. I only know this moment. I don't want you to go!"

But Ye Feng said with a faint smile, "you've missed the best chance to have the only perfect man in the world. It's gone forever!"

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Amy knew that he was joking. She couldn't help laughing and said, "are you still the perfect man? The only one in the world? Do you want a face? "

Ye Feng turned around and looked at Amy and said, "isn't it? I think a woman like you, only a perfect man, and a unique man in the world, can be worthy of you. Am I wrong? "Amy can't help laughing when she hears the words. She looks at Ye Feng and says, "you're shameless. You're really shameless. On the surface, you're praising me, but actually you're praising yourself!"

Ye Feng smiles and doesn't speak. After taking a deep breath, she says to Amy, "don't fall in love with me. I'm not worth it!"

Amy couldn't help spat. "Who said I fell in love with you? It's shameless!" Said unexpectedly on the face a red, avoided the leaf maple's eyes.

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I didn't fall in love with you. What would you do if you didn't let me go?"

Amy immediately said, "if I don't let you go, do I have to fall in love with you? Shame on you

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders again, then stepped forward and said, "if you don't want to face, you don't want to face!" Then she immediately bowed her head and stopped Amy.

Amy was stunned. Her eyes were wide open. She didn't react for a moment. To tell you the truth, she wasn't ready.

She wanted to leave Ye Feng, but she didn't know when and under what circumstances she would see Ye Feng again, so she didn't give up.

But leaving Ye Feng doesn't mean that she has made all these preparations, but the moment she is kissed by Ye Feng, Amy feels as if she is in the clouds.

Amy gradually closed her eyes. As she was about to put her hand around Ye Feng's neck, Ye Feng loosened her mouth and said, "I'll leave you a memory!"

Amy can't help but open her eyes and see that Ye Feng has stepped back. She feels disappointed.

At this time, Ye Feng said to Amy, "OK, good-bye when you are predestined." Then he immediately turned around and left.

Amy unconsciously stepped forward and wanted to say something. Her mouth was long, but she could not say a word. She could only watch Ye Feng disappear in the night.

At this time, Amy can't help reaching out and touching her lips that Ye Feng has just kissed. It seems that Ye Feng's body smell is still on her lips. She can't help but move in her heart. She can't help but look at the endless darkness in the night, but she can't see Ye Feng's figure any more. She can't help feeling dejected for a long time.

At this time, Ye Feng had already sat in his own Porsche. Just after he inserted the key into the keyhole, his heart suddenly moved, and then he opened the door and rushed out.

As soon as he ran away, he heard a loud bang from behind. Ye Feng's eardrum was about to be pierced. He felt that his whole body was completely shocked by the waves behind him.

Amy was standing on the opposite side in a daze. Hearing the loud noise, she immediately came back to herself. When she looked towards the sound source, she saw that a car over there had been blown up and could not see its original appearance.

Amy immediately ran to the other side. In the process of running, she saw that the car was the Lamborghini that Ye Feng had brought herself here.

Seeing this, Amy was stunned and immediately ran to the car. However, there was a big fire in the car, and she couldn't get close to it. She couldn't even see if ye Feng was in the car, but it was estimated that she had already burned to ashes.

Amy's nose was sore and her face was hot. Two lines of tears came out unconsciously.

At this time, on the other side of the car, Ye Feng got up from the ground and felt that there was a fire behind him. He immediately rolled on the spot. When he got up again and looked back, he found that his car had been burned and only the shelf was left.

I thought that if I hadn't been conscious just now, I would have been the same as this car, and no one would have recognized me when I was rescued. I was really afraid.

And the thing that makes Ye Feng feel most awe inspiring is that at the moment when Lamborghini exploded, what Ye Feng thought in his mind was that he went to Brazil to carry out the mission on the return journey of the helicopter, which also made a loud bang, but he didn't realize it that time.

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