At this time, Ye Feng stood up from the ground and looked back at his bombed car. His brow was slightly wrinkled. Is this the same as the previous helicopter explosion?

After all, Satan is dead in the eyes of the world. Now there are not many people who know that they are still alive. It is impossible to blow themselves up again. This explosion should be done by the organization behind Amy.

At this time, Ye Feng also saw Amy standing in a daze opposite the car. When she saw Ye Feng standing up, her face suddenly moved and ran towards Ye Feng.

In front of Yefeng, see Yefeng disheveled, clothes have been burned, immediately up a hug Yefeng, mouth kept saying, "you're OK, OK!"

Ye Feng patted Amy on the back and said, "what else do you want to do with me? Let's go

At this time, Amy slowly pushes Ye Feng away, looks at Ye Feng affectionately and says, "take me with you!"

Ye Feng looks slightly at Amy. At this moment, there is a sound of car engine not far away. Ye Feng immediately pulls Amy to the side of the alley.

They quickly walked to the other side of the alley. On the way, Amy asked Ye Feng, "where are we going now?"

Ye Feng said to Amy, "you don't have to follow me. Now my side is very dangerous. I can't protect you!"

But Amy took Ye Feng's arm and said, "wherever you go, I'll follow you!"

Ye Feng glanced at Amy, but before she spoke, there was a gunshot behind her. Someone came out to throw garbage in the alley. When he heard the gunshot, he immediately threw the garbage bag away and ran back to the house to lock the door.

Ye Feng drags Amy out of the alley immediately, thinking that if only the instant step method of virtual world could be used in real life.

Two people out of the alley, Ye Feng went to a car, a punch will break the window, then opened the door to sit in.

Amy immediately got on the car, and Ye Feng immediately began to unlock. In less than a minute, the car had started. Ye Feng immediately stepped on the accelerator, and the car left the scene in an instant.

While driving, Ye Feng looks at the situation behind him from the rear mirror. Seeing a car coming up from the road, Ye Feng immediately asks Amy, "your organization doesn't employ Shrek alone, does it?"

Amy immediately said to Ye Feng, "it's not just Shrek!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "that can't be wrong! Shrek has always been with Scarlett

Amy could not help nodding and said, "yes, I heard that the two top American killers employed by this organization are a man and a woman!"

Hearing what Amy said, Ye Feng said with a smile, "top killer? They do have some means, but they are not top class. At most, they are male and female thieves with a little ability! "

Amy also thinks that if it's really top class, Shrek will be solved by Ye Feng after a while.

Ye Feng murmured at this time, "but if it's Scarlett in the back of the car, it's a bit of a trouble!"

Amy can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise. "Do you mean this Scarlett is more powerful than Shrek?"

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know if it's powerful, but it must be very difficult!"

Amy can't help but wonder, "difficult? How do you know? "

Ye Feng said to Amy, "your husband has been killed. Will you work hard with him?"

As soon as Amy heard this, she was stunned and immediately realized that, yes, Shrek and Scarlett are male and female thieves, so it must be the relationship between husband and wife, and even if it is not, it must be the relationship between man and wife. Just after Shrek died on the roof, Scarlett still doesn't want to work hard with Ye Feng.

Just thinking about it, the car behind had already driven to the side of Ye Feng's car, and immediately made a sharp turn and ran into Ye Feng's car.

Ye Feng has been ready for a long time. At the moment when the car hit, Ye Feng immediately stepped on the gas and rushed out.

Just now, he deliberately didn't step on the accelerator to the end, waiting for the car behind him to catch up. In fact, his purpose was to see if Scarlett was sitting on the car on one side.

However, Ye Feng has never seen Scarlett, but she saw a Western woman sitting in the car on one side, and a pretty good-looking face full of murderous, which is completely a look of not killing Ye Feng, which has completely exposed her identity, and can be seen without textual research.

The car behind didn't hit Ye Feng's car all of a sudden, and immediately began to step on the accelerator to the end. At the same time, he took out a gun, opened the window, and fired several shots at Ye Feng's car.

At the same time of the first shot, Ye Feng immediately reached out a hand and pressed Amy down from the co driver's seat. At the same time, with the other hand, he immediately hit the steering wheel. The car immediately made a 180 degree turn and turned the front of the car in an instant. At the same time, Ye Feng continued to step on the accelerator. The car went in reverse with the car on one side and jumped out in an instant.

Scarlett in the car immediately made a sharp turn and caught up with her. However, Ye Feng's sharp turn was too sudden. When she turned again, she couldn't keep up with her. She could only fart from a distance.At this time, Ye Feng took a look at the car behind him from the rearview mirror, and said with a sneer, "compare your driving skills with me. When I drive, you are still playing with the remote control car!"

Then Ye Feng released and pressed Amy's hand, and said to Amy, "well, she can't catch up for the time being! Where are you going? I'll take you! "

Amy sat up slowly at this time, but did not speak, but her face was very ugly.

Seeing that Amy didn't speak, Ye Feng could not help glancing at her. Seeing that she was pale and bloodless, she frowned and said, "what's the matter? Is it hurting you? Or Carsick? "

Amy shakes her head and tells Ye Feng it's OK, but her forehead is sweating.

Ye Feng immediately knows that the situation is not good, carsickness is also impossible to appear this kind of situation, this Amy's face looks like a dead man, no one color fast.

He immediately thought that just now Scarlett shot at her car, and Amy was sitting on the side close to the car. Although he pressed Amy down in time, it was difficult for him to ensure that Amy was shot.

Under Ye Feng's hesitation, the speed obviously began to drop, and at the same time, Scarlett's car behind also caught up.

Ye Feng immediately said to Amy, "hold on for a while, I'll shake off the car behind first!"

Amy opened her lips and tried to say something, but she didn't say a word. At this time, she seemed to have no strength to speak.

What's more, Ye Feng's eyes seem to be a little empty when she looks at Amy. She knows that the situation is not good, but she can't help Amy right now. Scarlett is chasing after her and doesn't give herself any breathing opportunities at all.

At this time, Ye Feng stepped on the accelerator to the end and drove quickly to the front. It was rare for Scarlett's car to catch up with Ye Feng's car. Where she was willing to give up, of course, she was biting hard and didn't give Ye Feng another chance to get rid of her.

The two cars are running fast on the street, as if no one is there. Moreover, both cars are going in the opposite direction. Fortunately, there are few people in western countries, and there are not many cars on the street. Occasionally, some passing vehicles see the two cars coming in the opposite direction from a distance and drive to the side of the road early to escape.

Ye Feng drives the car at a high speed, but he has realized that if he doesn't solve Scarlett as soon as possible, Amy will be saved in the end, so he must solve Scarlett as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately saw the car driving in front of Scarlett's car. After blocking Scarlett's car, he immediately put on a sharp brake. Later, Scarlett's car couldn't stop enough and directly hit Ye Feng's rear.

Scarlett did not react, Ye Feng side has opened the door, quickly to Scarlett's window, a punch directly broke Scarlett's window.

Scarlett heart a Lin, instantly took out the gun, just want to aim at Ye Feng, Ye Feng's hand blade has reached his neck, after a hand blade, Scarlett immediately feel out of breath, in front of an instant black, directly lying on the steering wheel.

Ye Feng just went back to the side of the car, opened the door and looked at Amy. She found that her shooter was on her back. At this time, there were large blood stains on the back of her clothes, and even the seats were full of blood stains. Obviously, there was a lot of blood.

Ye Feng doesn't want to tear Amy's clothes immediately. He checks Amy's wound. It's just near the lung lobe. He immediately uses the cloth strip torn from his clothes to help Amy strangle the wound. He can't let Amy bleed any more.

There was no emergency equipment in the car, so he continued to get on the car and drove away. In this case, the hospital could not go. Instead, he could go to the cruise ship leading to TSL headquarters. There was an emergency parrot on it, so he could help there.

Ye Feng looked at the time, at least not for a while the cruise will start, immediately speed up toward the coast.

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