Ye Feng immediately asked Takla, "do you know all my previous research data?"

Takla looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "you have so many research data, how can I know which one you are talking about?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "it's the brain wave data that can be transplanted to other people's bodies, and it's the brain wave data of dying people that can be saved!"

When Tacla heard this, he immediately nodded and said, "I know something about this project. I participated in your research project before, but once I spilled coffee on your server, and then you didn't let me participate in it again. You started this project by yourself, and no one touched it!"

Ye Feng is holding Amy to walk toward the door of his laboratory, while toward the Tucker, "you have participated in the line before, even if you don't understand some of the details behind, I can open the data in my computer to you, you can see it!"

Takla smell speech immediately excited and dubious looking at Ye Feng way, "you are willing to open to me data? Is it true or not? "

Ye Feng took a look at Takla and said to him, "do you look like I'm joking with you?" He has arrived at the door of Cao Yihai's laboratory.

Ye Feng immediately stretched out his thumb, fingerprint unlock the door, holding Amy into the laboratory, put it in the experimental cabin, then immediately went to open his computer.

Takla then went to the experimental cabin, looked at Amy lying in the experimental cabin, and then confirmed that the woman was dead. He said to Ye Feng in surprise, "are you looking for a skeleton, or are you going to keep the beauty's consciousness?"

Ye Feng opened the computer, while Takla said, "I'm ready to keep her consciousness. It's better to revive her. No matter how much, come and have a look at the data in the computer. Help me operate it!"

Takla walked towards Ye Feng, and asked Ye Feng in surprise, "what do you want me to do with those you are familiar with? Isn't it faster for you to do it yourself? "

Ye Feng immediately said to Takla, "I'm upset now. I can't calm down. I'm afraid if a data error occurs, I'll be in trouble!"

Takla didn't ask much. He was more interested in the data in Cao Yihai's computer than in why he didn't operate it himself. As soon as he sat down, he couldn't move his buttocks. His eyes were staring at Cao Yihai's computer monitor.

Ye Feng understands these technicians. Once he meets this situation, he puts his heart and soul into it. He may not listen to what he says to him now. Only when he studies it thoroughly, he will take the initiative to talk to himself.

He lit a cigarette, moved a stool and sat in front of the experimental cabin, looking at Amy in the experimental cabin, smoking a cigarette while waiting for the results from Tacla.

At this time, Takla kept knocking on the keyboard and exclaimed, "Damn, you're a genius..."

Ye Feng took a look at Takla and asked casually, "how long will it take? She's just dead now. If she's been dead for a long time, will it have any impact? "

Takla, while operating the computer, said to Ye Feng, "don't you know that? Last time, the head of Satan sent by Dixie has been dead for a few days. Haven't you captured Satan's brain waves? "

Just then, Takla took a cold breath in surprise, "how strange is that?"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help eyebrow move, get up to walk to tower carat behind, surprised way, "what strange?"

Takla said, "what I'm opening now is your virtual world database. Look at this section. Several data are beating very hard!"

Ye Feng stares at the monitor and sees that there are several strings of characters that he can't understand. They are really beating. He can't help asking, "what's this?"

Takla then said to Ye Feng, "it should be several virtual characters who have completed self evolution in the virtual world. It seems that they have self-consciousness. It's strange!"

Ye Feng said to Takla, "I want you to help me with this woman's business. You can show me what this virtual world does!"

But Takla said to Ye Feng, "to get rid of that woman, of course, we must first find a suitable data in the virtual world, and then we can upload the woman's brain wave data, and first help her find a role match in the virtual world!"

Ye Feng was shocked when he heard the words. The secret way is so. Fortunately, Takla was completely immersed in his own data Kingdom at this time. He didn't doubt that if he was Cao Yihai, how could he ask such an idiotic question.

Takla knocked the keyboard again for a while, then stood up and said to Ye Feng, "the virtual character has been found. Now let's search the woman's brain computer to see if it's suitable. If it's not suitable, we have to match it again!"

As he spoke, Takla went to the experimental cabin, picked up several data cables in the experimental cabin and looked at them. Then he frowned and said, "how come there are few data cables?"

Ye Feng just remembered that when Hades was killing Cao Yihai, he pulled up the data line in the experimental cabin and strangled Cao Yihai's neck.However, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, Tacla immediately found a toolbox on one side of the experimental cabin, found several data lines from inside, and began to repair the data lines in the test field. All the links were linked.

Waste a lot of time, Takla just finished these, side head looked at Ye Feng way, "you also don't come to help?"

Ye Feng said to Takla, "I'll do it. What else do you want? I'm going to give you all this technology, so I'll let you operate it yourself! "

When Tacla heard this, his face suddenly moved, "is it true or not?" After looking at Ye Feng dubiously for a while, he suddenly said, "is it related to Jackson? He said to me before, let you come back to him? I don't think it's going to drive you, is it? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said it doesn't matter. Then he said in a shrill voice, "do you want this set of technology?"

Tacla immediately nodded and said, "yes, of course, no fool!"

Ye Feng then said to Tucker, "don't talk so much nonsense. I can't teach you anything. I can only let you explore and study by yourself. Don't dally. Hurry up. It's not clear whether Jackson will block this laboratory after daybreak!"

As soon as Tacla heard this, he immediately began to grope and link all the data lines to Amy. Then he started the experimental cabin, closed the cabin door, quickly returned to the computer and began to knock the keyboard.

After a while, Takla immediately said excitedly, "I found this woman's brain wave, and it's still very strong!"

Ye Feng immediately walked over and looked at the monitor, and saw that there were countless characters beating on it, which might be the brain wave data representing Amy? Anyway, he didn't understand, so he didn't say a word, just stood behind and watched.

Takla keeps switching the data on the desktop. After a while, he takes a look at this and that. After a while, he immediately says to Ye Feng, "I found a data, which is also very strong. I'll match it and have a look!"

Then Tacla pressed the Enter key, and a progress bar appeared on the computer monitor. The progress bar read slowly.

Ye Feng looked worried, but he didn't say anything. He quickly lit a cigarette and began to smoke.

Takla is also waiting for the progress bar. He looks back at Ye Feng and frowns, "when did you learn to smoke?"

Ye Feng did not answer, but asked Takla, "how long will it take!"

Tacla said, "when the reading is finished, it's OK!" Then he asked Ye Feng, "why did Jackson block your lab?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "how do I know?" As he spoke, he saw that the progress bar on the monitor came to an end and immediately reminded Tacla.

Takla didn't ask much, and immediately began to operate again. Then he asked Ye Feng, "here is a virtual character that matches the woman, but the data of the virtual character seems to be stuck!"

Ye Feng eyebrows can't help but wrinkle, "stuck?"

Tacla nodded and said, "Yeah, it's stuck somewhere in the virtual world!"

Ye Feng didn't know what Tacla meant, but it didn't feel very good. He immediately asked, "no other virtual characters match?"

Takla immediately began to search for a while later, toward Ye Feng way, "at present, there is only such a role matching!" Then he looked back at Ye Feng and said, "what should I do? Do you want to operate it? "

Ye Feng then asked Takla, "if you spread the word to this character, what will be the impact?"

Takla shrugged, "I don't know what kind of jam it is. Have you ever played a game? It's like a character enters a non operation zone in the game. Only when he gets out of the jam can he return to normal. Maybe when you set the time to restart the server automatically, he can return to normal? " Just then, he suddenly said, "this woman's brain computer is weakening rapidly. What should I do? There seems to be no time to choose! "

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