Ye Feng saw this, immediately toward Takla, "don't hesitate, first transfer the brain wave consciousness to say!"

Takla starts to operate in a panic, and immediately hears the sound of the experimental cabin starting. Ye Feng immediately goes to the experimental cabin and looks at Amy in the experimental cabin. However, the light in the experimental cabin is already on at this time, and the various color data lines connected to Amy's head seem to have electric current flashing.

Ye Feng then turned back and asked Takla, "how's it going?"

Takla said to Ye Feng, "the transmission program has been started, but there is no limit on the transmission time. It's not clear how much time there will be. Now all we can do is wait!"

Then, without waiting for Ye Feng to say anything, Takla immediately called, "Cao, come and have a look. What's the situation?"

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, immediately walked to Tacla behind him, he thought is not the transmission of brain wave data out of what problem.

However, seeing all kinds of characters jumping around on the computer monitor, I'm not really Cao Yihai. These data may know that I'm not Cao Yihai, and I can't even recognize them.

Takla saw Ye Feng did not speak, immediately said, "now there seems to be some obstacles in data transmission!"

Ye Feng couldn't understand it, but he said to Takla, "well, I can see it. Now it's time to test you. How can you solve it?"

Takla heard this, immediately looked back at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "do you want me to complete the operation?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "yes, this time I'll give you my full power. I won't express any opinions in the whole process. If you can solve it, it means that you can completely accept my experimental data!"

When Tacla heard this, he immediately nodded excitedly and said, "OK, then I'll let it go!"

With that, Takla began to open all kinds of software on the computer, and began to tamper with the operation that Ye Feng could not understand.

After making trouble for a while, Takla immediately said to Ye Feng, "I have detected a very strong signal, which is actually transmitted from the virtual world, and it is blending with this woman's brain wave signal. This is the first time I have seen it!"

Ye Feng heart surprised, mouth but said, "don't say you, I'm also the first time to see, test your time, you see how to solve!"

Takla said that it should be difficult for me, and immediately began to quickly tap the keyboard, only to see the display constantly pop up windows full of data beating.

Soon Takla and Ye Feng said, "I guess I can't make it!"

Ye Feng had thought that after all, Takla is also a technical house, even if it is not as good as Cao Yihai, it is at least better than himself.

And Amy is dead. Now Sima is the living horse doctor. He just thinks that Tacla should have some ability.

I didn't expect that it was less than half an hour, so I couldn't make it with myself?

But Ye Feng didn't speak yet, and Takla immediately said, "no, this consciousness data is too strong, and it's a little bit less like the role consciousness of virtual world, and it's actually beginning to devour this woman's brain waves..."

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately toward tower carat fierce voice way, "that you still Leng do what?"? Don't you stop him? "

As soon as Tacla heard this, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "I can't control it now. It seems that this program has started to run automatically. Did you design something like a firewall? Because of my misoperation, I started the automatic program?"

Ye Feng doesn't know if Cao Yihai has set up any firewall or other programs in his computer program. He anxiously looks at the computer monitor, but he can't understand it. He can only do it in a hurry. He wants to cut off all the power immediately, but he's afraid that it will affect Amy.

At this time, Ye Feng immediately went to the experimental cabin, looking at Amy lying inside, but saw that her body was shaking at this time, as if she was electrified, shaking all the time.

Ye Feng then immediately turned his head to look at Takla, but saw that Takla had both hands off the keyboard, and immediately said to Takla in a fierce voice, "what are you still waiting to do? Hurry to think of a remedy!"

Takla looked at Ye Feng in despair and said, "I really can't think of any other way. I can't crack your automatic program at all! You'd better do it yourself! "

Then Takla stood up and gave Yefeng a place. Where could Yefeng get these things? He said to Takla, "you sit down for me. This problem can't be solved. Do you still have the face to work in the laboratory? Want to take my data? "

Takla's face suddenly changed when he heard what Ye Feng said. He looked at Ye Feng in a dazed way and saw that Ye Feng was totally ferocious. He was so scared that he couldn't help fighting a cold war. He had never seen Cao Yihai get so angry before.

At this time, he stared at Ye Feng and immediately sat back. He could see from Ye Feng's eyes that if he didn't sit down again, Ye Feng would come and kill himself.

Tacla sat down, staring at the monitor for a long time, thinking of all kinds of possibilities, countless ideas kept appearing in his mind.Tacla had never found his brain so flexible before. Today, under the pressure of Ye Feng, it's so easy to use.

He suddenly thought of an electron, and then began to knock on the keyboard, input instructions.

Ye Feng was already almost desperate, and felt that Amy was doomed this time. But when he saw that Takla began to tap the keyboard again, he knew that he must have thought of something. Anyway, now all he could do was count on Takla.

After a long time, Takla said to Ye Feng while typing the keyboard, "it seems impossible to input this woman's consciousness into the server!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately full of disappointment, tunnel, "a little may not have it? Believe in yourself, you can do it

Takla can't help complaining, "your computer has an automatic program, and it's the most advanced encryption. If you can unlock the password of this automatic program, I can still complete it. But when you start this automatic program, all I can do is lock it and the woman's consciousness together with the consciousness data of the virtual world In a woman's head

Ye Feng completely did not understand what Tacla was saying, and then asked, "what are the consequences of this?"

Tacla shrugged. "I've never seen this before. How can I know the consequences?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath. He knew that it was time for him to make a choice. After all, he had to make a decision.

If he is Cao Yihai, let alone unlock the password of the automatic program, he won't let Takla take the risk and go on his own.

But now I know nothing about Cao Yihai's research. I can only rely on technology. I may not be as good as Cao Yihai, but I must be n times stronger than myself.

Ye Feng realizes that he has no choice now. He has to believe whether or not Tacla can save Amy.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng took a deep breath and said to Takla, "you operate, I'm not willing to accept you. Don't think about the result, just let it go!"

On hearing this, Tacla immediately nodded and said, "it's a bit difficult for you to test, but I'll try my best. As for the result, I dare not even think about it!"

With that, Takla couldn't help knocking on the keyboard, and the hand speed was definitely faster than that of some coder players, and the data characters on the computer were beating.

Ye Feng then lit a cigarette. He noticed that Takla's head was full of sweat. He could not help comforting him, "go ahead, don't have any pressure. It doesn't matter if you fail!"

Takla wiped the sweat on his forehead and continued to knock on the keyboard. After a long time, all the data characters on the desktop of the computer monitor stopped, and then a window popped up showing the word "complete" in English.

Ye Feng can't help frowning. He immediately throws away his cigarette end and stares at the monitor. However, he asks Takla, "is it finished?"

Tacla nodded and said, "I locked my two Consciousnesses in the brain of the woman in the experimental cabin, but I can't say anything now. It's up to God!"

Ye Feng did not say anything, immediately went to the experimental cabin in front of, staring at the inside of Amy, but see inside at this time in addition to the light is also on, everything else seems to return to normal.

But at this time, Amy is still lying motionless. Ye Feng looks at her heart and thinks, it seems that there is no way.

At this time, Ye Feng suddenly saw Amy's eyelashes move. At first, he thought he was wrong. He immediately bent over the glass door of the experimental cabin and stared at Amy's eyes.

But this time after a long time, Ye Feng did not see any place on Amy's body, but when Ye Feng stood up, she saw Amy's eyelashes move again.

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