Ye Feng immediately called Takla over at this time. To prevent his mistake, he asked Takla to come over and have a look, "I saw her eyelashes move just now, have a look!"

Tacla went to the experimental cabin, leaned over the glass door of the experimental cabin, and looked at Amy's face. At this time, he saw Amy's eyelashes move, and immediately said, "it's really moving!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately opened the glass door and asked Takla, "is the data complete?"

After Tacla nodded, Ye Feng immediately pulled out the data line linked to Amy, then took Amy out of the experimental cabin, put her on the stool on one side, squatted in front of Amy and looked at her carefully.

Amy's face is still pale at this time. After all, she died of excessive blood loss before. Even if her consciousness re enters her body now, it can't change the fact that she lost too much blood in her body.

Ye Feng saw that Amy's canthus and eyelashes were still moving, but she didn't wake up. She couldn't help saying anxiously, "is there any effect?"

Takla said to Ye Feng, "you have to ask yourself this. This is your research project. I only followed up the early research, but I didn't participate in the later research, either in theory or practice! I don't know! "

Ye Feng can't help sighing when he hears this. He can't help sighing that he is not Cao Yihai. Otherwise, he will surely be able to save Amy. But now that Cao Yihai is dead, it's useless to think about it again.

Takla saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word. At this time, he continued to say to Ye Feng, "before you told me about Yikui, according to the characteristics of this woman's death, now it's better to go for blood transfusion?"

Ye Feng can't help but stand up and look at Takla in surprise. "Blood transfusion? Is blood transfusion useful? "

Takla was directly asked by Ye Feng. For a moment, he didn't know how to answer Ye Feng's words. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, he nodded and said, "isn't that what you said?"

As soon as Ye Feng hears this, he immediately picks up Amy and goes to the medical room. Takla follows closely. After all, this is Cao Yihai's related research project, which he has operated all the way. He also wants to know the result.

Soon to the medical room, Ye Feng immediately sent Amy to a single ward, at the same time let Takla to call the doctor.

Not long after Ye Feng put Amy on the bed, Takla had already brought the doctor. The doctor quickly went to Amy's side and checked her condition. His face could not help but move, "isn't this a corpse?"

Ye Feng then toward that a cold hum a way, "you don't care so much, give her blood transfusion!"

Hearing this, the doctor looked at Ye Feng in surprise. Takla said to the doctor, "we are from the Research Institute. We are doing a research. It is clearly stipulated that all the research projects of the Research Institute and all the organizations on the island should cooperate with each other. Do you want to cooperate?"

As soon as the doctor heard this, he immediately nodded and said yes. He turned back and went out to prepare.

Ye Feng then moved a stool to sit beside the bed and looked at Amy on the bed. Takla then said to Ye Feng, "it's obvious that her eyelashes are moving just now, but I don't know why the hospital can't find out. Is our research direction going wrong?"

Ye Feng's brow is slightly wrinkled when he hears the speech. This Tacla, now he just tells himself that the research direction is wrong. What's the use? Can Amy continue to do the experiment for him again? Now that we have come to this point, we have to leave it to fate.

Just thinking about it, several nurses came in to help tie up the blood vessels for Amy. At the same time, the doctor just followed in and pushed some instruments in. After the nurse tied up the blood vessels for Ye Feng, the doctor went to link up a lot of data lines for Amy and connected them to the instruments.

The instrument immediately displays all kinds of data of Amy's body. The heart rate is still a straight line, indicating that her heart has stopped beating.

After seeing for a while, the doctor wanted to say something, but when he saw Ye Feng and Tacla staring at the corpse on the hospital bed, he didn't say anything. He immediately left the ward with the nurse and helped them close the door before going out.

After the doctor left, Takla went to the instrument, looked at the data on the instrument for a long time, and then said, "the heart rate is 0, but the brain waves have a little reaction!"

Ye Feng can't help but look up at the display of the instrument and frown, "brain waves have a little reaction?"

Tacla sighed, "yes, it's reasonable that her brain waves should be very active now. I didn't expect that the index was so low! Is there really something wrong with my operation? "

Ye Feng can't help but look at Takla. Now it's meaningless to blame Takla. After all, without Takla, Amy would have been dead, and even the only chance is impossible.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng just sighs. He doesn't look at the data on those monitors. Now whether Amy can come back to life is entirely up to fate.

I don't know how long later, Takla has changed Amy's blood transfusion bag for three times. Ye Feng noticed that Amy's face seems to have recovered a little.But Ye Feng was not sure. He immediately asked Takla, "do you think her face looks better? I'm afraid I'm wrong! "

Tacla then stared at Amy's face for a long time, then nodded and said, "it seems to be recovering a little bit!"

Then Takla immediately stares at the monitor of the instrument, and excitedly says to Ye Feng, "the brain wave is obviously stronger than before!"

Just then, but listen to "Di" a light ring, Ye Feng and Takla face is a change.

Ye Feng immediately looked up at the display of the instrument, but saw an obvious fluctuation before the green line.

Ye Feng immediately stood up and said to Takla, "is that a heartbeat?"

Takla also said excitedly to Ye Feng, "yes, her heart beat just now!"

Ye Feng then yelled to Takla, "go and call a doctor!"

Takla immediately ran out to call the doctor. Ye Feng went to the bed and held Amy's hand. "Amy, are you awake? I know you won't die! "

Just at this time, there was another crisp sound on the instrument. With a "Di", Ye Feng immediately looked up and saw that his heart beat again, as if in response to what Ye Feng had just said.

And when Ye Feng is excited, Takla has come with a surprised doctor. The doctor is surprised. When he sees the monitor on the instrument, he is even more surprised. He says it's impossible.

Ye Feng immediately said, "don't worry about the possibility. Let's see what's going on first!"

Without saying a word, the doctor immediately began to check Amy, and found that not only her face had begun to have blood color, but also the data on the instrument began to fluctuate.

The doctor clearly remembers that when he pushed the instrument to connect Amy, there was no data except a little brain wave.

Moreover, it's normal for some people who have just died to display some brain waves on the instrument. But how long has it been, no more than an hour at most, and a dead person has been resurrected just by a few bags of blood? It completely baffled him!

Although he felt incredible, all the data in front of him proved that the resurrection of the female corpse in the hospital bed was an unchangeable fact.

The doctor finally stood up and said to Ye Feng, "she has come to life!"

Although Ye Feng has known that Amy should be resurrected, she is still very excited to hear so many doctors.

However, the most excited one is Takla. Without the help of Cao Yihai and without knowing the most critical research data and achievements of Cao Yihai, he completed this experiment and revived a dead man. How can he not be excited?

Ye Feng looks at Amy lying on the bed at this time. Although she is alive, she still doesn't wake up. He can't help asking the doctor, "so when will she wake up?"

At this time, the doctor said to Ye Feng, "she lost blood seriously before, and her brain was short of blood supply for a long time, so now although she wakes up, don't worry and be happy. As for when she wakes up and whether she can wake up, it's a question mark now!"

When Ye Feng heard this, his heart could not help but move again. At this time, he heard Takla say, "but her brain wave is very active now, shouldn't it belong to brain death?"

The doctor said to tacra, "although there is no brain death, the long-term lack of blood supply will definitely cause brain damage, so I can't give any guarantee and promise, it depends on her own willpower

Speaking of this, he said to Ye Feng, "it's a miracle that she can come back from the dead. You can expect the second miracle to happen."

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