After the doctor left, Ye Feng and Takla continued to sit on both sides of the hospital bed. They did not speak. Looking at Amy on the hospital bed, they created a miracle and waited for the second miracle to happen.

I don't know how long after that, Amy still didn't wake up. Takla said to Ye Feng, "who is this woman? Are you familiar with her? If you're familiar with her, you can talk to her more. It's always like this on TV and movies. If you talk to her more, maybe she will wake up. "

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard the speech. Then he held Amy's hand and said softly, "you should be able to hear me. This time I hurt you. If I didn't have to take you away, you wouldn't die. You should know that I blame myself. I know you don't want me to blame myself, so you must wake up! Don't sleep

Said after Ye Feng staring at Amy's face, but lying on the bed of Amy is still motionless, completely without the slightest reaction.

Ye Feng and Amy said a lot of words, are some self reproach words, but after that, Amy still has no reaction.

Takla sighed, "it seems that the TV series are all deceitful. I can't wake up at all!"

Ye Feng knows that this may not be a day or two, or a week or two, or even a month or two. It may be a year or two, or even a decade or two.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to Takla, "you don't have to wait here with me. You go back to have a rest first. I'll stay here with her!"

Takla then said to Ye Feng, "we all know that you have a beautiful wife, isn't it this woman?"

Ye Feng did not say a word, Takla went to Ye Feng's side, patted Ye Feng's shoulder, comforted Ye Feng and said, "don't worry, Ji Ren has her own appearance, she will wake up!"

Ye Feng nodded, still did not speak, Takla asked Ye Feng, "you study the data, I can copy it?"

Ye Feng said to Takla, "whatever you like, just take it away!"

Hearing this, Takla couldn't help but excitedly said to Yefeng, "really?"

Ye Feng said to Takla, "I told you before. I'm going to pass this research on to you. Of course, I mean what I say!"

Tacla asked Ye Feng, "do you know the value of your research? If you want to cooperate with any company, it is possible to earn hundreds of billions or even billions of dollars. This is what many rich people dream of

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "you think too much. In your organization, all the research achievements here are organized. It's also an organizational matter to cooperate with large companies. So I'll give you research, which is just research. Don't think too much about other things, and don't make trouble for yourself!"

But Takla said with a smile to Ye Feng, "I'm just happy. How dare I take it out and cooperate with the outside company?" Say quite some can't wait to face leaf maple way, "that you guard here, I go to your research room to have a look! If you have something to do, just call me. I'll be here any time! "

Ye Feng nodded, did not speak, Takla immediately turned away from the ward, straight to Cao Yihai's research room.

Ye Feng is still sitting by Amy's bed at this time, looking at Amy all the time. Although Amy is dead and comes back to life, if she can never wake up, it is that there is no difference between a vegetative person and a dead person, so he still has a burst of remorse in his heart.

I don't know how long it took for Ye Feng to lie down beside Amy's bed and fall asleep. When Ye Feng opens his eyes again, he finds that the sky outside the window is already bright.

Ye Feng stretched a stretch, but at this time he saw that Amy on the bed was gone. His face suddenly moved. He immediately stood up and rushed out of the ward. Generally, he caught a passing nurse and asked, "where are the patients in this ward?"

The nurse looked at Ye Feng in horror, as if if if she didn't know, the man in front of her could strangle herself.

Fortunately, the nurse knew it and immediately said to Ye Feng, "Oh, the patients in this ward were taken over by Dr. Oscar this morning for various examinations!"

Ye Feng released his hand, looked at the nurse in surprise and said, "doctor Oscar? What kind of tests does he take the patient to? "

The nurse shrugged and said, "I don't know that!" Then he asked Ye Feng tentatively, "excuse me, can I go?"

Ye Feng nodded. Seeing the nurse go away immediately, he thought to himself that he knew the Oscar doctor. He was the best doctor in TSL headquarters. Many of his dying colleagues could recover their lives from him.

Ye Feng once felt that he had to amputate his arm to save his life, but it was the Oscar doctor who helped him to cure himself and saved his arm.

Last night, I was too worried about Amy's condition, so I didn't expect to ask doctor Oscar to check Amy in person. Unexpectedly, when I woke up, doctor Oscar took the initiative to take Amy away.

Ye Feng immediately went up to the top floor. He knew that Oscar's office was there. When he got to Oscar's office, he saw that the door was closed. He immediately knocked on the door, but he heard that Oscar said please come in. Then he pushed the door in.After pushing the door open, Ye Feng found that there was a doctor with a Western beard sitting on the desk, as well as the attending doctors of several other departments. When Ye Feng came in, he couldn't help looking at him.

Doctor whisker, who was Oscar, immediately said to the doctors in front of him, "today's temporary meeting is here, you go first!"

After several doctors got up and walked out of Oscar's office, Oscar looked at Ye Feng and said, "Mr. Cao, right? Sit down, please

Ye Feng immediately went to the desk, did not sit down, but hands on the desk, directly asked Oscar, "where's my patient?"

Oscar immediately said, "Oh, you said that comatose patient, right? Don't worry, we are doing all kinds of tests for her! "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately eyebrow a wrinkly way, "she is what danger?"

Oscar said to Ye Feng, "Mr. Cao, sit down first, and I'll explain to you slowly."

But after that, Ye Feng looked at himself anxiously, and immediately added, "I can tell you that she is not in any danger. I just heard Lucas say that she received a patient last night, who was already dead, but survived by a miracle, so I specially got her out to check. At that time, you were sleeping heavily, so I didn't wake you up!"

Ye Feng was relieved to hear Oscar say that Amy was OK. Then he sat opposite Oscar and said, "what about the examination results?"

Oscar said to Ye Feng, "her body is still very weak. It may be related to the gunshot wound behind her. She lost too much blood, so her body is empty. It's normal! We have dealt with her wound. It's very strange. It's a fatal wound that has penetrated the lobes of the lung, but the lobes of the lung actually healed automatically. When we saw the wound, the wound also scabbed automatically! "

Before Ye Feng spoke, Oscar immediately said, "but it's not the strangest. The strangest thing is that we did an EEG for her because she didn't wake up. We found a strange problem!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately surprised way, "what problem?"

Oscar said, "her brain waves are very active, more active than normal people!"

Ye Feng frowned, "but she still didn't wake up?"

Oscar shrugged his shoulders and said, "after all, her brain has been short of blood supply for a long time, and her brain lobes are damaged temporarily, but it should not be a big problem. We found that after the blood transfusion, her body began to restore the blood supply to her brain, and the damaged parts of her brain lobes are also repairing themselves!"

Speaking of this, Oscar immediately said, "in my experience, and after consulting several authoritative experts in the brain, I have confirmed that there are at least two groups of brain waves in her brain that do not belong to the same person!"

Ye Feng knows this. At that time, Takla said that in the virtual world constructed by Cao Yihai, there is a entanglement between consciousness and Amy's brain waves. In order not to let Amy's brain waves be interfered or even eliminated by that consciousness, Takla forcibly recycled both groups of brain waves into Amy's brain.

When Oscar saw that Ye Feng didn't speak, he said to Ye Feng, "so what I want to say is that the reason why this lady can't think of it for a moment is probably because these two groups of brain waves are intertwined with each other, and the most frightening situation is that even if this lady wakes up, she will be two people!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help a surprised way, "two people? She has only one body. Do you mean two people

Oscar nodded and said, "yes, two people, two people sharing the same body. To put it more popularly, it's schizophrenia! Or multiple personalities! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help looking at Oscar in surprise and mumbling, "schizophrenia? Multiple personalities

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