Oscar could not help nodding and said, "yes, she may be in this situation now, two consciousness in one body!"

"Maybe?" Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "do you mean it's possible? In other words, it's just your inference? "

Oscar still nodded and said, "you can say it's an inference, but all these are based inferences. All these are hypotheses made by us according to the signs on her body. After all, you know, she hasn't thought about it yet, and all the inferences and hypotheses haven't been verified yet!"

Ye Feng immediately asked Oscar, "so when can she wake up?"

Oscar sighed, "maybe it's after her two consciousnesses defeat the other, maybe it's after the two consciousnesses reach a compromise, they may wake up, but All this is still in the theoretical stage, and we have nothing to be sure for the time being. After all, as you know, brain science has always been the most complex subject in the world, and there is no 100% thing

Ye Feng certainly understands what Oscar said, not to mention the brain. In medicine, there is no saying that any subject can definitely succeed.

At this time, Ye Feng didn't ask much, just asked Oscar, "who is she now? I'll watch her

Oscar took a look at Ye Feng, did not answer Ye Feng's question, then said, "I heard that this patient is a test object of your laboratory? She was already dead, but you resurrected her with your scientific research methods? "

Ye Feng took a look at the Oscar and then said, "you can ask Tacla about scientific research. I don't care about it now. I just want to know where she is and when she will wake up. I have to accompany her and watch her wake up!"

Just then, Ye Feng's mobile phone rings. He picks up the phone and looks at it, only to find that it's Takla's number. Then he says sorry to Oscar, and then he gets through.

As soon as the phone was connected, Ye Feng heard Tacla's voice on the phone, "Cao, you'd better come back. Jackson brought someone to your lab to find you! Those people seem to be operating your computer, as if they are going to copy everything in your computer! "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, eyebrow slightly a frown, this time his mind all in Amy's body, in fact, Cao Yihai stir up those things, they have no interest, was taken away, he is to hear that Takla is very distressed.

After all, Ye Feng also knows that Takla wants Cao Yihai's things very much, but before he says anything, Takla immediately says, "your virtual world server is going to be moved too!"

When Ye Feng heard this, his heart suddenly moved. He knew that there were still several friends in the virtual world. Although his impression seems to be a little fuzzy now, he still remembered that he had important friends in the virtual world.

Listen to Takla say so, Ye Feng immediately stood up and said to Takla, he will be there soon, hung up the phone, and then said to Oscar, "I have something urgent to deal with, wait until I finish, you must ensure her safety? Call me if you have anything! My name is Cao Yihai, from the Institute, you can find my contact information from the intranet! "

Oscar smell speech nodded toward Ye Feng way, "you go to busy you, this side to me, you rest assured!"

Ye Feng immediately left Oscar's office, immediately went downstairs, left the medical room, and ran directly towards the Research Institute.

When Ye Feng arrived at the Research Institute and went upstairs to the corridor, he saw several people in black coming with several computers in their arms, while Takla stood on one side with a look of heartache and helplessness.

Seeing Ye Feng coming, Takla came over immediately, "Cao, you're here at last!"

Ye Feng made an inspection tour, but didn't see Jackson. Tacla knew Ye Feng was looking for Jackson, and immediately said, "Jackson left. He asked you to go to his office immediately after you came back!"

Without saying a word, Ye Feng goes directly to Jackson's office. As soon as he knocks on the door, he hears Jackson say please come in.

After Ye Feng enters the office, Jackson looks up at Ye Feng and says, "are you here at last?"

After sitting opposite to Jackson, Ye Feng said to Jackson, "Jackson, should you tell me before you move my things?"

Jackson said with a sneer, "I remember meeting you on the cruise ship yesterday. I told you to come to my office early this morning and give me a report on your research project. I've been waiting for you in the office all morning!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I have something to do in the medical room. I'll come here when it's over..."

Before Ye Feng finished speaking, Jackson immediately interrupted Ye Feng's words and said to Ye Feng, "what's the use of you telling me so many things with no objection? Now I ask you, who did you see and what happened after you went ashore yesterday?"

Ye Feng listen to Jackson so a say, immediately heart next move ground looking at him way, "what meaning?"

Jackson said to Ye Feng, "although we are the logistics research department of TSL, you should also know that our organization has routes everywhere, not to mention the New Zealand mainland under our eyelids? This is also the reason why our logistics departments can have a home in New Zealand, because as long as you have seen anyone and done anything, we have records here! So don't try to hide me! "Ye Feng's heart moved again when he heard Jackson say so, and then said to Jackson, "since you know everything, you should know that I haven't done anything wrong with TSL!"

Jackson sneered, "I know that you are studying a project that may change the world recently. Naturally, many people outside the world know about it, so it's normal to send someone to contact you. But you haven't reported it to me from the beginning to the end, so there's a problem!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I was going to report this to you today..."

Jackson sneered and said, "my dear Cao, I have been waiting for you since I went to work. I have been waiting for you for two hours because I took the initiative to move the things from your laboratory. Otherwise, I don't know when to wait!"

Ye Feng sighed and said nothing.

But Jackson looked at Ye Feng and said, "what else do you have to explain?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "what's the matter? You've been preconceived. What else can I say?"

Jackson sneered, "nothing to say!" Then he pressed the landline on the desk, "security department, come to a few people, take Cao Yihai away for me!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately stood up and broke Jackson's phone with one hand. Then he put his hand on his desk and leaned forward to look at Jackson. "Are you trying to catch me?"

Jackson see Ye Feng so, put down the phone and Ye Feng said, "my side is just the logistics technology department, not the screening inspection department, you have any problems, there will be special people to interrogate you, after you explain clearly, if there are no problems, we still welcome you back at any time!"

Speaking of this, Jackson immediately added, "Cao, I remember I told you before that everything should be done in a certain way with the people in the same department, so that everyone is convenient! If you don't know how to be a man, I'll teach you how to be a man

Just then, the door of the office was knocked, Jackson immediately said to come in, and then he saw the door of the office opened, and two uniformed security personnel came in.

Ye Feng knows that the security guards of TSL headquarters are not the so-called veterans' security guards of the company buildings in other business districts. They are all the eliminated members of TSL before. Although they are still far behind some people who can go to the front line to perform tasks, their strength is still stronger than many so-called special forces in the outside world.

After the two security guards came in, Jackson immediately said to the two security guards, "please take Mr. Cao to the investigation department!"

Then he added, "Mr. Cao is a technician. Just ask him to go there. Don't hurt Mr. Cao!"

Two security guards immediately stood on both sides of Ye Feng, one of them reached out to Ye Feng and said, "Mr. Cao, come with us?"

Ye Feng looked at Jackson and said, "Jackson, you pray I can't come back!"

Jackson shrugged his shoulders and said, "you don't have such an idea. Everything I do is for the benefit of TSL. If you have no problem, I believe the investigation department will soon be able to find out the truth and give you justice. But at that time, don't blame me. I'm just a business!"

Ye Feng sneers. At this time, the security guard on one side reaches out his hand again and says "please". Ye Feng doesn't say anything more. He follows two security guards out of Jackson's office.

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