When Ye Feng goes out, Takla is nearby. When he sees Ye Feng taken away by the security guard, he can't help but move. He immediately chases Ye Feng and says, "Cao, what's the matter?"

Ye Feng didn't explain anything to Takla, just said to him, "take care of the woman in the medical room for me. I'll be back soon. It's OK!" Then he left with two security guards.

Takla stood in the same place, staring at Ye Feng's far away direction, then heard Jackson's voice behind his back, "Takla, you're here, just come in, I have something important to find you!"

Tacla turned to look, but saw that Jackson was standing at the door looking at himself. After hesitating for a moment, he walked into Jackson's office.

As soon as he entered the door, Tacla said to Jackson, "Mr. Jackson, is there some misunderstanding about Cao? I think he..."

Jackson did not wait for Tacla to finish, immediately interrupted him and said, "don't worry about Cao. He just went to assist in the investigation. After investigation, there was no problem. I called you here to talk about you!"

When Tacla heard this, his face changed and he said, "me? What can I do for you? "

At this time, Jackson took out two coffee cups, poured two cups of coffee and brought them to his desk. One cup was put in front of his desk. He carried one cup to his desk and sat down. Then he said to tuckra, "sit down and talk!"

Tacla hesitated, but went to sit opposite Jackson, looked at Jackson and said, "Mr. Jackson, what's the matter with me!"

Jackson pointed to the coffee cup in front of tacrola's noodles as if he didn't answer the question, "my cat dung coffee is the best in the world. There are no more than ten places where I can drink such a good cat dung coffee. Don't you try it?"

When Tacla heard this, his face moved slightly. He took a look at Jackson and took a drink from his coffee cup. As soon as he was ready to speak, he was interrupted by Jackson.

Jackson then said to tacra, "tacra, if I remember correctly, you've been in our organization since you were a child, at least 25 years?"

Takla immediately put down his coffee cup and said to Jackson, "it's been 27 years and seven months!"

Jackson looked at tacra in surprise and said, "it's almost twenty-eight years?"

Tacla nodded and said, "I was only six years old when I came here. I was going to be sent there for training at that time, but I was born with poor physique. I was eliminated in the first round of the test. Originally, I was going to be destroyed directly. Mr. Starley left me to go to the technology department to see if I had any talent. It's 27 years and seven months since I went there!"

Jackson said with a smile, "Mr. Starley is my predecessor and half of my mentor. He came up with me hand in hand. At last, he retired, and I had the chance to take over his job. Mr. Starley chose you, which means that he didn't miss his job!"

Tacla laughed, then sighed. "It's a pity that Mr. Starley is no longer here. I miss him a little."

Jackson didn't seem to continue this topic. Instead, he said to Takla, "Cao Yihai has been in our TSL for only ten years at most. You are still his predecessor, aren't you?"

When he came here, he was still a rookie and asked me for advice on many things. However, this guy is a genius. He can draw inferences about many things from one instance, and his achievements are higher than mine. In less than three years, he can be my assistant and become a formal researcher in five years After seven years, I have become his deputy Ha ha... " Then he laughed awkwardly and took a few more sips of coffee.

Jackson said to tacra, "he's promoted faster than you, not because he's a genius!"

Tacla looked at Jackson puzzled and said, "what's that?"

Jackson immediately said with a smile, "that's because of Mr. Stanley's promotion! And you are more stupid than him, not that you are more stupid than him, but that you lack an opportunity than him! "

Takla couldn't help but be shocked when he heard the words. He looked at Jackson in a dazed way and didn't say anything for a long time.

After taking a sip of coffee, Jackson put down his coffee cup and continued to say to Tacla, "in fact, I've been paying attention to you for a long time. When I transferred you from Cao Yihai's laboratory, it was ostensibly because you spilled coffee on Cao Yihai's server, which led to problems in his research progress. In fact, I was helping you! You're actually going up and down, you know? "

Takla looked at Jackson with a puzzled face and said, "I'm promoted?"

Jackson asked tuckra, "you used to share the same laboratory with Cao Yihai. To put it mildly, it's called sharing. But in fact, it's not only Cao Yihai's laboratory in name, but also you don't have much right to speak there. However, since that incident happened, it seems that you have been punished and transferred from Cao Yihai's office, but in fact, it's not Now you have a separate laboratory, and you don't need to be anyone's assistant. Do you think about it carefully? "

Tacla really thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Mr. Jackson, what you said seems to be true!"Jackson said with a smile to tacra, "it's not like it's true!"

Tacla nodded and then said to Jackson, "I really owe Mr. Jackson a thank you."

At this time, Jackson said to tacra, "thank you. I didn't ask you to come in to show my credit to you!"

Tacla nodded and said to Jackson, "Mr. Jackson, if there's anything I can do for you, just say it!"

Jackson seemed to be waiting for tacra's words. Hearing the words, he immediately said to tacra, "there's something I need your help here!"

Then Jackson took a look at tacra and said, "you can see the situation of Cao Yihai. It's not convenient for him to continue to participate in his previous research, but this research project is very important for our whole technology department. As far as I know, you participated in the first half of Cao Yihai's project completely. Besides Cao Yihai, you know the most about this project "Yes"

Tacla immediately asked Jackson, "Mr. Jackson, Cao has a lot of projects, what you said is..."

Jackson immediately said, "brain wave reorganization project!"

As soon as Tacla heard this, he immediately said, "I have been involved in this project for some time, but the first half of the project is very simple, and I didn't participate in the second half of the difficult part!"

Jackson said with a smile, "you don't have to worry, you can't belittle yourself. As I said just now, you are no worse than Cao Yihai..."

Tacla frowned at Jackson and said, "Mr. Jackson, what do you want me to do?"

Jackson immediately looked at Takla with a straight face and said, "I need you to take over CaO Yihai's research project immediately and continue to do it!"

When Tacla heard this, he could not help looking at Jackson in amazement and said, "this project has always been done by Cao..."

Jackson reminded tacra, "Cao Yihai has gone to assist in the investigation. He doesn't have the time and energy now. That's why I think of you!"

Takla then said to Jackson, "what did Cao do? He will come back if he finds out! "

Jackson then looked at Tacla with a straight face, tapped his fingers on the desk and said, "Tacla, don't you understand my pains?"

Takla looked at Jackson in amazement and said, "Mr. Jackson, I'm very backward. Would you like to remind me?"

Jackson immediately said, "this project is the key project of our technical team. It can't be stopped for a moment. We can't wait for Cao Yihai indefinitely because he has a problem. He's OK, but who knows how long it will be. In other words, if he is found out, will this project be stopped? Are all the resources and time we put into this project wasted? You are a smart man. This is an opportunity for you to prove to everyone that you are no worse than Cao Yihai. I think smart people will not refuse, and they will not ask so many questions about why, let alone care about what Cao Yihai has done, as long as they can take over the project! "

Tacla looked at Jackson hesitantly for a long time without speaking.

While Jackson looked at tacra and said, "I'm not in a hurry. There are a lot of technical talents in our technology department, but I think you are the most suitable one. If you don't like it, we won't force you. We'll just consider other people. The big deal is to spend more time!"

Tacla then said to Jackson, "give me half a day to think about it!"

Jackson immediately nodded, "OK, I'll be waiting for you to give me an answer before I get off work today. No matter what decision you make, please come to my office and give me the answer yourself!"

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