At this time, Ye Feng has followed the two security guards to leave the experimental building, but did not go to another building next door, Ye Feng is more familiar with the interrogation room and the investigation department are over there.

Two security guards with Ye Feng walked toward the sea in the past, Ye Feng eyebrows slightly wrinkled way, "is not to the investigation department? Where is this going? "

One of the security guards said vaguely to Ye Feng, "you don't have to worry about so much. When you get to the place, you'll know!"

Ye Feng didn't speak. He just looked at the security guard and didn't speak any more. He knew that the two security guards and Jackson must have reached an agreement.

Soon after arriving at the seaside, two security guards told Ye Feng to continue walking along the coastline. After three people came to a pile of boulders, Ye Feng noticed that one of the security guards was deliberately slowing down.

Immediately Ye Feng heard the sound of the pistol loading, his heart suddenly a Lin, immediately a brisk step forward, immediately grabbed a security guard's neck, and then blocked him in front of him.

At the same time, a shot, another security guard has pulled the trigger, just hit the security guard Ye Feng holding in the chest, the security guard who was shot a blank look in front of not far away with a gun to his companion.

The security guard who fired obviously didn't expect Ye Feng's skill to be so good. Didn't Jackson say that he was an ordinary technician? This skill was just a first-class agent of the secret service group.

At this time, Ye Feng immediately fumbled on the body of the security guard in his arms, and soon found a gun in his hands, and immediately shot at the security guard with the gun.

The security guard originally saw that he didn't hit Ye Feng, but hit his companion. He was chagrined and regretted. Why didn't he expect Ye Feng to be on guard.

And at the moment of his stupefaction, Ye Feng's shot has hit him, but Ye Feng did not hit him to the point, but a shot just hit his hand.

Wait for the pistol of that goods just to get rid of, leaf Feng side push away in front of for dead ghost security guard, at the same time to throw a pistol in the air, just hit, hit that pistol fly.

That security just about to turn around to pick up the pistol not far away, Ye Feng has arrived behind him, the muzzle of the gun against his head.

The security guard immediately raised his hands and said, "don't shoot!"

Ye Feng turned over the man's body to see if there were any other weapons, and asked him, "who let you do it!"

The security guard immediately said, "Jackson!"

Ye Feng immediately asked, "why do you want to kill me? Why? "

The security guard immediately said, "I don't know. You have to ask Jackson about this in person! We're just following orders! "

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded, and then said, "since you don't know anything, then I'm sorry!" Then he forced the muzzle of the gun to the back of the guard's head.

The security guard knew that Ye Feng was going to kill him, and immediately said, "don't shoot, don't shoot, I have something else to say!"

Ye Feng sneer a way, "just let you say you don't say, call me to Jackson, now you have something to say?"

The security guard said anxiously, "I know that Jackson has been in contact with people outside the organization recently. It seems that someone has taken a fancy to your research. I really don't know anything else!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, originally Jackson is like this just want to kill oneself? Thought immediately pulled the trigger, a bang, in front of the security fell to the ground.

Ye Feng put away the gun, looked at the security guard on the ground, and hummed coldly, "since you have done this kind of thing, you should also expect the consequences!"

With that, Ye Feng turned and left, put away the gun, and quickly walked toward the experimental building.

On the way, even if someone saw Ye Feng, Ye Feng, as if nothing had happened, quickly entered the experimental building and went straight to Jackson's office.

To Jackson's office, Ye Feng door did not knock, directly push the door into, but found that Jackson is no longer in the office.

Ye Feng immediately went to Jackson's desk, opened his desk, searched for some time, found nothing, and then left Jackson's office.

Just go out, see a few people are moving a few computer mainframe toward the other side of the past, a few people did not pay attention to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng's heart moves. He knows that Jackson has sent people to move things in Cao Yihai's office. Maybe it's these mainframe computers.

Ye Feng immediately followed the group and watched them walk into an office. After a while, they came out again.

Ye Feng is hiding in the corner side, watching that group of people are gone, this just went to the office they just went outside, he stood at the door to listen to for a while, no one spoke inside, but a little voice.

Ye Feng immediately pushed the door and entered. As soon as he entered, he saw that Takla was standing inside to assemble the computer. Takla saw that it was Ye Feng who entered the door, and his face suddenly moved.

Without waiting for Takla to speak, Ye Feng immediately questioned him, "Why are you here? Didn't I ask you to take care of Amy? "

"Amy?" Takla frowned at Ye Feng and immediately said, "did you say the woman in the medical room? I was going, but Jackson called me over! "Ye Feng stares at Takla and says, "he asked you to take over my project?"

Takla looked at Ye Feng hesitantly for a while, and finally sighed, "yes, I didn't want to at first, but I Well, I don't know how to say that. He said that you defected from the organization, contacted people from other organizations without permission, and wanted to transfer the project to other organizations! "

Then he asked Ye Feng in surprise, "by the way, shouldn't you be under investigation in the investigation department? Why are you back so soon? Is the investigation over? "

Ye Feng sneered, "investigation department investigation? He had me taken to the seaside for a secret execution

On hearing this, Takla's face suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said, "what? Execution? Jackson didn't mean... "

Ye Feng did not wait for Takla to finish, immediately asked Takla, "where's Jackson? Where did he go? "

Takla quickly shook his head and said, "at that time, he was talking to me about my taking over this project. Then he took a phone call and went out of the office to answer it. When he got back from the phone, he said that he had something to do to leave the island. Then he asked me to come here and wait, and said that I would reassemble your servers. I just came here, and you will come soon! ”

Ye Feng was surprised and said, "Jackson left the island?"

Tacla nodded and said, "that's what he told me!"

Ye Feng at this time looked at Takla, lit a cigarette, did not speak.

Takla then explained to Ye Feng, "Cao, you know, I don't mean anything else. You should know that I was very interested in your project from the very beginning, so when Jackson asked me to take over, I'm really excited. In addition, the woman you asked me to test, the woman named Amy, I also succeeded. I really want to succeed Continue to study! "

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow immediately a wrinkly way, "Ai Mei's affair you also said with Jackson?"

Tacla said quickly, "no, no, I didn't say a word about Amy. I can swear to God! Including our research last night, I didn't say a word! "

Ye Feng saw that Takla was flustered, and then said to him, "I believe you, and this project, I was going to study for you! Now you take over, just as I meant to be! "

Takla immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but Ye Feng immediately said, "but you can't give any of your research data to Jackson. He has contact with outside organizations and is ready to transfer the project to outside organizations!"

Hearing this, Takla looked at Ye Feng and said, "ah? He said that you are connected with outside organizations. You said that he is connected with outside organizations. Who is really saying that? Who said it was false? "

Ye Feng immediately pressed his hands on Takla's shoulder and said, "I know that time you accidentally spilled coffee on the server, which led to server error. I may not treat you very well, but for so many years, I have always regarded you as my friend. I have never cheated you, including this time I took the initiative to hand over the project to you, if I didn't treat you as a friend Friend, would I do that? "

Takla listen to Ye Feng say, suddenly a silent look at Ye Feng, feel Ye Feng said seems to have some truth.

At this time, Ye Feng continued, "you must believe me. I don't have time and experience to explain too much to you. These data can't be given to Jackson. Can you do it?"

Takla stares at Ye Feng. Ye Feng immediately asks again. Then he nods, "I try my best. You know, I'm a technical fat house. I don't have any other skills. I can only try my best!"

Ye Feng just nodded, "with your words, I'm relieved!"

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