After Ye Feng and Takla finish, they are ready to go. Takla asks Ye Feng, "where are you going? If Jackson really wanted to deal with you, he would have already put you on the blacklist of the organization! "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders to Takla and said, "it's OK. I don't think he will do it for the time being. Otherwise, I can't even get into the building. If I come in, it proves that he hasn't done it for the time being! Moreover, he is not afraid to do so because of his own fault. He is afraid to make a big deal of things! "

Takla also felt that there was some truth in what Ye Feng said. He just reminded Ye Feng, "if Jackson comes back and knows you're still alive, he won't give up. You should also know that Jackson is different from us. He's transferred from the secret service department, and his ability is far greater than ours. You should be more careful yourself. It's a pity No, you should leave as soon as possible while he is not on the island. The farther you go, the better! "

Ye Feng said to Takla, "I know what to do! Don't worry With that, Ye Feng nodded to Tacla, then left the room, and then directly left the experimental building.

After leaving the experimental building, Ye Feng went directly to the medical building, went to Oscar's office on the top floor, and knocked on the door of Oscar's office.

After ringing for a long time, no one opened the door. At this time, a nurse happened to pass by. Ye Feng immediately asked the nurse, "where's doctor Oscar?"

The nurse said to Ye Feng, "Dr. Oscar is in the critical care ward downstairs. You can go there to find him!"

As soon as Ye Feng heard the words of the critically ill ward, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart. The secret way was not that something happened to Amy. He thought that he immediately ran to the door of the elevator. Seeing that the elevator was not coming up downstairs, he immediately ran down the stairs.

When I got to the critical care ward downstairs, I saw Dr. Oscar and several other doctors standing in the corridor, talking solemnly.

Ye Feng immediately walked over to Oscar and asked directly, "doctor Oscar, is there anything wrong with Amy?"

Oscar was just talking. After listening to Ye Feng's call, he immediately looked at Ye Feng, and then said to several doctors around him, "this case should be dealt with like this first. You should continue to explore whether there is a better way! We will continue to study later! "

After waiting for several doctors to walk away, Oscar said to Ye Feng, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng immediately took a look at the critically ill ward on Oscar's side, and then said, "is something wrong with Amy?"

"Amy?" Oscar was shocked and said, "did you say the woman you sent? She's fine. She's not here! " Then he suddenly said, "do you think that when I come to the critical care ward, I think something happened to her?"

Ye Feng nodded, then said, "is she OK?"

Oscar shrugged his shoulders and said, "she's not only OK, but there's a sign that she's going to wake up!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately a burst of excitement looking at Oscar way, "to wake up?"

Oscar asked Ye Feng to follow him to the elevator and said to Ye Feng, "after you left today, we also sent her all kinds of examination reports. I had a look and found that her various examination data were very good, and the brain cells began to be active. Originally, the brain damage caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain also recovered to normal After that, I specially went to see her once and helped her to have another examination. I found that if this development continues, she may wake up soon! "

After entering the elevator, Ye Feng immediately said to Oscar, "if so, thank you, Dr. Oscar!"

Oscar then said to Ye Feng, "don't be happy too early. I told you about her condition before. After all, her condition is a special case. Everything I said just now is the result of her development to the good!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, eyebrow can't help a wrinkly way, "to the good development of the results, you mean there is also to the bad development of the possibility?"

Oscar looked at Ye Feng and said, "in medicine, nothing is impossible!"

Ye Feng immediately asked Oscar, "if it goes bad, what's the result?"

Oscar said to Ye Feng, "if it's going to be bad, it's not as bad as you think. It's just the present situation, always lying in bed and being a vegetable!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, haven't spoken, elevator door has opened, Oscar directly with Ye Feng toward a ward.

This ward is much more spacious and equipped than the one downstairs, and the bed is much more comfortable than the one downstairs.

Oscar and Ye Feng stand at the window and look at Amy lying on the bed. Oscar opens the door of the ward and goes in.

After waiting for Ye Feng to walk past, she found that Amy's face was more polished than the last time she saw her.

Oscar said to Ye Feng at this time, "I hope a miracle will happen!"

Although Amy hasn't woken up yet, Ye Feng still says thank you to Oscar.

Oscar said to Ye Feng, "you're welcome. As a doctor, it's our duty to cure and save people. As a doctor who has never seen such a special case, we sincerely hope that she can recover here!"Oscar did not wait for Ye Feng to say, "I have an important meeting over there. We have a case that is not much simpler than here. We have to work out a treatment plan today, so I won't accompany you. If you accompany the patient to talk more, maybe it will help her wake up!"

Ye Feng thanks Oscar again. After watching Oscar walk away, he moves a stool and sits beside Amy, holding her hand.

Looking at Amy on the bed, Ye Feng can't help saying, "can you hear me?"

Amy didn't respond. She just lay still.

Ye Feng continued to say to Amy, "if you wake up, I'll take you away from here, away from the disturbance here!"

At this time, Ye Feng noticed that Amy's eyes moved again, and immediately stood up, still holding Amy's hand tightly, and asked, "Amy, do you hear me?"

Amy's eyes moved again at this time. Ye Feng held Amy's hand excitedly. "If you can hear me, you can blink twice."

Amy on the bed didn't open her eyes, but her eyelashes moved twice in a row.

Ye Feng excited not, immediately rang the bell at the head of the bed, the doctor called over, let the doctor again to Amy do examination.

After the inspection, Oscar came to see the inspection report, opened Amy's eyelids and said to Ye Feng, "Congratulations, she's conscious. She can hear any sound!"

But Ye Feng said to Oscar, "but she didn't wake up!"

Oscar immediately toward Ye Feng said, "can't worry, step by step, she can hear the voice, has not far away from waking up!"

Ye Feng nodded excitedly, then thought of what, immediately asked again, "won't there be another possibility?"

Oscar said to Ye Feng this time, "there's no other possibility this time. She'll wake up, and it's one or two days at the latest!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, immediately grateful to hold Oscar's hand, and Oscar can't help but thank.

Oscar also told Ye Feng to continue to talk more with Amy, which is good for her to wake up completely.

After everyone left, Ye Feng continued to sit beside Amy, holding her hand and saying this to her.

After about an hour, Ye Feng's mouth is dry. He turns around to pour water. When he turns back with a water cup, he sees that Amy on the bed has opened her eyes.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately put down her water cup and quickly came to the bedside, holding Amy's hand tightly, "are you awake at last?"

But Amy looked at Ye Feng in surprise and looked around, "where is this? Who are you? "

When Ye Feng heard this, his face suddenly looked at Amy, "don't you know me?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Amy shook her head and said, "don't you know? But your voice is very familiar. When I sleep, do you always talk in my ear? "

Ye Fengxin looked at Amy on the bed in surprise. For a moment, she didn't know what was going on?

At this time, Amy tries to sit up. Ye Feng goes to help her. After she sits down, she looks at Amy and says, "you really don't know me?"

After looking at Ye Feng for a long time, Amy shook her head and said, "I really don't know you? By the way, what is this place? Why am I here? "

Ye Feng looked at Amy and said, "you really don't remember at all?"

Amy touched her head and tried to remember something. She murmured, "I remember I was jumping towards the crater, and then I don't remember anything

Ye Feng a listen to this words, eyebrow can't help a wrinkly way, "volcano mouth?"

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