Amy looked at Ye Feng blankly, and then murmured a few words. After a while, she held her head and said, "I don't know. My head hurts!"

Ye Feng originally wanted to ask more questions. Seeing Amy like this, he at least helped her to lie down and said, "don't think about anything now. You just recovered. Have a good rest first!"

Amy lay on the bed, staring at Ye Feng for a long time, and then asked him, "do you know me? Who are you? "

Ye Feng didn't speak yet. Amy immediately asked, "isn't this city occupied by monsters? Are we in the south? "

When Ye Feng heard this, he suddenly looked at Amy with a look of awe inspiring. After staring at her for a long time, he seemed to understand everything. The monster is Cao Yihai's so-called virtual world. When Amy just woke up, he mentioned the crater. He immediately stood up and said to Amy, "are you du Yuexiu?"

On hearing this, Amy's face also looked at Ye Feng slightly, "how do you know me? Have we met? "

Ye Feng can't believe his ears. It turns out that there is a brain wave consciousness entangled with Amy's brain computer in Takla's server, which is Du Yuexiu's consciousness.

Ye Feng clearly remembers that in the virtual world, Du Yuexiu has jumped into the volcano and died in order to save herself. He didn't expect that he would have a chance to meet Du Yuexiu in this way after returning to the real world.

Ye Feng then excitedly holds Amy's hand, and her lips tremble toward Du Yuexiu, "I am I'm Ye Feng... "

Du Yuexiu a listen to this words, the pupil is suddenly enlarged to stare at Ye Feng way, "are you Ye Feng?"

But after glancing at Ye Feng, he shook his head and said, "no, you're not Ye Feng. How can you be Ye Feng?"

Ye Feng immediately tells Du Yuexiu how he and she got to know each other, and finally how he and Du Yuexiu got to the border of the demons. He jumps into the crater with Du Yuexiu, and how Du Yuexiu saved himself and died.

Du Yuexiu was already surprised when she heard that Ye Feng and how she knew each other. After that, everything Ye Feng said was her own experience with Ye Feng. She began to believe that the strange man in front of her was Ye Feng. When Ye Feng said that she died to save him, Du Yuexiu could see that there was something in Ye Feng's eyes Silk tears, she has determined in front of the man is Ye Feng, immediately sat up, a hug Ye Feng.

Ye Feng is also a little excited. After all, Du Yuexiu, like Amy, is a woman who died for herself. Originally, he thought that he would never meet Du Yuexiu again in his life. He didn't expect to see her again in this special form. He was so excited that he couldn't express it. He just hugged Du Yuexiu and patted her on the back.

After a long time, Du Yue slowly pushed away Ye Feng and looked at him in surprise. "How did you become like this? Why didn't I die? Did you save me? "

Ye Feng shakes his head, sits on the stool, holds Du Yuexiu's hand, and explains to Du Yuexiu, "do you still remember the so-called truth of the world we saw at the border of the demons?"

Du Yuexiu is in a daze and stares at Ye Feng. She is still confused now. After thinking for a long time, she nods and says, "yes, we have seen the truth of the world!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said to Du Yuexiu, "yes, what is the truth of that world?"

Du Yuexiu immediately said, "our world is virtual, unrealistic, and created by a force!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "yes, that world is the virtual world, and where you are now is the real world!"

Du Yuexiu looked at Ye Feng in consternation after hearing the speech. After a long time, she didn't recover. She looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you mean Where we are now is reality The real world

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, this is the most real world. Now you are not a virtual person, and your life is not a virtual world! The most important thing is that there are no monsters and demons in this world. It's a normal world

Du Yuexiu a listen to these words, immediately some excited to see to Ye Feng, "and more than ten years ago, did not change the world the same?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, just like you! But it's more real than the one you lived more than ten years ago

Du Yuexiu immediately got up from bed and said, "I want to see the real world!" Then he walked towards the window and saw the sea level in the distance. From time to time, seagulls flew by. A gust of sea breeze came towards him with a hint of the sea. Du Yuexiu was very refreshing.

Du Yuexiu suddenly felt that the whole person was relaxed. When she looked back, she saw that Ye Feng had come over. She couldn't help laughing at Ye Feng and said, "it's so nice here!"

Ye Feng just laughed and didn't say much. The real world is really good, but their place may not be much safer than the virtual world before.

Du Yuexiu then looked out of the window for a long time, then turned back and said to Ye Feng, "is that what you look like in the real world?"Ye Feng shrugged, didn't explain too much to Du Yuexiu, just said with a smile, "how? You're a little disappointed, aren't you? "

Du Yuexiu shook her head with a smile and said, "no, no, I'm too impressed with your appearance before, and I'm not used to your appearance now!"

Ye Feng smelt speech to smile, "a pair of skin bag just, only after experiencing life and death and parting, can know what is not important, what is the most precious!"

Du Yuexiu heard that Ye Feng seemed to have something to say, but he didn't ask much. At this time, she asked Ye Feng, "did you save me? How did you get me out of the virtual world? "

When Ye Feng hears this, he stares at Du Yuexiu. Although he knows that she is Du Yuexiu at this time, her appearance is Amy's, which suddenly reminds Ye Feng of Amy again. At this time, he immediately asks Du Yuexiu, "by the way, do you still feel something wrong?"

Du Yuexiu smell speech looked at Ye Feng, shook his head way, "no, I feel very good!"

Ye Feng frowned slightly, then asked Du Yuexiu, "when you were in a coma, did you feel anything?"

Du Yuexiu looked at Ye Feng in surprise for a while. After thinking for a long time, she said to Ye Feng, "it seems that someone is talking to me!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "that is I have been with you, talking to you!"

Du Yuexiu shook her head and said, "no, I can hear you talking. I'm talking about another voice, a woman's voice!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng suddenly looked at Du Yuexiu and said, "woman? What did you hear her say? "

Du Yuexiu pondered and frowned, as if trying to think about something. After a while, she touched her head and said, "my head seems a little dizzy!"

Ye Feng smell speech quickly help Du Yuexiu toward the bed, finally will Du Yuexiu help on the bed, let her lie down, this just said, "don't worry, you just is a serious illness, escape from death, your body still need a good rest!"

Du Yuexiu didn't seem to hear Ye Feng talking at this time. Her eyebrows were still locked and her mouth kept saying, "my head hurts..."

Seeing this, Ye Feng asked Du Yuexiu with concern, "is it just that the head is not comfortable? You wait, I'll call the doctor... "

And at this time, Du Yuexiu suddenly looked up at Ye Feng, "are you dead?"

Ye Feng was surprised by Du Yuexiu, "ah?"

Du Yuexiu rubbed his temple and said to Ye Feng, "where is this? Am I not dead? "

At this time, Ye Feng stood up and looked at Du Yuexiu carefully. "Are you Amy?"

Du Yuexiu looked up at Ye Feng and said, "I'm not Amy. Who else can I be?"

After hearing this, Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved. He carefully looked at the woman on the bed in front of him. He couldn't see who she was from her appearance. After all, even Du Yuexiu used Amy's body.

At this time, Amy reached out to touch her back and said, "I remember that I was shot in the back. It seemed that my consciousness was blurred at that time! I thought I was dead... "

Ye Feng determined that the woman in front of her was Amy. She immediately sat down and looked at Amy carefully. "How do you feel now?"

Amy took a look at Ye Feng, and then said, "it seems that I don't feel much. I don't feel much where I was shot in the back!"

But Ye Feng looked at Amy and said, "I don't mean physically, but consciously!"

Amy can't help frowning at Ye Feng and says, "what do you mean?"

Ye Feng quickly explained, "do you feel that there is another voice in your mind? Or do you feel like there's another person in your body? "

Amy stared at Ye Feng for a while and said in surprise, "is there another person in my body? Why didn't I feel it? "

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