Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help looking at Amy in surprise. After staring at her for a long time, she doesn't find anything strange about Amy.

It seems that the two Consciousnesses in Amy's body are completely free to switch when she is unconscious, leaving no trace at all.

Ye Feng once thought that if she saw Du Yuexiu before, she had any hallucinations. Now she can't see the trace of Du Yuexiu on Amy.

Amy saw that Ye Feng's eyes were strange. She unconsciously touched her face and looked at Ye Feng in surprise. "What's wrong with me? Do I have any questions? "

Ye Feng just recovered and said nothing to Amy. He knew in his heart that maybe Amy didn't know what happened.

However, before the disappearance of Du Yuexiu, she said that she heard a woman talking to her in her mind. Why did Amy not know anything?

I don't seem to understand this. I have to find a chance to ask Oscar later. Maybe I can get the answer I want from him.

At this time, there is a knock on the door of the ward. Ye Feng looks back and sees Oscar in a white coat has come in.

Ye Feng is looking for Oscar, did not expect that Oscar has come, and at this time Oscar stood at the door, surprised to see Amy on the bed, quickly came over and said, "thank God, this is incredible!"

Said Oscar let Amy lie down, said he would give Amy to do a simple examination.

Amy looks at Ye Feng in surprise. It's obvious that she doesn't believe anyone except Ye Feng. However, after Ye Feng nods to herself, she relaxes her vigilance and lies down to accept Oscar's examination.

Ye Feng also stood on one side, watching Oscar do some simple things for Amy, and then looked at the data on the instrument display on the side of the doctor's bed, finally nodded to Amy, "there's no problem at the moment, but you still need to have a good rest!"

Amy nodded to orcas, said thank you, and said nothing more.

When Oscar was about to leave, Ye Feng and Amy said, "you have a rest. I'll come out for a while."

Ye Feng said, followed by Oscar out of the ward, just out of the ward, Oscar asked Ye Feng, "if you have any questions, just ask it!"

Listen to Oscar say so, Ye Feng can't help but eyebrow move tunnel, "she is not completely recovered?"

Oscar said to Ye Feng, "it depends on how you understand!"

Ye Feng brow a tight tunnel, "how to say?"

Oscar immediately explained, "from the point of view of physical function, she really has nothing to do with it, but she lost too much blood before, and now she still needs to rest. After a period of rest, there will be no problem at all!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "well, Dr. Oscar, do you mean that on another level, she still has problems?"

As soon as Oscar heard this, he immediately nodded and said, "yes, there's no problem with the body, but there may be a big problem with the consciousness!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, immediately said, "yes, I also have a thing, want to talk with you!"

As soon as Oscar heard this, he asked Ye Feng, "what?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "when Amy just woke up, it was another woman, but I spoke well with her. She told me that when she was sleeping, she heard what another woman was saying to her. Just as she was saying, that woman seemed to disappear without warning, and then Amy came back!"

As soon as Oscar heard this, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "as we said before, two of them were detected in her EEG, so it's very likely that she will have two personalities!"

Ye Feng immediately said at this time, "also, I just asked Amy, she seems to be different from the previous woman, she does not seem to feel the existence of another consciousness in her body!"

Oscar pondered for a while. After a long time, he nodded to Ye Feng and said, "it may have something to do with the strength of consciousness. Before, she obviously felt her consciousness, but if she didn't feel it, it should be the main consciousness. At present, it is still relatively strong, so the consciousness of the other woman you mentioned will be disturbed by her consciousness Yes, it's interference. Actually, it's not the dialogue women understood before, but a kind of interference of consciousness. The woman's consciousness doesn't interfere with the main consciousness, so the main consciousness can't feel it! "

After listening to ESCA's explanation, Ye Feng suddenly nodded, and then a new question sprang up. He immediately asked Oscar, "does that mean that the weak party's consciousness will be swallowed by the strong party?"

Oscar pondered for a while, but he didn't speak for a long time. His brow was locked at this time, as if he couldn't explain himself clearly.

Ye Feng has been looking at Oscar, the whole process did not speak, is waiting for the answer of Oscar.

Finally, Oscar sighed, "I have said before that brain science is a difficult problem for human beings. I can't give you an accurate answer, and I believe no brain expert in the world can give you an accurate answer!"Oscar said immediately and said, "in the end is the strong side completely engulfed the weak side, or the strong side and the weak side of the fusion, or the strong side has been suppressing the other side, this who also can't explain clearly!"

Ye Feng can't help sighing when she hears Oscar say this. She can't get the answer from Oscar. She probably won't get the answer in her life. Her only chance is to find the answer from Amy.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng asked Oscar, "will this problem of consciousness affect her body?"

Oscar immediately said, "I can tell you for sure that the problem of consciousness will not affect the body! This is a lot of brain dead people, can persist for a long time, the human body is actually related to the brain has nothing to do with it, this is a wonderful phenomenon! For a moment, I can't explain it to you too clearly. In a word, remember, it won't affect her body! "

Listening to Oscar's explanation, ye Fengsong said, "as long as it doesn't affect her body, as for the problem of consciousness, I should pay more attention to it myself."

Oscar can't help nodding, then suddenly remembered something, reminded Ye Feng, "there is another problem, you need to have a proper idea, because there are two consciousness in the brain of blade, in the process of conversion, there may be a short brain short circuit phenomenon, that time may be a few seconds, maybe a few minutes, or even longer, in this period of time During that time, her body is not autonomous, so during that time, she is actually dangerous. In other words, she can't get rid of people around her, because no one can guarantee when she will transform her consciousness. "

Ye Feng heard Oscar say so, immediately sighed, secret way is ah, who knows when Amy will become Du Yuexiu, and when Du Yuexiu will become Amy?

Oscar patted Ye Feng on the shoulder and said, "fortunately, it's your logistics technician. If you're a secret service group, you'll have to go on a mission at any time, so there's no autopsy to take care of her!"

Ye Feng gave a wry smile. Where does Oscar know what logistics personnel he is?

But he didn't say anything to oskado. Oscar chatted with Ye Feng again, and then he left.

After seeing Oscar go away, Ye Feng turns to enter the ward and sees Amy staring out of the window.

He went to the bedside, sat down, and said to Amy, "Amy, you heard that just now, Dr. Oscar said, you have no problem!"

At this time, Amy turned her head and looked at Ye Feng in surprise. "Amy? Are you calling me

Ye Feng saw this, and his heart suddenly turned to Lin. after staring at Amy for a long time, he said, "Du Yuexiu?"

But Amy looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "who else can I be?"

Ye Feng then realized that Amy's consciousness had disappeared, and now Du Yuexiu's consciousness occupied the body,.

When Cao Yihai got into the virtual world before, he had two Consciousnesses in his body, but he completely suppressed the consciousness of Fei Chai Ye Feng. At most, Fei Chai Ye Feng could communicate with himself with consciousness, but he could not control his body instead.

But now Amy and Du Yuexiu are totally different. It seems that they are going to take turns in business. Ye Feng has seen that Amy has become Du Yuexiu, Du Yuexiu has become Amy, and now Du Yuexiu has become Du Yuexiu. Is the frequency of their conversion so high in the future?

Ye Feng remembers that just now Oscar said that Amy's main consciousness is relatively strong. According to Oscar's theory, even if Amy can't swallow up Du Yuexiu's consciousness, at least she can suppress Du Yuexiu's consciousness. But now it seems that Oscar's theory is not good at all.

In fact, Ye Feng's heart is also very contradictory. In fact, he not only hopes that Amy will not die, but also hopes to see Du Yuexiu. It's better that two people coexist.

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