Ye Fenggang is about to say something to Du Yuexiu when his mobile phone rings. He immediately picks up his mobile phone and takes a look. He finds that it's the number of Takla.

Ye Feng knows that Takla should know that he is on the side of the medical building. If there is no emergency, he won't call him.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately got through to Takla. As soon as he got through, he heard Takla say, "go, Jackson's people have gone to the medical building to find you!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart next move a way, "you there what circumstance, want me to save you?"

But Takla said to Ye Feng, "I'm ok here. He still needs me to help him with the server and your research project. Moreover, I'm loyal to him on the surface. He won't do anything to me. Run away quickly!"

Ye Feng said a thank you, immediately hung up the phone, then toward the bed Du Yuexiu way, "how do you feel now? Can you still run? "

Du Yuexiu can't help but look at Ye Feng in dismay and say, "run? Why run? "

Ye Feng has no time to explain anything to Du Yuexiu. He just says to Du Yuexiu, "I'll take you away from this island first!"

Du Yuexiu said in surprise, "is this an island? Are we on the island? "

Ye Feng did not speak, went directly to the bed, helped Du Yuexiu stand up from the bed, let Du Yuexiu try to walk a few steps, found no problem, immediately went to the cupboard and took out a sick suit, to put on himself, and then put his arms around Du Yuexiu's shoulder, while walking towards the door, said, "no matter what happens, you will follow me!"

Du Yuexiu smell speech firmly toward Ye Feng nodded, "I know!"

Ye Feng took Du Yuexiu out of the ward and immediately walked toward the elevator. Before he reached the entrance of the elevator, he saw several security guards standing in the crowd of the elevator.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately turns around Du Yuexiu and walks to the other side. Du Yuexiu is curious and can't help looking at several security guards who have just come out of the elevator. He asks Ye Feng in a low voice, "are they looking for you?"

Ye Feng nodded and said in a low voice, "don't ask so many questions for the time being. When we get to a safe place, I'll explain to you slowly!"

With that, Ye Feng holds Du Yuexiu and goes to the stairway of the safe passage. He goes downstairs from the stairway. When he gets to the next floor, Ye Feng stands at the door of the safe passage and takes a look outside to see if there is a security guard on the floor. When he doesn't find anything, he immediately takes Du Yuexiu out, goes directly to the elevator door and presses the elevator button.

After a while, the elevator door opens, and Ye Feng immediately embraces Du Yuexiu into the elevator. At the same time, there are several people in sick clothes in the elevator who are discussing their illness.

Ye Feng was a little relieved. When the elevator reached the first floor, after the elevator door was opened, Ye Feng looked at the door of the medical building, but saw that there were several people in security uniforms at the door, looking around.

Ye Feng immediately came out of the elevator with Du Yuexiu in his arms. Then he turned and walked towards the back door. Before he got there, he saw several security guards at the back door.

Ye Feng's heart moves, immediately embraces Du Yuexiu and sits on the stool in the corridor. In fact, he has been thinking about a question: who is in charge of the security department now? How can you follow the orders of Jackson from the technology department?

Even if Jackson could use money or relationships, he would at most bribe one or two security guards. Now it seems that the whole security department is at his disposal.

Du Yuexiu was also observing the surrounding environment, and knew that she was in a hospital. At this time, she recited a few pithy words, but finally she was puzzled, "my invisibility charm doesn't work at all?"

Ye Feng can't help but be stunned when he hears the speech. After looking at Du Yuexiu in surprise, he reminds Du Yuexiu, "those skills are all from the virtual world. This is the real world. There are no such things at all. Here, we are all ordinary people!"

Du Yuexiu had thought of this before, but she still wanted to try it. As a result, she really didn't have any skills.

At this time, Ye Feng is thinking about how to get away. At this time, he finds that the security guard at the back door has come towards the corridor, and while walking, he is talking to the walkie talkie on his shoulder, and at the same time, he is looking at the patients sitting on both sides of the corridor.

Ye Feng knew that it must be the person who went upstairs to the ward to find himself and Du Yuexiu. So he began to inform the security guards in other places. The security guards downstairs began to search everywhere.

Ye Feng sees that several security guards are coming towards him and Du Yuexiu. Du Yuexiu is holding Ye Feng's arm at this time. Seeing several security guards coming, the hand holding Ye Feng's arm can't help tightening.

At this time, Ye Feng patted Du Yuexiu's hand to comfort her, saying that there was no problem.

But even so, the security guard noticed Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu, immediately took down the walkie talkie on his shoulder, said something to the walkie talkie, and walked quickly towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time. Without waiting for the other party to come, he immediately pulled Du Yuexiu to stand up. At the same time, he jumped the bench beside the corridor with his feet. In an instant, the bench flew straight to the security guard.Ye Feng doesn't care whether he hits the other side or not. He pulls Du Yuexiu to the other side and runs to the other side. However, the security guard at the gate has rushed over and blocked both sides of the corridor.

The security guards on both sides of the corridor rush towards Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu at the same time. Ye Feng knows that he can't escape for a while. If he doesn't solve these security guards, he can't even get out of the medical building. He can't help but clench his fist.

At this time, several security guards walked towards Ye Feng, persuading other patients in the corridor to get out of the way. At the same time, they also took out pistols one after another.

Seeing this, Ye Feng thought that if she was alone, she would be able to escape. But now she has another Du Yuexiu who has just recovered from a serious illness. It's a bit troublesome to leave here. Last time, she had to be shot by Amy because of her escape. If this happens again, Amy's body may not have this good luck.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng sighed, raised his hands and said, "I surrender!"

Du Yuexiu looked at Ye Feng in dismay, and then raised her hand with Ye Feng.

Several security guards saw that Ye Feng had already raised his hand to surrender, which slowed down the speed. One of them pointed a gun at Ye Feng and said, "hold your head in both hands, face the wall!"

Ye Feng motioned to Du Yuexiu to follow the instructions of the security guard. As soon as he turned around and leaned against the wall, several security guards swarmed up and directly held Ye Feng down. At the same time, a security guard caught Du Yuexiu.

Ye Feng's hand was handcuffed directly by the security guard behind, immediately pulled Ye Feng to get up a way, "still want to run?"

Ye Feng sneers at this time a way, "you won't want to start here?"

One of the guards sneered and said, "do you know you killed people?"

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move tunnel, "you mean the seaside of those two security guards, one of them is I kill, the other is one of them kill, and they want to kill me, so I started!"

Among them, the security guard immediately snapped, "as long as you admit it, as for why, you don't have to explain it to us, go and explain it to the people in the investigation department!"

Ye Feng can't help but sneer, "is it the investigation department again? Last time, the two security guards also said they were going to the investigation room. I want to ask, is the investigation room you are going to take me to also at the seaside? "

At this time, Du Yuexiu was also pulled over by the security guard and pushed towards Ye Feng. Then the security guard pushed them towards the gate.

Du Yuexiu looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what's the matter? Do you kill people? "

Ye Feng said to the security guard at this time, "you let her go, she is still a patient, she doesn't know anything, everything is my own problem!"

, the security guard sneered, "do you have any questions, and whether she has any problems? I didn't say anything. We were only responsible for catching people. Is there any problem? The people in the interrogation Department has the final say!"

Say Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu have been pushed to the door of the medical building by them, the hall of the medical building is full of people, looking at what happened here.

After leaving the medical building, Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu are taken to the investigation building. Ye Feng can't help but move. Do these security guards really take themselves to the investigation department instead of going to the seaside?

Just thinking about it, one of the security guards pressed the walkie talkie and reported to the front desk, "the man has been caught. Now he is on his way to the investigation department. It is estimated that he will arrive in ten minutes at the latest!"

A man's voice immediately came from the walkie talkie and said, "OK, don't have any accidents. Cao Yihai is not an ordinary technician. You must pay attention to it!"

The security guard said to the walkie talkie, "got it, got it!" After turning off the walkie talkie, I can't help looking at Ye Feng more. I'm still in the dark. This guy didn't resist. What's to pay attention to?

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