But then he thought, after all, it's the people who killed their two colleagues. It's better to be more careful.

Escort Ye Feng all the way to the building where the investigation department is located. After entering, Ye Feng is familiar with everything here. Their secret service team is also in this building.

However, the secret service department is on the top floor, while the investigation department is on the second floor underground. After entering the elevator, the security guard directly pressed the button on the second floor underground.

After the elevator slowly descended to the second floor underground, the elevator door opened, and the security guard escorted Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu to walk along the corridor in front of them again.

Soon to an investigation room, security opened the door, will Ye Feng into, Ye Feng looked back at Du Yuexiu was taken to another investigation room.

Ye Feng immediately said to the security guard, "she is recovering from a serious illness. You lock him up with me!"

But the security guard sneered and said, "do you want to prepare another bed for you? Will you live here?"

Say to push Ye Feng, push Ye Feng directly into the investigation room, then untie the handcuffs of Ye Feng's one hand, when preparing to handcuff the handcuffs on the welding table on the ground, Ye Feng immediately forced the man to pull in front of him.

When the man arrived in front of him, he hit the security guard's neck with the blade of his hand. Suddenly, he felt suffocated, so that the security guard didn't have time to react, so he fell to the ground immediately.

Seeing this, the security guard at the door immediately reached out to draw the gun. However, Ye Feng flew over directly and hit the man's face with his knee. The security guard immediately fell to the ground.

When Ye Feng falls, he holds the door frame in both hands. The security guard outside the door just rushes into the investigation room. Ye Feng immediately grabs the man's neck with a pair of scissors legs and twists it hard. The man immediately turns over and directly hits the wall.

In addition, the security guard who escorts Du Yuexiu over there immediately pulls out his gun and rushes towards Ye Feng. However, as soon as Ye Feng comes out, he immediately falls to the ground, slides forward on the ground, and directly shovels the two people in front of him with his legs.

Without waiting for the two to react, Ye Feng, a carp, jumped up and punched the two lying on the ground. In an instant, they fell to the ground and did not move.

Ye Feng immediately snatched the gun from their hands, handed it to Du Yuexiu, immediately took Du Yuexiu and walked toward the elevator.

But then I heard a sharp alarm in the corridor, one after another.

Ye Fengxin next move, know which security must be in the end after ringing the alarm, he can't control so much, directly pull Du Yuexiu toward the elevator.

Ye Feng immediately pressed down the elevator, but when waiting for the elevator to descend, there was a sudden sound of footwork behind him. Ye Feng looked back and saw that six or seven security guards, armed with live ammunition, were running towards them.

After seeing Ye Feng turn back, a security guard immediately shoots at this side. Ye Feng knows that TSL headquarters has a clear regulation that anyone who meets a traitor or a fugitive can be killed directly without any interrogation.

Ye Feng immediately pulls Du Yuexiu to hide to one side of the wall, and then toward Du Yuexiu, "wait for the elevator door to open, let's impact together, and then hide on both sides of the elevator, do you have any problem?"

Du Yuexiu looks a little nervous. She holds the gun in both hands and nods nervously towards Ye Feng.

When Ye Feng sees Du Yuexiu like this, he can't help sighing. He secretly says that Du Yuexiu is a master of aura in the virtual world, but in real life, without the skill blessing of those auras, it's estimated that even Amy's skill is inferior.

Just thinking about it, but listening to the sound of the elevator Ding, the elevator door has been slowly opened, Ye Feng immediately reached out to pull Du Yuexiu's hand.

But at this time saw Du Yuexiu standing in situ motionless, Ye Feng can not help but a Leng, but saw Du Yuexiu's eyes began to be confused, the body seems to be completely independent of the general side.

Ye Feng's heart suddenly a Lin, is not this time, Du Yuexiu and Amy complete the transformation of consciousness?

And at this time, Ye Feng also heard the sound of stepping on one side of the corridor. It was obvious that the security guard was approaching.

Ye Feng embraces Du Yuexiu and Amy's body in one hand, and holds a gun in the other hand. After taking a deep breath, he says in secret. Now it seems that he can only fight hard.

And at this time, arms nestled up to their own Amy, suddenly looking at Ye Feng way, "how can we be here?"

Ye Feng said to Amy, "are you awake at last? We are in danger

Amy looked at the gun in her hand and heard the cautious footsteps coming from one side of the corridor. Her heart suddenly moved and said, "who?"

Ye Feng said to Amy, "security of TSL investigation department!"

On hearing this, Amy looked around in surprise and said, "why is there a security guard in TSL investigation department here?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "after you were shot, I brought you to the island where TSL headquarters is located. Isn't this the place you dream of?"

Amy was stunned, but before she could speak, she saw a security guard in the corner looking towards them. Amy immediately raised her gun to the other side.But the security guard immediately retracted his head when he heard the gunshot, and Amy shot through the bricks in the corner.

Ye Feng then saw that the elevator door had been closed, and he automatically returned to the first floor on the ground. Now it's unrealistic for him to rush out and open the elevator. After all, the security guard of TSL is not an ordinary security guard, and the shooting method is one in a hundred. No matter how good he is, he may be beaten into a sieve.

He then said to Amy, "don't aim at the point, just the hitters and legs!"

Amy frowned. "What do you mean?"

Ye Feng said to Amy, "we don't need to fall out with TSL now. As long as you don't kill people, you can still save your life at the critical time!"

Amy didn't speak. At this time, there was a security probe in the corner. As soon as Amy raised her gun, she thought of what Ye Feng said. She immediately fired a shot under the corner and hit the man in the foot.

That person pain of immediately stuffy hum a of drew back, leaf Feng can't help but how tongue way, "didn't expect you to shoot so accurate?"? What do you mean

Amy complacently smiles at Ye Feng. At this time, there is a sound of walking in the corridor on the other side. Ye Feng knows it must be someone else.

Amy can't help but say to Ye Feng, "if we can't get to the point like this, we'll have to die..."

Ye Feng thought of this, immediately picked up the mobile phone, quickly dialed a number, while waiting for the other party to connect, while facing Amy, "in this way, it seems that I can only expose my identity!"

Amy can't help but eyebrow move when she hears the words. She hasn't spoken yet. The phone has been connected, and Ye Feng immediately says to her mobile phone, "Hi, jackass!"

The other end of the phone was immediately surprised and said, "who are you? How do you know my name? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "do you still need to ask? Who else in the world can call you shit besides me

The voice on the other end of the phone was even more surprised, "you are You are Satan? My God... "

Ye Feng immediately said, "don't worry so much, don't ask so much. I'm in your investigation department now, and I'm surrounded by your people. Next, either I'm killed by them or I'm going to kill them. If you don't want to see someone die, call them back immediately!"

The voice on the other end of the phone was still a little surprised and said, "are you really Satan?"

Ye Feng immediately angrily scolded, "paralysis, do you have to kill me to your office, you just believe it?" Then he hung up immediately.

Amy looked at Ye Feng in amazement. After Ye Feng put away her mobile phone, she immediately shrugged her shoulders and said, "before, my subordinates were transferred from the secret service department to the investigation department after they were injured. It's just this character. I have to scold him for a while to be happy!"

Ai Mei hears Ye Feng say so, at this time is also a shrug way, "your old subordinate, the character is really cheap!"

Ye Feng smiles and doesn't speak. At this time, he sees that the footsteps on both sides of the corridor are very close. Ye Feng can't guarantee whether Jack really believes that he is Satan by his own phone.

If Jack had a little doubt, he would have to kill himself.

However, after waiting for a long time, the sound of footsteps suddenly stopped, and then there was another sound of footsteps, just the sound of walking away.

Ye Feng sighed and looked at Amy. "It seems Jack believed it!"

Just then, Jack's voice came from one side of the corridor and said, "Satan? Is that you? "

Ye Feng immediately patted Amy's hand holding the pistol, motioned her to put the gun away, and then walked to the side of the corridor, revealing half of her head and having a look. However, at the end of the corridor, there was a man with curly hair about thirty, who was sitting in an electric wheelchair and was coming towards this side.

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