Ye Feng recognized each other at a glance. It was Jack who contacted him. Jack looked like he was only 289 years old. His legs were lost in a mission. Since then, he was transferred to the investigation department of logistics.

Jack starts the automatic wheelchair and comes to Ye Feng and Amy. He looks at Ye Feng in surprise. Obviously, he can't recognize Ye Feng as Satan.

Jack stopped in the middle of his wheelchair, looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you..."

Ye Feng first throws the pistol to one side of the ground and says that he has no weapon. Then he comes to Jack and smiles at him! You are still the same

Jack stares at Ye Feng with disbelief and says, "are you Satan?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, and then glanced at Jack's back with his spare light. He saw that although the security guards had withdrawn, they were still standing in the distance, ready to stand by.

He squatted down, looked at Jack in front of him and said, "yes, I am Satan!"

Jack shook his head. "It's impossible. It's incredible!"

Ye Feng said to Jack, "you should have heard that after that mission, my head was sent back to do a research in the technology department!"

Jack suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you mean the research that Dixie insisted on that is said to revive you?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "yes, that's the study!"

Jack still looks at Ye Feng with an unbelievable look on his face and says, "it's incredible. I always think it's just Dixie's wishful thinking. I didn't expect that This My God, what a shock

Then Jack stretched out his hand to Ye Feng, touched Ye Feng's face and said, "how did you become like this? I really I don't know what to say! "

Ye Feng said with a smile to Jack, "it's not as handsome as I used to be, but at least it's my body now. Just accept it."

Jack has been staring at Ye Feng for a long time, looking up and down left and right again and again, his eyes are still some unacceptable.

However, the tone of Ye Feng's speech and knowing what happened between him and himself are indisputable facts, that is to say, the person in front of him is indeed Ye Feng who has changed his appearance, which can not tolerate his doubt.

Jack finally accepted it in his heart, but he looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "how can you be here? Why did our investigation department arrest you? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's hard to say. I'll simply say that my body now is the body of the technician who helped me revive. His research project is to transplant brain waves into another body. I'm a successful example. You should be familiar with Jackson, the director of Technology Department. Now he has something to do with outside organizations and wants to use this technology They resell it to outside organizations, so they want to kill me. Two security guards of the security department are going to take me to the seaside to kill me. You know me, I just fight back as usual, but there are surveillance everywhere on this island, so these people of your investigation department regard me as a murderer and want to bring me here to investigate! "

After hearing Ye Feng's words, Jack nodded and said to Ye Feng, "in other words, the two security guards who took you to the seaside have been bribed by Jackson?"

Ye Feng nodded, but listen to Jack continue to say, "that is to say, our investigation department has a ghost?"

Ye Feng can't help shrugging his shoulders and says to Jack, "Jackson dares to do this. It's definitely not just a few insiders in the investigation department. I believe there are insiders in the top management of our TSL!"

Jack looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully for a while. After a long time, he said to Ye Feng, "it's not convenient to talk here. In this way, you and I will go to my office first, and we'll have a detailed chat!"

Ye Feng nods. Jack looks at Ye Feng and looks at her in surprise. He can't help asking Ye Feng, "is she?"

Ye Feng immediately said to Jack, "she is a friend of mine. She was injured and almost died. I brought her to the island for treatment!"

Jack stares at Amy for a while, then nods and says, "come with me." he immediately turns his wheelchair and heads for the end of the corridor.

Amy walked up to Ye Feng and said, "shall we go with him?"

Ye Feng patted Amy's hand and said, "it doesn't matter!" Then he led Amy to follow Jack.

Soon he came to the group of security guards, and Jack told them, "it's none of your business here. Just leave it to me. You all go and do your own business."

After all the security guards retreat, Jack starts his automatic wheelchair and goes to the end of the corridor.

Soon to the end of the corridor in front of a door, Jack immediately opened the door, open the electric wheelchair in, Ye Feng is not polite, directly with Amy went in.

The room is not too big, but it's very tidy, and there are both office area and reception area. After Jack's electric wheelchair drives to the reception area, he says to Ye Feng, "just sit down. You're very familiar here. Don't pretend to be polite!"Ye Feng smiles and doesn't say much. He signals Amy to sit on the sofa with him. Jack drives the electric wheelchair to the tea room and asks Ye Feng and Amy, "what are you drinking?"

Said, did not wait for Ye Feng to reply, immediately said, "you or black coffee without milk without sugar?"

Ye Feng a smile way, "rare you still remember my taste!"

Jack said with a smile, "how can you not remember?" Then she asked Amy, "where's this beautiful lady?"

Amy said to Jack, "same!"

Jack can't help laughing when he hears the words, "the tastes are so heavy. Are they really the same?"

After a while, Jack came out in an electric wheelchair and put two cups of black coffee on the coffee table.

Ye Feng then said to Jack, "you haven't changed much!"

Jack sighed, "since I was transferred here from the secret service, I've gained a lot of weight. How can I say I haven't changed a bit?"

Ye Feng light smile, holding coffee in his hand shaking, and then said, "this matter, you plan to deal with this?"

Jack is staring at Ye Feng. Hearing Ye Feng's question, he immediately says to Ye Feng, "what do you want me to do?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "now my identity is Cao Yihai of the technology department, not Satan of the secret service department! So it's not convenient for me to come forward with a lot of things. I hope you can make use of the advantages of the investigation department to help me follow Jackson's line and continue to investigate! "

Amy didn't speak all the time. She took a sip of coffee, then put down her coffee cup and looked at Ye Feng and Jack.

Jack took a look at Amy and said to Ye Feng, "you don't need beautiful women everywhere, even if you change a skin bag!"

Ye Feng didn't speak yet, but Amy said, "it's been widely said that Satan is a handsome guy, and I don't know if it's true or not!" Then he asked Jack, "was he really that handsome before?"

Jack can't help but smile and say, "I don't know if you are handsome or not, but it can really attract the attention of beauties like you!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "shit jack, don't slander me in front of beautiful women!"

But Amy looked at Ye Feng and Jack in surprise and said, "why do you call him jackass?"

Ye Feng and Jack look at each other and smile. They say in one voice, "do you say it or do I say it?"

Finally, Ye Feng shrugs his shoulders and says to Jack, "say it yourself."

But Jack said to Ye Feng, "how can you say your own embarrassing things? You'd better say it! "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders again, and then said to Amy, "we used to be a secret service team. Once on the day of the mission, Jack stepped on dog shit when he went out!"

Amy said immediately, "is that why? Then you are too boring to give people such a living name? "

Ye Feng said with a smile, "if it's once, then he doesn't deserve the name. After two consecutive attendance, he stepped on dog shit. Is it a coincidence or providence? What's Jack's name? "

On hearing this, Amy looked at Jack in surprise and said, "you stepped on dog shit three times in a row? You're in a bad way

Jack shrugged his shoulders and said, "I've seen ghosts several times. I don't know why. I can step on it every time I go out. It's really bad enough!"

Amy immediately asked, "after that? Never stepped on it again? "

Jack smell speech face slightly move, then look down to his legs, said, "after the last time, I never stepped on dog shit, because I have no legs!"

On hearing this, Amy apologized and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know..."

Jack shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's OK. It's a long time ago. I've long forgotten it!" Then Jack looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you want me to help you investigate Jackson? I'm afraid it's more difficult! As you know, if we TSL want to start an internal investigation, we must have the order of the superior, otherwise we can't do it! "

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